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Everything posted by mutee

  1. They're hardly attacking you, i mean as soon as they break the sages bubble on you they seem to scatter. And thanks for saying it yourself, anyone using 1 button against good players would get destroyed, nerfing mercs/commandos because bad players can't handle them is just stupid and would make them even worse against good players.
  2. Show us some 1v1's using tracer missile alone please. Edit: I'm not against the proposed change to the PvE set bonus, i hate PvE gear being used in PvP
  3. Heatseeker missile hits less than tracer? What? Though i guess it most likely does without heat sigs up.
  4. Talking out your *** is bad. Ops got fixed not nerfed, go watch the totalbiscuit interviewing the lead dev for pvp.
  5. mutee

    Knock back nerf

    You shouldn't be playing games if you ***** about every mechanic in it. The fact that you picked a trooper as your focus for hate is even funnier, since a melee class should eat a trooper.
  6. mutee

    THIS is SO TRUE !

    Far too late for that.
  7. But mercs can only use 1 button. But really, mercs are one of if not the worst class 1v1.
  8. mutee

    Knock back nerf

    You ***** about every skill.
  9. So? Why does it matter how easy another class is to play if it's not overpowered? If it's easy to counter who cares.
  10. Stop posting this **** video that shows nothing.
  11. Yeah attacking people from a distance, never getting attacked yourself and when you do, you die.
  12. He really only has 184 expertise? Sounds wrong looking at the gear i can see. I'm a bit sad that nobody interrupted him.
  13. There's no reason to hate facing the class. And i don't see other classes using many skills in pvp either too be honest.
  14. Complaining about faction imbalance in ilum is fair enough, they could put a 1-1 ratio on ilum, so no more people can enter and get put into a queue until a spot opens, sucks for the overpopulated side but atleast it allowed fair ground for some world pvp. And would also get more people on republic.
  15. Aslong as they don't balance based on it i'd be fine with this.
  16. Funny that you think any class is hard to play.
  17. Against ******* sure, since tracer spam only works on *******.
  18. Only need to use it 3 times for max stacks of heat sig, but still, tracer is our filler skill, it doesn't do that much damage and is easy to interrupt, apart from being very basic i don't understand the complaints.
  19. We don't have any skill other than that without a cooldown, well none that hits as hard.
  20. mutee

    PvP on PvE Server.

    Yeah unless you're flagged your AoE really shouldn't hit players.
  21. Oh no they take low damage for 12 seconds lol. And only 25% less damage. Edit: I have no comment on the current state of melee pvp, but i assume the auto-facing you ****s you up alot.
  22. Seen a shadow hit a 5.6k project crit with a 2.8k procc crit, not spammable sure but it's instant and hits hard. Also tracer doesn't crit 4k unless you're stucking buffs. Edit: And no i'm not saying shadows hit regular hits like that=p
  23. I've yet to see PvP be balanced in any MMO yet, close sure, but there's always been classes that are at the top.
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