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Everything posted by Ramayana

  1. Probably one of the less insightful answers... I'm very well aware of the points I can utilise, and have done so... as I said I haven't simply tried to walk through them... honestly, if you can't contribute beyond making generalized, uninsightful comments, just move on. Don't post.
  2. Is there really any point to use it... I am 3 levels above the mobs I'm stealthing past, yet they are still able to detect me from a reasonable distance away. Is the stealth mechanic different in this game than other games? Is it meant more as a social ability or something? Seeing little utility in using it at this stage across a range of characters.
  3. I know, I often want to save the game before I go into a boss fight in case I get one-shotted.
  4. Speaking of which, I just received an email inviting me to the Tera beta... seems some sort of cynical marketing ploy. Just waiting... I don't like that, it's insincere.
  5. I like Vette. Nothing wrong with her. I prefer Jaesa though. Something awkward about Jaesa's voice that amuses me. Sounds like someone trying too hard to sound Sith. Or whatever.
  6. Huttball is horrible. How you can ask for more of it is beyond me. Stun, stun, stun, stun, stun... slow, slow, slow, slow....
  7. People like this really make me despise interacting with people in general. I'm going to put it down to immaturity and self esteem issues. **** me.
  8. Introduce quests that aren't just kill x, fetch y, etc. Would like combat to feel less clunky as well, some of the melee classes just feel horrible to play. There's no kitchen on any of my ships, nor toilet facilities. Greater variation in armor models. And a bumper sticker that says something like, "My Other Droid is an HK-47" or whatever.
  9. But then why didn't Han Solo have an Imperial accent then? Can you explain that to me. Nearly every other Imperial sounds the same as one another. And why was he so rude to Borat?
  10. Nobody cares about your awesome RL experience in Iceland. It doesn't make your answer any more credible. Just pointless e-peen waving. Being in a perpetual, unchanging timezone is poor design and needs to be fixed at some point.
  11. Ah, you don't actually have to be a physics major to have this thought process occur. Just saying. With that said, my characters look nothing like me at all. The dialogue is whatever amuses me and advances me down the chosen light/dark side I'm going for... so not really much of a correlation between myself and my toons at all. I prefer light sided responses though.
  12. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here but; Currently level 30 - Empire toon. Looking for stims/medpacks. Tried GTN, nothing. Went to vendor @ Fleet. Level 40+ stims/medpacks. Doing legacy quest on Drommund Kaas. Level 8-16 stims etc. Do I have to go back to Alderaan or somewhere else to buy stims/meds for my relevant level? Ridiculous if so. Otherwise, where the F is the relevant stim vendor @ fleet for level 30s...
  13. Hi guys - might have been covered already. Schematics from crew mission skills that give plans for things that are eg Sith Warrior specific - and I'm a Republic Commando... What do I do with them? They can't be sold on the trade network can they to Empire players? I might have missed some info here or something...
  14. My only criticism for this ship is I wouldn't think a military vessel in outer space would present such a broad target... I would've thought it was a bit more streamlined. None the less, it still is a decent looking ship inside, and the extended wings in flight look good too. Nothing beats the IA ship in the slightest looks wise, and i'm not a lore nerd, but it doesn't really look like its part of SW universe.
  15. Although I support the conscensus her regarding lusting after big asses. I cannot lend any support to a romance option with General G. Unless I was trying to screw my way into some tangible promotion or other material benefit this option would never be entertained.
  16. You have an emergency fleet pass. I suggest you use it.
  17. I went with Armstech. Even thought that's not what you asked. Check the Crew SKills guide on the forum - it provides an indication regarding what your companions benefits are with certain crew skills. However, Cybertech IMO.
  18. I chose body type 2 for my female commando. Obviously not relevant, but most Commandos I've seen IRL tended to be pretty average build size-wse, but very, very athletic. TBH I cannot stop staring at her butt though. These designers really knew what they were doing with that white uniform on a female #2 body. ... can't believe I just said something like that about pixels. So this is what the bottom of the barrel feels like lol.
  19. You should be grateful you even have a ship. In my day I had to walk to school in meteor showers and all sorts of anti-matter. *****es dont even know...
  20. Heh, you're playing an MMO yet you don't have time. Sounds like you're just impatient.
  21. I've had a similar experience to your good self, OP. I tend to get bored rather sooner than I expect unfortunately. People that stick it out tend to possess more determination/attention than what you're willing to give at this point it seems. In this scenario, I think you will find more enjoyment if you play with a friend, or two - this has helped me mitigate the otherwise monotonous tone of certain aspects of different classes. Given the significant amount of plot driven quests in the game, you might also find value in certain dialogue options - I found this with the Sith characters and their haughty, yet comedic arrogance.
  22. Smugglers just seem so cobbled together. There is no allure to playing a Smuggler in their current iteration. I'm very much pro-Republic, however, the Smuggler class needs to be reconsidered.
  23. I'd say the same, unfortunately the servers I've played Republic on thus far seem to devoid of any talent or teamwork. At least Empire has the numbers which makes it easier to see less of them. If there was a well coordinated/balanced server community of Republic players somewhere in a PST server cluster, I'd be very keen to know.
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