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Everything posted by Gestas

  1. Well done! You have revolutionized MMORPG questing with this game! Leveling feels brisk and pleasant.
  2. And in WoW, you see maybe 2-3 people in the world. The rest are sitting in cities trolling trade and queueing up for dungeons, battlegrounds, and arenas.
  3. Regardless, I already know SWTOR > WoW, but I just wanted to say one thing about Metacritic. The reviews for SWTOR are relative to all of the MMORPGs before it (Age of Conan, WoW, Rift, etc). In other words, the reviewers compared SWTOR to past MMORPGs. That's what they do. And the reviews for WoW are relative to all of the MMORPGs before it (mostly just EQ). WoW entered the MMORPG market at a time when there wasn't much competition. In conclusion, an 87 on Metacritic for a MMORPG released now is awesome and is worth more than WoW's outdated 93 on metacritic. Thinking is fun.
  4. Ok, make sure you keep us updated.
  5. Yeah you sound like a winner. Did you finally get that GED?
  6. Yeah... I think the price is fine... You kids need to stop asking for things to be handed to you on a silver platter.
  7. The game doesn't need an exp bonus weekend. Gaining exp and leveling doesn't equal "grindy." Maybe the RPG or MMORPG genre isn't for you?
  8. We need dungeon finder so that nobody will leave the cities. Everyone can just sit in "town" all day clicking the dungeon finder/pvp warzone buttons. Oh, and while you're at it Bioware, make sure you de-emphasize world PVP and add an arena game mode.
  9. Yeah, respecs and dual spec so that you can respecialize every time your build becomes inconvenient for a certain task, defeating the purpose of specialization... Making it so there are virtually no pros or cons outside of your class (because you can just respec everytime a con becomes bothersome). And now you MMORPG noobs want to respec advanced classes? /facepalm. I wish you people would just stick to call of duty.
  10. Wow, that's a game-breaking problem... Derp.
  11. DPSing in WoW was extremely simple and tedious. I'm not saying this game will be any more fun in this department, but come on, "dpsing [was] really fun" in WoW?
  12. This mindless EA hatred is retarded. I'm not defending EA, but people who know nothing about how games are developed need to shhh.
  13. It is still a rage thread... Do people sometimes forget that they're talking about a video game? I never get this worked up about any game.
  14. They need to learn how to play then. Addons dumb down the game. For instance deadly boss mods for WoW told you exactly what to do for every boss encounter. People couldn't learn what to do on their own? Seriously? That stuff ruins MMORPGs.
  15. I think the game is fine without mods. The only thing that might be useful is damage meters. I think mods begin to turn MMORPGs into e-sports... It gets to the point where guilds won't let you in unless you download certain mods. I can do without macros too. I think skill rotations are easy as it is. And if a macro system is introduced... please... please do not make it advanced.
  16. I don't think it's much like WoW at all... There are more similarities between EQ and WoW than SWTOR and WoW.
  17. I just got my ship and did some combat ship minigames, and I just wanted to let you (Bioware) know that this game is amazing. I can genuinely say that I haven't experienced any glaring intrinsic issues with this MMORPG. That's not to say it's perfect, but I think the fundamentals of the game are solid. I've experienced, EQ, EQ 2, WoW, Age of Conan, and Rift (I think that's it)--and, personally, I think this game trumps them all. To name a few things I like about SWTOR, I liked how you fleshed out each of the classes with class quests; I like the spoken dialogue and dark side/light side system; and I liked how we all get our own ship! I've been reading the codex a lot too and it has added another layer of immersion to the world for me. The world that you've created feels alive, which is something I didn't feel with the aforementioned MMORPGS (save for EQ, but that might just be nostalgia talking). I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the people who are saying that this game is going to fail are either trolling, rabid WoW fanboys, or haven't played the game enough to give a thoughtful opinion. I didn't even pay attention to this game until two weeks ago, because I figured it was going to stink like the rest of the modern-day MMORPGs. But I can safely say now that I was completely wrong. EDIT: Oh yeah, and the companions are a really good idea! You can craft, sell vender trash, etc., without it getting in the way of the game play...
  18. I want to be able to specialize in certain areas, gaining pros and cons, and then when my character faces a situation in which the cons of my particular spec are detrimental, I want to be able to spec out instantly.
  19. I want to be able to switch to different specs on the fly, so when a con for a certain spec is unfavorable, i can just swap that con out... isn't that how the game is supposed to be played?
  20. I want to be able to specialize in certain areas, gaining pros and cons, and then when my character faces a situation in which the cons of my particular spec are detrimental, I want to be able to spec out instantly.
  21. Here we go again... Bioware, please don't decrease the difficulty...
  22. I don't think you're keeping up with the discussion. The point is if a class can simply respecialize whenever they find themselves in a situation that is unfavorable to them, then Bioware should eliminate redundancy by just making it so that all classes are good in all of the areas that they'd normally be able to specialize in. Why? Because that's what they'll be able to do anyway with respecialization and duel specs. "Oh noes, I'm a tank in a pvp situation! Respec!" Like I said, virtually no pros and cons outside of your class with cheap respecs and dual spec.
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