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Everything posted by Opapanax

  1. Damn the joke that is SWTOR has gone mainstream.. Not good..
  2. Yea, that sounds pretty much like what the "bug" was that appeared in the last patch. Perhaps there was some miscommunication in the dev department and instead of putting a patch note in that wasn't supposed to be in and not patching; they actually patched and didn't bother tell anyone. So to us the unkowing and ever so trustful public it seemed much like a bug. I'm interested to see how this will actually play out in live and if players report it feeling like last patch, but now it's just duely noted. This is all speculation of course.I think I have about 10 days left on my subscription before the account closes so I should be able to see how it works out. If it's buggy there won't be much that needs to be said. If it works.... Congratz? But I'm sure there'll be plenty of lawls along the way..
  3. That's just the ****** UI getting in the way. It's not a bug.
  4. I'm sorry, I'm seriously not trolling.. But I fail to see anything truly stunning about Illum...
  5. They've already stated in patch note 1.2 that they will be mearging some servers.
  6. *Bioware* /facespit *Bioware*.. Merry Christmas sucker..
  7. Alright man. I seriously have no real desire to fued with you on this. I've been playing the game since Dec 16th early access so I know whats' changed since I've been around.. Illum was changed but the issue remains un-resolved I'm sorry... Warzones not counting was changed multiple times but still remains un-resolved... Exploiting although fairly recent in how rampant it's become, has been checked and is un-resolved.. Performance issues have been optimized serveral times and still remain un-resolved.. We could go on and on here.. It just adds up to this game not being on par to whats to be expected in 2011-2012 after 5+ years of development and mega bucks. Don't forget the professionals working on the game also... Maybe it sat on the shelves too long.. Maybe they actually finished "development" those 5 years ago, and this whole waiting period has been voice over work and animation clipping. I don't know but yea.. Pretty much
  8. These guys make Trion look like some *********** Geniuses YO..! Fo'reeelzzz!
  9. *Cough* AVOIDING A BIG, HUGE /DUCK here But.. Small Claims..
  10. Yo DAWG, We heard you like Underworld Metals, so we brought you some more Underworld Metals to go with your Underworld Metals..
  11. The thing is alot of times. I can't even tell the difference, thats how bland things feel. I can litterally aimlessly speeder off into an exhaustion zone without realizing I was heading there. There was even area that literally taxi's you out to an area.. THAT'S SURROUNDED BY EXHAUSTION ZONES.!!!
  12. I'm sorry I'm not even speaking for WoW here since I don't even play, but things that allow players to customize their avatars has always been part of the mix and major part of it. MMORPG players although they may not like to admit it in most forums are very vain in their gaming. You can call it being elite or whatever the fashion is. It doesn't neccesarily have to be a barbershop or a dye shop, but those things do make for good filler and furhermore allow for a little space in having to always create new content for looks. I know Bioware ran into some issues with that in Beta and I think now I'm starting to understand why they were and are still having those same issues. "I mean, armor dyeing! Is it that serious?" - Is what the "Ayes" say... "EXACTLY!, armor dyeing! Is it that serious?" - Is what the "Nays" say.. What a condrum you've created for yourself Bioware..
  13. Definately looks like a pretty solid post to me.. Deserves a /duck from the QRF team but the conspiracy would be too large. I see a good layout of pro/con and adding in the comparisions (although done before) is solid again.. Good job.. AAA..... Unlike this game.. That's out of love of Bioware... or maybe I'm out of love.. Meh.. You decide "Let' your anger flow through you. Your hate will make your game good.."
  14. Have you seen anything get 'resolve'd around here?
  15. I thought they designed the game and actual looks of the game. As well as choosing the "Hero Engine" to appease those with "low-end" machines.. They say people are playing SWTOR on Compaq Presarios now?
  16. That's good that you don't run into many of the bugs that plenty of others are having. It's good that perhaps you don't participate in PvP (Warzones and Dailies in Illum), I advice you continue to stay away from those things for many are finding them frustrating. You are the target audiance that Bioware was seeking in their project. They hit the mark there and I have given them credit time over for this. These pro's however just don't out shine the issues I'm having. Here's another one.. 'Exhaustain Zones'.. I mean *** is this ****.. what is going on!?!?!? Why am I dieing!?!!? Run back.. HURRY FOOL!!!.. GTFOTW Khem.. I don't give a **** about your old master... ***** move!! /rant Ehm.. Sorry
  17. I can't say specifically what would fix it for me. But what I can tell you is that what is going on now, does not work for me. I think back to something like Ultima Online (I know I know) but even this title was able to hold me and the 40 other people (Private RP shard) in one area at a time. Yes demands on graphics and cpu were lower then, but in the same right technology was more limited. What Bioware has done here is create something that just performs badly, in both the feel of the enviroments, to pvp, and all sort of things ranging from the minute to the most serious. This although it "works" is maybe one of the buggiest "finished" products I have played across all platforms. PC and console, the only game I can think of that was as broken in design and application is perhaps Dragon Ball Z: Budaki on the Gamecube. A title that was backed by a big IP but just sucked as a game because of development flaws. I'm happy that Bioware did something different, I'm very pleased they've brought story back to MMO's but they left out about 70% of the other things that come along with it. The story telling gives a paper bag, thats labled "Air"... after the cutscene ends. You go to take a breath of said bag to recouperate from the awesomness and find out; the bastards punched holes into the bottom. SWTOR is Highley Questionable.. and I ask you.. Is SWTOR a AAA title? Si o No? (dont know how to do the proper "?" for this)
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