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Everything posted by Kurfer

  1. No doubt it will happen. Will enough players leave to close the doors? Nope, you're a man of low IQ if you think that. Will enough players leave to where the command system queues for content be horrible? Probably. This happens with every MMO, even the juggernaut WoW was bleeding subscriptions at a horrendous rate prior to Legion. It will happen with Legion as people just get sick and tired of playing the same content. Trying to keep gamers interested is a very difficult battle, they would have to keep creating content after content in order for that to happen. Let's say they create a new ops, after the 5-6th time people run it the interest is gone.
  2. I was mentioning in my WZ that several people on the forums are claiming that pvp is the fastest current way to farm CXP. Everyone was like "what do you mean" or "where are the forums"? Lesson of the day: In ANY game, the difference in numbers of players that visit forums and don't is massive. The complaints you see here are from a very very small percentage of the player base. I loved the story, I love PvP and I love the character look/feel/combat/animations but I have never ever made a thread praising them. I have however, created a thread complaining about the management out of passion because the CXP system was not to my liking but then I realized that I am not the majority and am slowly embracing it as it's definitely not as bad as it seems. I tend to believe these devs ignore the major complaints to eliminate the sheep effect. No matter what they do, the sheep will never let them live it down even if they improve. A perfect example of this is that there are still people who think PvP is "ruined" because of the initial reports that a match only gave 25 cxp. Even if I lose I get around 500ish but people still have it in their heads that pvp is "ruined".
  3. Do the parse's actually show the best possible dmg for pvp though? It seems carnage dmg is very situational; if you queue into a team with zero threat or power your'e going to just get thrown around and peeled limiting your uptime... The windows for burst as carnage make it devastating when you get CC'ed constantly.
  4. For the first time ever I am looking through the swtor ********* section to find ways that I can exploit CXP since the system is trash. I think it's up to the community to figure out ways around this because this game belongs to us and not the devs.
  5. This is how I have been getting around to it, whenever my brother isn't playing I just log his char in on another PC and queue with it, once group starts I drop it and summon a healing companion.
  6. The whole reason I am upset with the direction is because of what will happen in 3-6 weeks post launch. With this current system, I can't see people who don't LOVE this game staying. Why does that affect me? If you think the grind is bad now, just wait until you queue up for uprisings to grind your CXP and have to wait 20 mins just for one to pop. That will entail and whole new level of suck. It WILL happen, if you think it wont then you have not been paying attention since launch. The ops finder tool was practically useless and queue times for HM flashpoints as a DPS were terrible.
  7. Well I for one never said I was unsubbing, as mentioned I love this game but even on Harb server it sucks not having a large pool of players to enjoy casual queuing. Calling all my IRL friends away from other games gets harder and harder as the general opinion of the game is negative. I just want to play it and have meaningful end game content. The new system really sucks, not enough to make me quit but enough to make other people that don't feel as strongly as I do to stay. Playing in an empty sandbox sucks. Getting comfortable with guilds only to have to restart and find a new one due to population collapse gets really damn old.
  8. This. I played Legion, good expansion and it's hard to argue that the game overall is far more advanced and polished than this one but...after 10 years I can't *********** handle the orc garbage story anymore. It's so bland and meh, stupid orcs fighting orcs going back in time deciding if they are good guy orcs or bad guy orcs while some nameless "enter character hero here" comes in and is all of a sudden the "chosen" one. That ship has sailed for me, the story experience in this game has ruined any lore that WoW has to offer. Plus, the artifact grind and gated content is on par with this garbage CXP system in terms of grind fest.
  9. One would think the RELEASE OF AN EXPANSION would warrant some time of *********** response... They spent millions for a trailer alone, I am sure there was some very heavy financial investment in this.
  10. Since when did I say or anyone for that matter say they wanted a patch in 5 days? I said I would like SOME LEVEL of communication... What are you even arguing anyway? I feel like i'm dealing with someone of very low intelligence when I respond to you.
  11. I still love to play this game, I left WoW to come back to here for the expansion. Now here I am less than a week after launch and all my IRL friends quit and my once decent sized guild (I consider a guild of 17 online in swtor to be decent sized) has but 1-2 ppl online at any given time. That does NOT spell a successful expansion... If the devs would at least mention that they ARE in fact READING these complaints then I could feel much better continuing this horrendous meaningless grind knowing that MAYBE the system will get better but you have to be an absolute moron to think that if this continues in its current state for more than a month then it's curtains for this game for sure. If anything this game will be a bunch of low level free to play doing the story buying random **** on the CM to keep this game afloat. Dedicated long time players will be stuck sitting in queues because there isn't anyone with a sub doing whatever end game content there is.
  12. I don't know, maybe take a hint from Blizzard's team? Like hearing people complain about artifact knowledge and alts; they post a follow up saying they read loud and clear that the players are unhappy and they are working on a change. Fast forward to latest patch notes and boom, a new system of artifact knowledge for alts. Not just some junk solution to make players happy, an actual creative resolution that caters to unhappy players and players who worked hard to grind it out the old fashioned way. Or you could continue to white knight and think they are doing no wrong. This game's forum is nothing but complaints right now and you think maybe on launch of a very anticipated expansion they would be active? Maybe just a little bit?
