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Everything posted by mutee

  1. mutee

    Tracer missile

    Right so you have no problem dealing with them, then why the hell are you here ************. Classes aren't ment to be the same, they should all have different playstyles, unless mercs are overpowered there's no reason whatsoever to change anything, and no they're NOT overpowered. Edit: Being basic and being overpowered are not the same thing, if mercs were overpowered they would crap all over you.
  2. mutee

    Tracer missile

    I've seen shadows get a project procc for 9k (Relics etc up ofcourse) "Oh and the interrupt argument is completely invalid as any class can have skills interrupted." Yeah, a class that relies on 1 skill like you say isn't hurt when that 1 skill is locked out for 6 seconds....
  3. What? You aren't guaranteed gear after a mere 3 hours of doing something you're ment to enjoy? Shock horror. How about you go raid weekly without getting gear for weeks then come back and *****.
  4. Would be funny if imps didn't have a higher win ratio in warzones, you know, where they have equal numbers.
  5. mutee

    Tracer missile

    This is the reason i don't understand why people are whining so much.
  6. Fairly sure without that CC you'd be useless aswell
  7. Force speed is only a problem on sages/sorcs, a class with so much cc and control doesn't need that silly sprint.
  8. Glad everyone isn't a complete moron and can see this, oh noes PvP gear is RnG and not handed over on a silver platter.
  9. I never said having gear makes you skilled
  10. Guild wars really didn't have any gear progression? I guess that explains why it wasn't that popular.
  11. I said MMO instead of MMORPG. An MMO with static stat values that never change would crash and burn
  12. It doesn't, they both gain 5% of their total resource every second while at max regen.
  13. No, no it did not need its own thread, there are 4 threads about this same issue on the front page as i type it, they are fully aware of it, it's working as intended so why would they comment on it?
  14. I'm not the one complaining about PvP gear making a difference in an MMO.
  15. I never said l2p, i'm saying that it's not biowares fault that your faction loses, the slight different between a few mirrors wouldn't make one faction lose much more. Heck biowares stats say republic wins around 45% of the time, so the faction imbalance isn't that bad, just because it sucks on your server doesn't means it's a global issue. And no marketing is hardly to blame, it's just more cool to play empire, and firing lightning out your fingers and rockets out your butt is also to blame.
  16. I love how people blame bioware for their faction sucking.
  17. Gearing up is a VITAL part of an MMO, boo hoo you get farmed in the week it takes to get good enough gear to beat those you call unskilled, and are only winning because they outgear you. And if your immense skill doesn't make up for slightly lacking in gear, then perhaps you aren't as skilled as you believe you are.
  18. Yes this needed a new thread...
  19. 4 heat doesn't really matter, i'm more concerned with death from above being instant while we have to wait 1.5 seconds before it starts firing, making it almost useless in pvp.
  20. No it shouldn't, not when your class is balanced around having it like it is currently.
  21. Self entitled PvPers want gear handed to them while PvErs have to rely on RnG to gear up? No thanks.
  22. Classes have different difficulty levels, a bad merc will beat a bad anything, but a good merc will get stomped by a good anything (Or almost anything) Mercs are in no way overpowered, they don't do the most damage out of classes, they don't have as many surival tools as many classes and they don't have as much burst as some other classes, they are just easier to play, so bad mercs (Yes only bad mercs spam tracer) can beat bad other classes because of the class difficulty, but that doesn't make them overpowered... You have the tools to beat mercs you just choose not to use them. Games aren't balanced around the lowest end of the skill pool, not when the higher end has no problems with them anyway.
  23. mutee

    Tracer missile

    A geared 50 beating none 50's, undergeared 50's and scrubs, shocking... I'd be more surprised if he didn't beat them, complain when spamming tracer missile actually works against non *******.
  24. If their damage output was the same but relied less on grav round/tracer missile, they would actually be overpowered, as they are now, they are stationary turrets that are easy to counter.
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