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Everything posted by OldSpiceSwag

  1. h2f in solos, our greatest asset in our only good tree, madness, is basically impossibru bc of our HORRIBLE force regen mechanic
  2. dots 2 stronk bubbles 2 stronk barrier in acid 2 stronk los 2 stronk h2f 2 stronk healothers2f 2 stronk face it solos are just he domain of madness sorcs, all other tremble in their wake bw plz nef even 2 smash maras cannot compete with the all powerful force speed, with which the sorc can easily make them pay and h2f.......wait....... signed, yours truly, mudclit
  3. OldSpiceSwag

    Patch 2.5

    carnage should get the 15 s or whatever it is reduced cd, not smash
  4. ik its b im just wondering what you guys are talking about and if it is b he'll prob be back within the month
  5. hardest viable class by far madness sorc hardest non viable madness sin merc heals or sorc heals
  6. alright u spindly git u wanna tussle?
  7. i swear ill flick the top o' yer peckah till its red as me mams cheeks at christmas time
  8. im trying to think of the best solution that doesnt lead to any nerf. there could be a little pop up saying you arent in a stance when you q or something. idk this solution doesnt nerf a not-OP class while fixing its only problem, the matchmaking aspect
  9. lol im sure youre very good and knowledgeable and not at all the laughing stock of these forums or in game
  10. doesnt change the fact that the rating gain/loss is still total garbage
  11. ap pt in ion is currently the absolute most broken thing in yolo q's atm. HOWEVER the spec itself is NOT overpowered as some people believe. i have literally explained why dozens of times so i wont unless people put on their stupid hats enough. THE ONLY problem with ion tanks is that they are listed as dps. this destroys the matchmaking of yolo queues. so here's the very very simple solution. make stance changing restricted upon queuing for RANKED wzs, same as respec, and classify tank classes as tanks/dps based on their stance. boom as an added bonus this also shuts down the all-dreaded-not actually op-dark maul spec they can both be tank, idc, theyre good tanks in yolos and aps are good in 4s, but they f up yolo queues too much for a MATCHMAKING FIX ONLY not to be implemented
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