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Everything posted by mutee

  1. Option wise for each race it's not as bad as most other MMO's, but there's only humanoid races which drags it down a bit, the only difference between the races is the faces/heads and skin colour
  2. Why is it crazy to have an APB style character creator in a modern MMO?
  3. Ah i wasn't aware SWG had any expansions=p
  4. A 30 minute on Quick Travel just feels to excessive, getting around in this game is a bit of a drag and having a 30minute cooldown on your teleport doesn't help. 15minute cooldown please!
  5. I HATE that i can't click on peoples names in chat and see their level, i also hate that /who doesn't show guilds.
  6. My problem with swtor is they copied the basic model of WoW, but left out some of the most important parts to keep people playing for a long period of time. I will say the leveling experience blows WoW out of the water, but apart from that and the graphics i can't say it beats WoW. Honestly i doubt it would even be doing this well if it didn't borrow the star wars name to get all the fanboys (Obviously not everyone who likes this game is a fanboy, but that's the only reason this game has soon so well in the first 2 months)
  7. mutee


    One guess which class the OP plays.
  8. No it won't, OP's didn't get nerfed due to the QQ from people, they got nerfed due to an oversight, infact it was more of a fix than a nerf, they were doing more damage that intended. Go watch the totalhalibut interview with the lead pvp dev.
  9. Why would you keep posting a video that doesn't show a problem? You hardly get attacked and you have guard up on you all the time. Mercs have a low skillcap, a good player will beat a good merc, a bad player will lose to a bad merc.
  10. It won't happen, stop being a butthurt OP now that you'll no longer be able to kill people in a stun.
  11. If it's a bug/oversight it should of been fixed long ago. The biggest difference i've personally noticed is mercs death from above vs their mirrors mortar volley, death from above instantly fires rockets while you're half way through your cast time before you fire off a mortar as a commando.
  12. There's a difference between a hit and a crit, i said they hit 3k crits and only do 3k hits (non crits) with buff stacking.
  13. If they keep up these slow *** fixes to obvious issues i can't see myself staying more than 1-2 months.
  14. Sounds like you're mad.
  15. Crit 3k you mean, it will only hit 3k with buff stacking and the warzone expertise buff.
  16. I don't understand why people keep making "nerf OPs" threads when they have already announced a nerf incoming in the next patch, which is in a few hours...
  17. mutee

    Tracer missile

    Blame buff stacking for that sort of damage.
  18. As can every range class, a sorc can pump out as much damage as a merc, sure they need to use more than 1 skill, but using 3 buttons isn't hard when you don't need to worry about suriving. I actually feel bad for melee, they do the same damage as range but are always focused first by the range hiding in the back.
  19. If nobody is attack a range class and they're free to cast, how does spamming 1 skill or 3 make a difference? I mean no class has a difficult dps rotation. Ops got nerfed because they could stuck buffs and kill people in a stun, mercs can't, mercs are one of if not the weakest class 1v1.
  20. Facedesk. The resource system is exactly the same, oh now actually, mercs have 4% more resource than commandos.... If you're going to complain about the difference between commando and merc, try focusing on Mortar Volley vs Death from Above.
  21. We all know gunslingers suck though, they are one of the only classes i think could use a buff.
  22. Ops came from nowhere, and killed people during their stun, that's in need of a nerf... arsenal/gunnery isn't overpowered, their damage isn't that impressive and they don't **** 1v1, the only time a gunnery/arsenal shines is when they're left to free cast.
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