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Everything posted by kbstealer

  1. so what i got out of this is that "i have 2 abilites and its too hard for me to use 2 different buttons and pay attention at the same time, so i use a macro for them, BUT that doesnt mean it makes it easier" which is BS btw. I play a vanguard too, i have no issues not using any macros at all, period. ANYONE who says that they need macro's to play at a high level arent really at that level they are artificially boosted. You can argue against that all you want, doesnt change the fact. That said, i like watching vanguard vids, the red text killed yours tho.
  2. assault works very well in pvp as long as you dont get focused. if you get focused get ready to respawn. I've got 4pc rakata, rest bm and run assault 7/3/31, i blow people up like its my job because in this spec it is. The other side of this is that if i get focused by more then 1 person i'ma die. I've got not issues with dieing and it happens quite frequently, i've played against guildies in huttball and they tell me that i hit stupid hard and am one of the squishier targets. all spec's are viable in pvp, its just a matter of preference with regards to wanting to live/protect or kill/die.
  3. respec out of shield spec for pvp, going tank for pvp is kinda pointless for a vanguard since we're shield tanks and our shield is useless in pvp. Personally i like 10/31/0 build running ion cell for pvp tanking and 7/3/31 for dps. these are high damage builds both of them, the tactics one is just designed to run around with ion cell, if you want storm, i'd use the ironfist build from taugrim. i intentionally left out links to my builds and only gave u the stat point summaries so that you can play around and figure out where to spend the alloted points in each tree
  4. people like seeing big numbers, smash can crit for big numbers so people like to make videos about it. I personally dont think that smash videos are all that interesting as i have a guardian and have tried that spec and its boring and 1-trick-ponyish. with regards to backpedaling, anyone who says that using it = noob are themselves noobs. backpedaling can be tactically advantageous but only in certain situations against certain classes. it is never, ever, a good idea to remove movement options in an online game, mmo or fps. as for the video, its ok, like i said i'm not a fan but some people are and i'm sure they will enjoy it.
  5. Here is where your argument fails. You're assuming that no matter what your opponent does you can overcome it, you cannot control what the other person does. I've fought many fully geared bm mara's with my vanguard and its a 50/50 spit on wins/losses. Mara/sent are very hard to kill 1v1 because of their insane mobility and damage, but it is possible and it takes a little bit of knowledge of both classes to do. I watch my opponents buffs as much as i watch my own so i know what they're doing and what to expect. The other thing you seem to be taking for fact is that there is no way you can be snared and los'd or otherwise confounded by geopgraphy. I've killed many mara because i dot'd then ran around a pillar or w/e was close so i could not be leapt at or attacked and kept them out of los. Mara are the only class that i respect on my vanguard, everything else is just fodder, but they are by no means unbeatable 1v1.
  6. kinda funny how people assume i dont pvp much when i said that i liked this idea. I pvp a large amount, its what i want for endgame. What i dont understand is the playerbase's assertion that open world pvp is dead. Yes, Ilum is dead, but open world pvp requires players to actually GO OUT INTO THE WORLDS AND LOOK FOR PEOPLE TO FIGHT. you are not supposed to be handed fights in specific spots, thats what a wz is. I goto corellia/ilum(pve side)/belsavis to look for people doing daily quests to gank. Because they are removing the money from wz this means more people will be out doing daily quests which means more people for me to gank. This in turn gets more people into the pve area looking for me which means more people to gank. The main issue with ilum was that all the people would group up into 1 huge zerg and just sit there. If everyone is spread out over a whole zone there is not nearly as much lag or fps drop. Anyone who thinks this wont affect open world pvp doesnt really want open world pvp, what they want is pvp ala Alterac Valley in WoW. instanced areas with nice terrain to fight in, still not open world tho. tl;dr - no money from wz = more people doing dailies for money = more people to gank.