  13. Even on populated servers the queues are eventually going to get out of hand. Nobody wants to *********** tank in MMOs...it's just not interesting. There is a reason DPS queues are 8+ hours long for operations, it's what people want to play. (Some ******e tank is bound to quote this and explain to me how I am wrong because he loves tanking completely ignoring the fact that I have a better chance of seeing Jesus banging a cow in front of the white house than I do seeing 3 tanks within 3 instances of each other) Also, good luck completing any ops anymore, without actual loot drops within the operation there is almost 0.0 chance a DPS will EVER be able to use that tool with success unless they have no life and can sit in a queue all day long.
  14. I think the Starwars label brings out alot of house dads that play their one game a week. People were actually talking about attempting the Vaiylin fight more than 15 times because they couldn't clear it on story mode. I honestly don't even know how you can manage to die if you tried. Just look at the difference in performances at the end of warzones...there are people that love their lightsabers but still need to look down at the keyboard to know where the spacebar key is.
  15. How toxic are your offices that you're so terrified to speak to your customers? Looking at these forums and having every planet chat turn into a toxic mess of complaints means your system sucks. The general hatred for this game brings back memories of the ugly launch/Ilum/battlemaster days. The fact that there has been no community reach back by Bioware just shows this company is poorly managed. I wish they would dump their entire management staff because it's garbage. Someone has these devs terrified to reach out to unhappy customers...
  16. These things were designed by idiots... If you're going to have a lazy group finder tool that does not select based on roles then you have to tune this **** for a potential group of 4 dps because a majority of them will be. I don't understand how a facility of creative minds can't figure out a way to move past this stupid tank/healer syndrome that plagues the ever living **** out of MMO's.
  17. There is NO excuse for making this intense grind for content we have been doing for over a year. Seriously, I had the top gear last expansion so what's the point of getting the top gear to do all the same **** I did the previous expansion? Seriously, it makes zero sense. Just saying that out loud in a meeting room should have gotten someone fired. It's just a garbage system... I appreciate the story but there is really no reason to continue.
  18. I was thinking the same thing so I went ahead and just killed her. You need to look good if you're going to be a female on my squad...
  19. I'm not so sure it is; the uprisings don't seem like anything more than gutted flashpoints without the storyline... No new raids No new pvp maps No new gameplay mechanics No new strongholds CM items have been very boring as of late, I would hope for large inventory to be brought in with the expansion No updates to the engine No updates to the UI The story will be 10/10 I am sure, they ALWAYS deliver there. The CXP system seems ok but they need a large player base to participate. What's the point of weekly operations when you sit in the queue for 4 hours min? On harb as a DPS I sit in queue for raid finder for a good 4 hours before I give up. People have been begging, pleading, crying and begging some more for new raids. Yet no new raids, how hard can it be to throw a few simple raids in the game? PvP rewards are almost trivial so I can only assume my experience there will be worse! The pvp queues will only get longer. F2P can't participate in CXP system, so I can only assume this will effect queue times because you took a large portion of players out of an already small pool. To top it ALL off, you have an outright impossible grind for CXP JUST TO GET GEAR FOR THE EXACT SAME CONTENT WE HAVE HAD FOR YEARS! That makes NO sense!
  20. Guilds are so small and spread out anymore that it's not really worth finding one; pugging raids is for people with far too much time on their hands than I can imagine. There are like 5-7 tanks online at any given time on Harb; the ones willing to respec from dps to tank get **** on by the community for not knowing fights and get discouraged. I don't want to sit around in the fleet for hours to find a damn tank and 2 healers. The uprisings seem cool, as long as I can pimp out a companion to be the tank! I can play with the only 2 people I know that still play this game. I prefer PvP but at 20 cxp per match you'd have to be a fking moron to think you're going to get anywhere with that. I am really looking forward to the story, it's what makes this game shine but once i'm done with that i'll probably cancel like 60% of the player base coming back.
  21. Kurfer

    "Pub pvp..."

    I have 5 imps and 5 pubs, when I play my imps I can usually get the dailies and weeklies done in two days across all characters. Good healers, good dps, strong team play. When I play pubs it's an absolute abortion, we don't just lose we get steamrolled. If I heal my team gets tripled in dmg, if I dps I get 10+ deaths with 3 healers on my team below 1k hps. I think the issue is that you have alot of family house dad casual types that play republic (the good side). They grew up with Luke Skywalker posters on their wall and want to be a Jedi. They are not much of gamers but they love starwars; they click and keyboard turn. They also look down on their keyboard and mouse when they use abilities.
  22. Can't you just do them all on solo mode?
  23. Well considering how much money league of legends makes on skins to personalize characters I would LOVE to see loads of options for orange gear sets. The cry babies can't complain about P2W when people are paying for empty orange shells. #1 aspect of playing an MMO to me is making my character the way I want it to look with plenty of options.
  24. You linked the wrong article, article linked does not mention nerfs to professions. Delete post tks.
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