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Everything posted by Gestas

  1. No, because he just randomly makes a claim (stemming from an emotional reaction) and then runs away without providing any proof or argument for his claim. That's what kids do; and it's typical of the WoW forum. He's also a WoW fanboy as evidenced by this thread and his blind EQ hatred. So you do the math.
  2. OK, again, you're not grasping the point I was making. You wrote WoW was seamless. It's not. The world is broken up into continents. As for which has more instancing, I don't care, because I'm not having any issues about the world feeling empty.
  3. Why was it a crappy game? I liked EQ at the time when I first played it; and I liked it again when the Fippy Darkpaw server went online about a year or so ago.
  4. I have though. And I was the top DPSer in my guild as well. I think that's what you're doing. Evidently, you're generally just not a very good video game player, so when somebody comes along and says WoW was easy, you become angry. I understand. You feel small.
  5. I do know about that though. Sorry, but the only reason why there are any difficult raid encounters in WoW is because you can't get the 14-year old (mentally) WoW players to follow directions. I've been in good raiding guilds. I've even been the top-geared Rogue (PVE gear) on my server before (according wowheroes). You should focus on substantive arguments instead of BSing.
  6. I don't know if this is sarcasm or what, but I don't think you completely understood my original post... I never wrote SWTOR didn't have that aspect. I wrote that it has that aspect and it has dialogue and story. I played during that time too, but what you consider difficult was considered easy in EQ. And now, as you've already mentioned, the modern-day WoW is even easier. You're not bursting my bubble since this wasn't the point of my thread... I don't think PVE in MMORPGs require much micromanagement skill; however, they require environmental awareness (don't stand in the fire, etc.), game knowledge, common sense, and time. In EQ, you needed more of all of these in order to do well. All other things being equal, I would say boss A with that attack would be more difficult than boss B who doesn't have that same attack. Well that was your first mistake. I see a lot of people playing on my server. I don't know what to tell you. Well, no, in WoW instead of planets there are continents. You must be joking. Worse than WoW, for instance? Seriously?
  7. So far this is just a claim made by a, what do you guys like to say? Oh, by a "butthurt" WoW player. Feel free to demonstrate an argument or proof for your claim at any time. Further, if it makes you feel any better, I got back into EQ and created a Necromancer on the Fippy Darkpaw server about a year ago... Your claim didn't have any merit to begin with, but now it's just downright stupid. A lot of the stuff in EQ that you call bad was good for me. For instance, exp penalties for dying.
  8. What do you mean my memories of EQ aren't real? What did I say about EQ that is inaccurate? See, here's a prime example of the type of WoW player that I'm talking about.
  9. In a certain way, I think SWTOR has revolutionized the MMORPG genre because it has injected story, dialogue, and the feeling of personalizing your character (I don't know if this has ever been done well prior to SWTOR) into it. In WoW, I always felt like just "some dude" running around killing boars for tusks for some uninteresting reason. But in SWTOR, I feel like I'm a genuine bad@ss who is making a difference in the universe. Regardless, the point I wanted to make is I think some of the people who are coming over from WoW are not used to story and dialogue, even though they've been playing WoW, a so-called MMORPG. And this is partially the reason why this forum is getting a lot of these "this game feels like a single player game!" threads. The typical WoW player isn't interested in story and dialogue, so when they're confronted with it on the level found in SWTOR, they become disillusioned. You may think I'm trying to be condescending, but I'm not. I truly think WoW is the Call of Duty of the MMORPG genre and it has attracted and created a very annoying type of player that shouldn't be playing MMORPGs to begin with. WoW is a polished game made by a successful game developer (they were very successful prior to WoW), set in a popular universe, which arrived on the MMORPG scene at a time when MMORPGs were infamously known for being buggy, unpolished, and unforgiving. During a time when SOE was sitting on their laurels with EQ. WoW couldn't have come at a better time. However, it's extremely... simple, to put it mildly. All you do is kill stuff, return stuff, collect stuff, etc., until you hit level cap, and then you kill more stuff in raids. I didn't have a problem with this simplicity in a game like EQ, because in EQ it took a longer time to level and the penalty for dying was much higher, making things more interesting for me. But in WoW, you had that same simplicity but without the difficulty. When I play WoW, I get the feeling that Blizzard wants everyone to win no matter what. But did WoW revolutionize the MMORPG genre? I think most would say yes, but I'd disagree. I've played both EQ and WoW for years, and the one thing that has always stuck out to me is how similar the two games are. WoW, in a certain sense, is just a polished and dumbed down Everquest. Polished in that the combat is smoother, there's less skill overlap, less bugs, etc., and dumbed down in that you can level up quickly, people can't be trained (unintentionally or intentionally), DPS doesn't have to worry about aggro as much, it's easier to acquire relatively good items, and the penalty for dying is nonexistent. I remember finding myself in a strange situation when I decided to choose between the two games. Do I want more polished game play? More players to play with? Surely! But do I want a less difficult game? Nope! Well, in the end WoW won in my mind, but mostly due to the dwindling population of EQ, hackers, and players who would box (and SOE actually came out and said they have no problem with boxers). By the way, boxing is when a player controls multiple characters at once. I sort of went on a digression there, but I will conclude by saying that I generally do not like the place the MMORPG genre is right now (everyone wins mentality), but I am happy that Bioware has at least brought story and dialogue back to the forefront, where it should be in any RPG.
