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Everything posted by mutee

  1. There should be a variety of playstyles among classes and people can pick the one they want, i don't like the idea of making mercs harder to play just so they're inline with others.
  2. Erghhhh, the amount of times i've been kept in combat by companions as i get slowed and they run away from me....
  3. Comparing 2 classes that aren't designed the same makes no sense. Are mercs overpowered? No, are they easy to play? Yes.
  4. I don't see the problem, it's simple to spam 1 button but it's not overpowered, if you cannot kill an equally geared merc/commando who spams 1 button then the issue isn't them it's you. People keep linking that video of the merc spamming tracer missile, yet he doesn't face anyone even half decent, and he's overgeared fighting undergeared players.
  5. Wrong section, i suggest making an ingame ticket or posting in the customer service section.
  6. This is quite funny considering that there weren't that many ops/scoundrels in warzones anyway, especially when compared to sages/sorcs.
  7. Would be good to know if they plan to fix them.
  8. Actually wow has fallen below 10million subs and is constantly losing 1000's of players every day. And WoW wasn't popular due to PvP gear being acquired at a steady rate, if PvE is RNG then PvP should be the same.
  9. Meh, i've always hated how PvP gear in WoW has no rng behind it so i'm quite happy with this.
  10. I knew world pvp would fail, companions are just stupid for world pvp.
  11. Fixing the faction imbalances would be a start, there's not too many but they're large enough to make a difference. The one i've noticed the most is commandos mortar volley vs mercs death from above, the delay on mortar volley is just stupid:mad:
  12. How easy certain classes are to play shouldn't annoy you, what should matter is how powerful a class is when played well, and a merc is not that powerful. Also, only idiots spam tracer missile and they should be no problem for most classes to take down.
  13. Why are mercs annoyed? Most likely because of the whiney guys who are extremely bad complaining about them when they're not overpowered, they're simple to play, easy to counter but bads who allow them to spam tracer missile/grav round on them come here to complain.
  14. I want to repeat exactly what you just said in your first sentence as a reply to your last one. Edit: I guess it was your second one.
  15. Empire? If so reroll republic to avoid the constant huttballs.
  16. Nothing wrong with complaining about people exploiting the game. I don't have a clue about what they did though.
  17. mutee

    Any good PvP videos?

    Damn sorc looks OP in huttball lol.
  18. mutee

    Any good PvP videos?

    I will be yeah, while i'd prefer empire i don't like the idea of 9/10 warzones being huttball
  19. mutee

    Any good PvP videos?

    There is such a large amount of them at the moment, while i don't want to be unique adding to the current imbalance isn't good=p
  20. mutee

    Any good PvP videos?

    I'm open to any playstyles really, i'm not a fan of classes that have to be behind their target to use certain skills, i'm more of a range fan than melee mostly due to the rage i feel when i'm constantly slowed in group combat. Will check it out thanks.
  21. mutee

    Any good PvP videos?

    Hey, i'm torn between which class to play so i looked around to see what different classes played like in PvP, my problem is this. I'm unable to find any good PvP videos, ones that show a classes skill/utility etc, all i can find is overgeared players stomping low levels so i can't really get a feel for the playstyle, now i know i could just try different classes out but alot of the time the feeling of a character at max level is nothing like the feeling as you are leveling. So, does anyone know of any good PvP videos that shows skill? I don't mind what class the video features, except Smugglers/operatives.
  22. The people who are against them forcing premades to face other premades.
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