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Everything posted by Gestas

  1. The problem is this means that there are truly no pros and cons outside of the classes. Which means Bioware should just get rid of the idea of specialization and make it so class X is good at tanking, dps, and PVP, etc. That's practically what's going to happen anyway with cheap respecs and dual specialization. When you find yourself in a situation where the cons of your spec are unfavorable, just swap them out! If you can just specialize in the area that you find yourself in every time, then you're really not a specialist then, are you? You're more of a jack of all trades.
  2. People respec and swap specialization so that they will have access to pros that will help them in the situation that they find themselves in. So those cons that you still have to play with are virtually irrelevant. The con of not being able to DPS well on bosses or to tank a boss is irrelevant when the situation you find yourself in is a PVP encounter.
  3. The whole point behind specialization is being able to become very good in one area to the detriment of other areas. In other words, there are pros and cons to every spec; and we all choose a particular spec because in our eyes the pros outweigh the cons. For instance, maybe you favor PVP over PVE, so to you a spec that favors PVP is a good thing. Dual specialization and respecialization undermines this idea. How? By allowing you to overhaul the pros and cons of your character. So you chose to specialize in PVP, but now you want to become an all-star tank. Solution? Respec! (or swap specializations). This effectively means that your character doesn't truly have any pros and cons outside of its class--because you can just swap specializations or respecialize to fit the context you find yourself in, defeating the very purpose of specialization (becoming good in a certain area). If dual specialization and unchecked respecs are allowed, then they might as well just make, to use a broad example, every Jedi good at DPS and tanking right from the start, which would eliminate the need for specialization in the first place. So the only difference would be the classes. That would be the road Bioware is headed down anyway--if they allowed dual specialization and cheap respecs.
  4. There's a reason why you can create multiple characters and classes on a single account. Your argument is akin to, "I picked and leveled a jedi to 43, but now I want him to be a Smuggler! Why can't I change my class, Bioware? *derp*" Dual speccing is terrible because it diminishes spec choices and decreases character diversity. "I went tanking spec, but I'm getting my butt handed to me by a PVP spec, time to change specs." You knew what the pros and cons were before you specced into tanking or PVP and you should have to live with them. The whole point behind speccing is the ability to specialize in a particular area. So you're good in one area, but not so good in another. Dual speccing completely undermines this idea.
  5. If macros are permitted to be too complex, then they will dumb down the game.
  6. Respec costs are fine. Create another character. That's why there are multiple characters slots.
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