  7. wether you are ranged or melee as a vanguard is a matter of spec. if you spec mostly assault then you are pretty much 10m+ rdps with 1 melee ability (stockstrike) if you go tactics or shield then you are much more melee focused. The vnaguard is a hybrid melee/ranged class that has the option to be played as either or both at the same time. If you are really looking for an RDPS class then i'd say go commando/gunslinger/sage as they are actually fully ranged classes.
  8. i used that till i got my champ rifle, now that i have my BM elim rifle i dont think its such a good model. bm elim rifle > orange tattoine rifle, imo.
  9. everyone claims they are a pvper and that this is horrible for pvpers, thats not true at all. Anyone who is against this change is just incapable of seeing past their nose. What this change does is force people to pve on planets that have decent geography, and small/large open areas. This means that instead of looking for people to fight in open world on ilum which was a terrible place, we now get to look for people to fight on belsavis/corellia in the pve areas because THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE PEOPLE IN THEM. This change is opening up a whole new aspect of open world pvp and all you noobs cant seem to look past the money you dont use that you get for an activity that doesnt require it. This is a good change, you just need to open your eyes and see what it is really doing and not what you think it might be doing.
  10. this post illustrates whats wrong with america in addition to whats wrong with the player base. You just advocated for letting ignorant idiots remain ignorant because its easier. This is a bad idea from the outset as it creates a group of players that we all have to deal with who dont know *** they are talking about and are 100% sure that what they are saying is not only correct but better then any other ideas out there. The maps IN REAL LIFE use east/west, if you are somehow saying that a skill that people use IN REAL LIFE is too hard for gamers to understand and use then I dont know what to tell you other then life is going to get much much harder and worse for you, then you'll die.
  11. i love to use harpoon to pull ball carriers who are about to score back into the pit. saved so many potential goals that way. pulling into the acid/fire is something i assumed everyone did, saving goals not so much.
  12. you're a little confused, even if you do get the proc before you've used hib/rs it just makes that one free. its not wasted, the ammo/heat savings is just front loaded at that point. they've taken the rng aspect out of the build which makes it much less streaky and more consistant. this is a good thing, and its not going to affect ammo in pvp at all.
  13. QTF my vanguard blows people up with 7/3/31 but is mad squishy, with 10/6/25 (ion cell) you get to be not squishy and still blow people up, just a lil less quickly. my guardian is a different beast, he doesnt asplode people, he jumps around the map protecting teammates and dispatching low hp enemies. still does decent damage, but nothing like what my vanguard can do.
  14. i have this debate a lot. focus spec guardians have 1 skill that can hit that hard, requires a buildup of at least 4 seconds and 2 abilites used before it use to get the maximum out of it. Even after all that, it is still really easy to have it miss because of the way the animation and damage portions of the attack work. you can have the animation go off then get cc'd (stun/kb/mez/snare) and the damage wont hit your intended target even tho you now have the ability on cd. where you seem to be going wrong is assuming that since the class is capable of being a tank it shouldnt be able to hurt you. this is wrong, 2/3 of the guardian AC trees are for dps, 1/3 is for tanking. with regards to the 5k crit, thats really not that much. they were not using adrenals and trinkets if thats all they were hitting for on a clothie. tl;dr l2p issue is not a problem with the class, its a pebkac issue.
  15. so instead of cc'ing one and killing the other, pulling one away from the other or actually working as a team which the guardians did, you just ran in like an idiot and they focused and burned you guys down. that is not a problem with guardians/juggs being too powerful, thats a l2p issue. also, rage/focus spec has terrible utility. i'm still confused how u guys lost 4v2 when u had heals and rpds, it just doesnt make any sense.
  16. there are 2 specs i use, pve dps and pvp dps/tank. for pve its 7/3/31 (plasma cell) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMbZ0cZfI0bkGhrs.1 good burst, good sustained damage, squishy as f.uck for pvp dps its 11/6/24 (ion cell) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hRGZMsZbIbrzGMM.1 this pvp spec gives you the dot from cell proc so u can use hib right after a stockstrike, and since you're playing in ion cell you're way way tankier so you stay alive longer so you deal more overall damage. to be fair, i've used the pve dps spec in pvp and done well, but i cannot take a hit and must run from pretty much everyone if i want to live.