  10. Do the chickens have large talons?
  11. That's actually not true at all. Evidently, you didn't play WoW at its launch.
  12. Not if you play the game correctly. But in WoW, you can play the game correctly and still level cap in a week. Because there's really nothing to the game. It's not like there's any interesting story or dialogue going on in WoW... you just kill stuff until you level cap.
  13. It's a rare color for players in the game though. /end thread I appreciate that some colors are rare. Because that means if and when I do get a purple crystal, I'll cherish it more. But I guess it's time to WoWify everything. Let's make all the crystals purchasable at the nearest vendor for 1 credit. Or better yet, Bioware should just get rid of crystals and have it so you can select the color you want via a drop down menu in the lightsaber.
  14. You... play the game for two weeks. You can get a lot done and experience much of the game in two weeks. In WoW you could hit the level cap.
  15. I think we're talking aesthetics here though. To me, the modified models presented in this thread look better. That's what matters.
  16. Yes, you wrote this already... and I responded to it... I don't know what else to say. And I don't know what the dark/light side vendors having crappy items has to do with the main point of this thread.
  17. I hope you realize that there are tons of players who are already "playing unnaturally" to quickly gain light or dark points, so your argument is invalid. Unless of course, you're criticizing the dark/light system as a whole. Yeah, so? I don't see how that should have any bearing on what is done in a video game anyway... I know that in the KOTOR series there were Jedi who believed in balance. So they would intentionally take on situations in an "unnatural way" in an effort not to sway to the light or dark side. And have you never heard about or played D&D? Look up true neutral or neutral neutral. This idea of characters with neutral stances isn't a foreign concept.
  18. ... I'm having a hard time understanding why you're not grasping the point of this thread. Let me see if I can make this clearer. There is a dark side vendor. There is a light side vendor. There is no grey or neutral side vendor. The items that do not require light or dark side are neutral in a sense that they do not require dark or light side; however, they do not require that you be neutral. Meaning, a dark side character could use dark side items and the so-called neutral side items (you call them neutral items, I don't). The only exception to this seem to be light saber crystals; I'm not entirely sure about this though. In short, there are not armor pieces that say "requires neutral stance."
  19. ... There is no gear in the game that requires a neutral alignment (I don't know about light saber crystals, I'm talking items, like armor). Anyhow, I think this is strange because it sort of forces players into either being your stereotypical evil guy or your stereotypical good guy (if you want to access special gear, that is). If I were to pick dialogue options that were more in line with my own character, then I'd probably be more or less neutral or neutral with good leanings... But I'd be punished for doing that in this game. So instead I'm playing the stereotypical evil guy. And wasn't there a neutral stance in the original KOTOR? (never played KOTOR 2). I seem to recall that being its own Jedi philosophy... so it's strange that Bioware would leave it out in this game.
  20. But maybe people don't want to re-roll just to start a new class, just like people don't want to re-roll to start a new spec for a class?
  21. No, I'm completely serious. In the future this game will have dual spec (yes!), but no dual classing or re-classing? What? That doesn't make any sense. Why should I be punished for picking a certain class over another? If I'm facing a situation where X class will work the best, shouldn't I be able to change into that class? We'll be able to do that with specs, after all.
  22. Certainly. I can't imagine playing a MMORPG without dual spec. Why not? But what if you face a situation in which your class isn't optimal? Why shouldn't we be able to change out class then? We will be able to swap our specs to make sure our spec is optimal for a situation. Why not our class too?
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