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Everything posted by Chessrook

  1. Well I just transferred to Ebon Hawk and I'm staring at 278.,... wait 279... 281.... 297.... 292... this thing is fluctuating like crazy!
  2. Again, look at the CHART. I said US WEST PVP. Not US WEST.
  3. Look at the chart. There were 10 US West PVP launch servers. They're merging them all down into one. I think we're going to get less servers than launch...
  4. Oh God, it's the WoW plague all over again! GET OUT THE HAZMAT SUITS!!!!
  5. I just realized this might end up turning into a TORtanic thread. Please try not to turn this into a TORtanic thread.
  6. So I took a look at the following chart... http://ootinicast.com/ServerTransfersJune2012.jpg ...and I noticed an interesting, and possibly disturbing trend regarding the transfers. In each catagory, there are only one, MAYBE two destination servers. US West PVP is all The Bastion. US East RP-PvE is all The Ebon Hawk. Europe German PVP is all Jar'Kai Sword. And those are just the ones that are fully complete. The others show similar trends. I worry that the server numbers are going to be harshly reduced, and the servers might get overstuffed. If they DON'T get overstuffed... well... what does that say about the game's population?
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a queue to get into The Ebon Hawk server. When was the last time we had a queue? This is a good thing! Until we have the hordes of players screaming about how they want to play now, and this queue is horrible, and blah blah blah.
  8. Looking at the info, it seems like EVERY East Coast RP-PVE server is going into Ebon Hawk. And it's even got a queue now! I'm wondering whether I should transfer.
  9. Let me give you a little perspective. If they set it to transfer from high-pop servers to low-pop servers... NOBODY would transfer. Because people IN active servers would not want to leave unless there's like a three-hour queue... which none of the servers have. There's more people who want to get to active servers than people who want to leave active servers. Stop complaining about the transfer direction.
  10. Auction House, here I come!
  11. I just want to throw out there something for all the people who say there are no games that are truly F2P. You're wrong. There is ONE. All content is free. There is no cash shop and no microtransactions. There is no subscription. You don't even pay for the game itself. All you pay is donations, and only if you wish. That game is Uru Live. Don't believe me? Look it up.
  12. I haven't read the rest of the thread, but I just want to add. There is One... ONE GAME that is COMPLETELY free to play. No microtransactions. No subscription fees. No product placement or advertisement. The only money paid is OPTIONAL DONATIONS. That game is Uru Live, and it is even fan-run now (Though it WAS developed by Ubisoft originally.). Don't believe me? Look it up.
  13. Aye, I believe the comments I heard put the Agent as the best story overall. It's filled with twists and turns I never saw coming, and plays like a James Bond movie. Trooper I've generally heard as being the best Republic-side, and I can agree. It feels like a war movie, and the chapter climaxes have some of the most epic moments in the game.
  14. Games are complex entities, and the larger they are, the more complex they are, to the point where one seemingly minor change can have massive unexpected reprecussions somewhere down the line. Remember the backwards-flying-dragons in Skyrim? They test their patches, but do you think THAT was expected?
  15. To get one Datacron, you need to jump into an incinerator, then choose a code to open the energy door to get out. The correct code? 326-3827. The number of the Trash Compactor unit that Luke and Crew were trapped in in the Death Star.
  16. One word: Balance. It's a lot easier to balance when you have mirrored classes on the two sides.
  17. So I've been looking at the MMOs that have been coming out lately, particularly the major ones, and it seems like each one has one major thing that'll draw everyone in. One thing that the company is hyping up, and seems to be living up. So I think that all three of the "MMOs of the Year" will succeed (Though not as much as WoW), but only for those who want what that MMO is praising. TOR will draw in and hold those who want an excellent Levelling experience with in-depth and engaging quests and story. TERA will draw in those who are tired of hitting the same button rotation, and want a challenge. Those who want a new combat system. GW2 it seems will be drawing in those who want PVP. I've heard some say the instanced PVP is kinda meh, but I say this because of the WvW PVP. It has garnered my interest and I'm not even a PVPer! Good dungeons and Raids don't seem to yet have a game hailing them as the best, so it seems like WoW might still dominate that market, thus pulling in more of the so-called "Hardcore", unless its age finally causes them to grow tired of it. Just my two creds and observations. Comments? Observations? Posts that PLEASE aren't simply trolling or senseless game bashing?
  18. From what I've heard of the "BIG MMOS" for this year, it falls into this. TOR for the story and the questing. TERA for the Combat GW2 for the PVP WoW for the Dungeons and Raiding That seems to be the way it's dividing up.
  19. Considering the Jedi are basically Space Samurai....... too late.
  20. EA owns Bioware. Bioware owns TOR. EA owns TOR. If a company bought EA, they'd end up owning all their subsidiaries and properties, including Bioware and TOR. Ergo yes, if true, it WOULD influence this game.
  21. User C: And this is what happens after the ME3 debacle...
  22. Am I the only one who thought he was comparing League of Legends to Bioware when I saw the topic?
  23. Never infected, purposefully or accidentally. Never used any vaccines. Was playing all day. I may be an Inquisitor who only went from the Dark Temple of Dromund Kaas to midway through Balmorra, but I was on the fleet several times throughout and never got infected. Hell I haven't been infected AT ALL since the event started. On ANY of my characters. The only annoyance is the sudden lag spike I get when walking up to where there's 80 people crammed together in three square feet.
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