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Everything posted by Spero-Mcgee

  1. Wow awesome news, that basicly means save up the investigation missions you find/buy.
  2. That's good to know indeed! I'm guessing there's drops and craftable ones in patch 1.2. So plz give us a reply again.
  3. Sounds quite good actually. And link some rewards to said tournaments(event). Could be something simple like a rated wz season and then reward the top with creds, mounts whatever. Capture the flag is basicly Huttball, with the unique feature that you can throw it. Other then that its extremely similiar to wow's Warsong Gulch Capture the Flag. (however certain skills we have that helpin SWtorm whether in vanila wow and only came in later expansions, like pulling allies to you) PVP competition though is basicly what rated wz is going to be. Granted the teams will consists of certain adv. classes but thats how it goes.
  4. I thought that at first as well, then I got Overload Saber in the Combat Tree as a Sent which also requires 2 lightsabers, which you'd think make it impossible to use the skill when using 2 vibroswords. However I was able to use the skill just fine. And since the vibroswords have strength just the same they are just as viable. The only question remains are there actually vibroswords that are equal in strength to that of lightsabers in terms of drops? Otherwise it would require a mastercrafted vibrosword and even then those could be inferior to their brother counterparts.
  5. It's the only thing that makes sense. It's in the same vein that aim/cunning blue and purple gear is crafted with armormech. Strength and willpower with synthweaving, granted with the orange gear this of course changes, but it's merely an example. Armstech for those barrels, artifice for those hilts.
  6. Ahh the good ol. Alliance vs Horde debate.
  7. In my experience snares and roots still work or attacks that have slowing components like Telekinectic Throw. If your Resolve Bar is completely white like I mentioned earlier you're completely immune to stuns, like cryo grenade, force lift, knockbacks, flashbang, force stun and so on. You become suseceptible to those once your full white bar is zero, if eople throw their cyro grenade or whatever at you while its still going down youre still immune. Ive noticed my cryo grenades and force stuns not working when someones resolve bar is almost full as well, like it cant handle it because its overkill. (normally a force stuns makes an empty bar full)
  8. Tell me about it! I know common sense is pretty much dead these days, but I'd hope that after playing several wzs people would well suck less. I'm not expecting them to be pvp gods, but seriously some people I know they could do much better it's just.... Or I go damn, got pushed into the acid pit or the fire vent. Heck even the air vents occasionly blow you into the fire vents.
  9. This^. Heck Lord Praven from the Jedi Knight story can be turned to the light, feeling that his way of life and honor comes better to fruition there on the suggestion of the player.
  10. If you feel your heals are lacking 'punch' so to say then replacing a bit of haste for other stats might be a good idea. Ultimately it's a good idea to have it a bit balanced, but certain stats priorities that works for others may not work for you.
  11. Guess I'm one of the very few ones that actually pays attention then. I mean you could also cc or push away the people that guard/heal the ball handler. CC, root, snare focus the healer,(no heals for the ball handler), knockback people off the platforms(so they can't get back unless theyre a warrior or jedi), pull the ball handler with a harpoon of the platforms. That players aren't paying attention to resolve isn't a fault of resolve, if I can manage all these things I mentioned above so can everyone else. Is it a pain in the *** in huttball? Yes it is, but so is easy scoring by just leaping and pulling around that the force users can do. Heck even the simply throwing around of the ball can be considered OP if your team does it well. I even joked yesterday in 6-0 win huttball for us, were I said it's like our characters have huge hands, because you simply have to throw the ball in a wide area and the member closest to it catches it (thats the strength or weakness of it) I don't have to aim precisely on a team mate for it to land where I want it. I could go to the sides of the platforms instead of going through the obstacle course on either side and get pulled by a fellow Sage, (guardian leap if on guardian) or just pass it. To be honest the DR system were you try to fear or whatever for like about 4 times and the target becomes immune works so much better, but then again theres even more ccs stuns there. Also more classes though.
  12. I'm guessing you're just not good at being a commando. Try vanguard or another class. Good luck.
  13. With resolve you have to pay attention very carefully, if the bar is filled almost full then certain cc stuns WILL NOT work and in such a situation you need to wait till it goes down. If it is already full the person you are targeting is completely immune untill the white filled resolve bar is empty(its grey if its not filled completely yet). This is especially important when you'd say want to force push someone and then saber throw andleap right after, if you mess it up, you'd miss out on it. (focus generated) Another problem is that all the cc of every player on a specific target adds up, so you need to take extra care as to not waste a cc/knockback /stun and then end up getting someone in your face and getting killed. Resolve definitely could work better, but I feel alot of players don't even know how it works and just spam there cc/knockback even though you can cleary see the resolve bars of everyone.
  14. Don't die at all during your lvling especially once you get in the higher ranges when dying starts costing you several K to repair all your gear. You could sell blue and purple weapons, armor or orange gear for the lower lvls and of course mats from the various gathering. PvPing everyday completing those dailies + the money in the bags from them also adds up.( at lvl 50 though) Do this on more then 1 char everyday if you have time and you'll rack in tons of creds. Play the GTN perhaps a bit with your gather/craft and there you go. But dailies pve/pvp at lvl 50 is the easiest and guaranteed way to make a profit. It's just well boring. Selling stuff to friends and guildies work alot better and the idea that you also helped someone gear up perhaps ain't too shabby either. UWT missions 340 will give you several mandolorian iron and those silks as well and mandolorian iron goes 20K + per piece on my server.
