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Everything posted by OldSpiceSwag

  1. backing out bruh??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  2. is that on the pts or something?
  3. sorc heals suck in rateds, either go madness or reroll
  4. if you know how your class works in pve just use your pve rotation in pvp regs and over time youll leave the set rotation and learn how to use ur skillz more situationally. you definitely dont NEED to reroll to pvp
  5. i just said i play a sorc you idiot, i have played against pts and a lot of the time theyre first target especially in 4 dps games. in 4s they absolutely melt against a good carnage mara and can only do their aoe burst if the opposing team is dumb enough to line up in a row to get raped only op thing is their getting classified as tanks in yolo qs, other than that, nope
  6. sorc heals=broken, no utility, too easy to shutdown, no way of escaping/mitigating the pain train lightning=broken, too easy to shutdown madness=fine EXCEPT FOR the terrible force regen mechanic. its viable and definitely doable but that force really cripples it in some scenarios.
  7. im not a pt im a *********** sorc you idiot they arent op and the only reason you think they are is bc you lost a couple of games to a team that had guard and you didnt boooohoooo :(:(:(:(:(:(
  8. too...much stupid....cant....resist.... dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur
  9. yes bc everyone that wants the hybrid to continue realllllly cares about regs personally i havent done a reg since s1 they wont f with this hybrid until they fix the other tanks, ie, not for a long time
  10. im sorry, where was the nerf to smash? bc if iirc the nerf was to all maras. in 4s carnage is better than smash as it has bigger more unpredictable burst, nobody complains about that bc not as many people do it well. just another example that shows that overplayed=/= op the only ppl defending pt hybrids are ppl who have a clue
  11. 1. i used to heal on sorc and tried for arenas. i could kite the loltrain but my team would die bc i ran oom and couldnt heal them and myself while getting trained. mater of class not skill 2. 3v1 healer with guard...dont think that works. and if you got 3v1'd by a healer you are bad 3. against competent players no class is easy to play. maybe the rotation and keeping hots is "easy" but with good pressure on you nothing about op healing is really that hard basically you have minimal knowledge and skill in this game and i hope nobody has been listening to you
  12. lol not even close. opness is not a relative quantity. if something sucks and something else is good that good thing isnt op just by nature of being better. it COULD be op but in the case of operatives they are able and have the tools to do the healing and control they need to in 4s as well as have some decent defenses. meanwhile sorcs and mercs have none of that. if ops were brought down and all healers were like sorcs 4s would be a joke, just loltrain the healer every time
  13. youre assuming that killing the hybrid completely is a good idea
  14. cuz hes a pub and doesnt want to reroll cuz i was bored
  15. why would the imps leave if everyone good is an imp? we barely get pub games in solos anyways so who cares. total non sequitur
  16. no thanks i like playing alts as do most players in this game
  17. ops are used in 100% of arena teams, yet they arent op, they are pretty much balanced correctly for arenas, while the other two healers need buffs to be that competitive, since they cant compete.
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