  17. it tottaly does, anecdotal evidence to follow: this one time i hit 450k damage with 50 kills (20kb, 1 solo) in a huttball, the other team scored 6 times to our 0 but we still won because i had the most damage, kills, and highest single hit on the scoreboard. /snark i love talkn about builds/pvp with wow kiddies. they have this idea in their heads that w/e they're thinking is correct and everyone else is an idiot. I personally went through that phase and then i started high school. Having used the spec that this post is about, plus full tank, full vig and vig/def hyb i can say with a fair degree of certainty that the rage/focus spec is not nearly as good as full def or vig/def hyb. it CAN pop people, but it requires bad people as opponents. To those of you who think "but...i own everyone i play against with this spec", you're playing against terrible players. the way that sweep/smash function means that u can get the animation off and still not have the damage portion go off if you're interupted (stuned/knockback) at the right time, or if they snare walk away. Basing your whole spec around 1 ability that isnt very reliable to begin with is just stupid imo. Most people reading these forums are "SUPER AWESOMER ELITE ALLSTARS" so w/e i say is wrong if its not already what you think, so regardless of the replies everything i've said is right and anyone who disagrees is librul commie pinko baby killing pedophile puppy strangler.
  18. overruled, if you wish to lodge an objection you must do so in the proper format. the line "everything he just said is ********" was proven to be inadmissable vinny v redneck judge. just because you like the spec does not make it good or anything other then a 1 trick squishy killer. even in the tank form you're still building up for 1 skill that is easily avoided/countered. untill you have something to actually say that counters what i've said other then you're previously voided statement, i win.
  19. ^^QFT i have a v53 full champ guardian, hes 14/27/0 because focus is trash unless your whole reason for playing is 1 big number from an easily evaded skill on long cd. There are several rage juggs running around my server (Mandalore) and they are about as scary as an OP with 12khp. rage/focus spec is for killing noobs and squishies, if you want to be a team player go vig/def. my guardian spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500srMczZhGMMrhzdMM.1 hits hard, doesnt die, no huge numbers (avg about 20-2500 crits)
  20. my van is rakata/cent with champ gun, unless u catch me with no cd's and low on hp or in an area where i cannot pull or run to you, i will usually split my fights 50/50 with a sorc. that you think u can fight 2 vanguards and win shows me the level of competition you face on a regular basis. sorcs are good, but they arent that good.
  21. because we had it in WAR and cross guarding tanks were unkillable. we already have issues taking down guarded targets, but if the guy guarding the squishy is also guarded how are we supposed to kill anything?
  22. good players will never be stomped out by bad players if gear is equal. somehow you have it in your mind that letting people worse then you have the same gear as you = you lose. if thats the case, then those players werent worse you just outgeared them and now you're seeing where you really stand. i feel like arguing with people like you is like arguing with religious fundamentalists, no matter how much fact and objective proof we show you, you still stick your fingers in your ears and scream "la la la la la la la, i cant hear you" then continue on with your erroneous assumptions.
  23. why do players like you keep coming back? all you want is something new and better and more and bigger, thats what PVE is for. For real PVP people, fighting others on our level is the reward we're looking for. A good match win or lose is the best time i have in this game, the gear I HAVE TO GET to be able to fight isnt the reason i'm fighting. Its like saying "if you're not fishing to eat why fish at all?" to which we reply "because fishing is its own reward" pretty sure that metaphor will go Wooooosh.
  24. i hit 50 on thursday with my vanguard, had 1k/1k wz/merc coms for 5 bags, then did the weekly for ilum/wz and the dailies for thur/fri/sat/sun. that gave me enough cent coms to get full cent minus boots and enough champ coms for my gun. thats 4 days worth of dailies and 2 weekly pvp quests. so 4 days is what it takes to get into gear that will let u not get owned every time u play. to get champ, which makes u able to fight battlemasters toe to toe its going to take about a month i think.
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