  15. This is exactly what I mentioned before. Just more ranty and detailed.
  16. There's vendor drops, orange commendation vibroswords that can be wielded in the offhand. The OP has a point, I'd like to mastercraft an offhand vibrosword if there was one but there isn't. For now I'd have to settle with orange vibrosword from the commendations and make it up to date with mods. Which is fine for me, but more options are always good.
  17. Ah I see well that rather makes sense I guess. Guess I'll have to give the OPS a try some time then.
  18. Out of curiosity since I see alot of servers are light most of the time during the day, on what kind of server are you? I don't mind pushing myself to make stuff and maybe sell them on the GTN but if there's hardly every anyone around on the fleet how can I even sell anything? Unless I cut down on the prices. As it stands now, I use crafting to gear myself(main, alts and companions alike) , friends and guildies, but making money of it I'm not sure.
  19. If you dont have much time to raid or dont raid that much at all you could potentially buy the mods from the GTN or from fellow cybertechs then RE them and get the patterns yourself. I know I will be doing this myself. If mats are going the BOE route anyways you might be able to make anything raid related without actually having to raid, as long as you got the creds to spare.
  20. And those that do sell it on the GTN for millions. Hence why I picked up all the crafts/gathering so this becomes a non issue for me. All it boils down for me personally like another person already mentioned, time(creds from dailies or playing the GTN if viable and luck). Torhead already has a list on what versions of orange gear there is. If you wanted to you could make a full orange presence gear filled with presence augments as well, anything is possible, it just costs time. ( and luck )
  21. I assume that you need some sort of rating to buy the rated wz pvp gear. Otherwise all rated wz will be is just titles and ranks which is fine I suppose, but if you could just farm entire days or however long youd like to play with your premade groups and then buy gear simply because you got a x amount of commendations that wouldn't be too great tbh. And then those people that played more will eventuall outgear new people trying to get better at rated wz. Yeah I know skill > gear, but unless theres a system were you get immediate access to the same standard pvp whilst playing rated wz so that at least gear wise it's a lvl playing field, I don't know what else could work.
  22. She'd probably hate you, then you could probably bribe her into liking you again enough to continue on like nothing has happened,. The only time when it matters is I think for romance options. WIth my female consular I had been going out with Theran Cedrax basicly, then eventually I kept getting more and more affection with LT. Iresso till Lt.Iresso decided to propose, now I suppose I'm eventually going to marry LT.Iresso and that locks me out from going further with Theran.
  23. There isn't enough people! Seriously even if I can see LFG, people dont even mention what they want to group up for, they don't mention their role(dps,tank, healer) And more often then not even if there would be enough people, because normally speaking 4 would already be enough, they all happen to be dps, or you end up being a group of 3 and missing out on that 1 crucial member either a tank or healer. Now there is the possibility on using a companion perhaps in these situations but it would have to be quite the geared on and perhaps one of the players could wear a presence set but I dunno. I have done a heroic + 4 belsavis quest with 3 man and 1 healer companion but if this is doable in any of the HM fps I don't know. Bottom line is at the moment we're too reliant on being in a guild and the guild you're in better have active and diverse characters in each role. At the moment as it stands if you're not in such a guild, you're either stuck with rerolling an alt which will also end at some point. Or doing solo pvp. Because people dont use LFG for pvp. Each planet has about 5-10 if you're lucky during lvling (theres a whopping 5 on tatooine while im typing this me included). At lvl 50 people are either out doing dailies or just staying in the fleet, either waiting on the pvp quee which takes forever to start or people are already out in raids or something. I have no idea if ./who can list more than the first 100 people, but I have had moments were ./who only listed like the first 30 people. I've been in several guild that had dozens of members most likely simply alts of 1 or 2 people or whatever. Coming online any day and seeing myself being the only one online or 1 or 2 if Im lucky. If my server actually has 100 active players on it Id be amazed. The servers need to be merged. For pvp there needs to be cross server pvp, fightning with the same people and against the same people with incomplete groups, with WZs closing down giving away free wins, just makes it unbearable. I'm having fun in pvp when that doesn't happen but it does happen quite a bit. I havent done a single fps or ops and I got 4 50's one of each class and lvling my 2nd JK(sentinel) and eventually a 2nd Trooper (Commando)(healer). I have already decided for myself to lvl all 8 adv.classes. And I'll do the same on Empire side some day. But I'm rambling now. I better stop. ./sigh
  24. I have no idea frankly, but WoW with Wintergrasp had full raids(40 man) on both sides at the very least, up to a max of 100-200 players I think? And that seemed to work fine usually. Even Tol Borad in Cata wasn't all too bad. So it should be possible but considering that Swtor in general has a higher req. than wow might be another reason. Granted people's pcs have gone up in specs over the years so any lag or what not wouldve to be a server related problem. I suppose they'll just have to figure out something, but untill that happens no more Ilum or any other look alike Ilum, either get it right during a test period or something or just not put into life game.
  25. After the latest patch recently, thankfully everyone has a chance to gear up by just playing 10 wzs each day(win or loss) and now during lvling its quite possible to reach the valor rank 50 before 50 and then get the last 10 at lvl 50. If it wasnt for that it wouldve been unthinkable to be have a mix of centurion and champ gear on more than 1 char.
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