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Everything posted by Kurfer

  1. We need to make sure they keep up with this, bump.
  2. Got a link by chance? I want to bookmark it, I hope they follow through with promises!
  3. ETA? I have not seen anything stating this. That level 50 PvE/PvP gear needs to be burned from the servers and removed forever! It's so fugly! I won't ever stop complaining until its fixed!
  4. You actually think the level 50 PvP and PvE gear looks good? Wow, just wow! It's so horrible I feel like I just downgraded my character once I hit 50. WZ's have gotten boring because everyone is starting to look the same; it leads to a very bland setup. It would be more tolerable if they had plenty more choices but some of that gear design is just so bad it's laughable.
  5. New gear? Will this mean we are not forced to wear the putrid level 50 class gear? Add some PvP gear too, that stuff looks even worse!
  6. This is about the nicest way of saying "go **** yourself" I have ever seen. Well done sir!
  7. Sorry, I hate to stereotype but I will. Most hardcore gamers I know have problems with competition in anything other than video games. Most of them are hardcore because their RL is a wreck; you know how many arena gladiator kiddies i've had to deal with on my teams that managed to incorporate the word "skillcap" 3 times in every sentence? They were train wrecks, so addicted beyond belief they were not capable of competing IRL. I'd call them fry cooks but most of them couldn't even manage to hold that job.
  8. Well said, The OP is part of these new generation baddies that like to have other people do the work for them. Truth is, most wow guilds that called themselves elite just copied the hard stuff off the few world firsts out there that paved the way for everyone. Damage meters while I agree somewhat tell you how you're doing are not drastically needed, most baddies like the OP are one dimensional and will play the spoiled brat "i'm better than you" game comparing DPS among different classes regardless of whether or not someone is playing said class correctly. I've been is many bad wow guilds were it was all about the dps and they couldn't progress past ****, it was always the healers fault or the tanks fault but they couldn't even stop spamming their brainless dps rotation to use utility "cleanse" type spells or god forbid off-heal during heavy boss burst. Let's face it, a monkey can manage a dps rotation. Is the OP really wanting everything to made easier? Does your mom still cut your food for you?
  9. I said almost this exact same thing when I described that awesome ending to my brother over skype... I LOVED the ending, brought back the same childhood jitters from the original film endings.
  10. I did it for those sweet looking white boots from the light vendor. I still wear them at 50, screw Bioware's attempt to force me into that hideous looking level 50 PvP/PvE set(s). I just have to play really good if I wanna do hardmode FP in my old modded orange set! I like a challenge!
  11. I really really really wish they would swallow their pride and give an update one what they are going to do with all the level 50 gear in general. It doesn't matter what class or faction you are, they all look pretty bad. It's like they put the guy who wasn't doing anything in charge with creating them and he took a long vacation and then tried to rush them in at the last minute. It's just pathetic, I am really irritated by the lack of response considering the negative feedback about this gear is overwhelming!
  12. To me the game is over at 50 since the level 50 gear looks so horrible. I just leveled my BH to 50 and am now starting another class. I don't think Bioware intends for this to be an endgame type MMO. I think of it more as an RPG where I can talk to friends in game. Kinda wish it was F2P since I don't see why they need to store my character on the server.
  13. I am really irritated by the people saying why they don't understand how people can want gear. I don't want gear, I don't want to wear the poorly designed trash! It looks horrible, I WISH it was viable to wear my orange modded gear set that I love but now I wont be invited to do operations and hard modes because my gear isn't up to snuff. Get rid of this horrible archaic system and give us full control over our gear!
  14. Why no update from the devs? The community is begging for this, are they too proud to admit that the design of the level 50 PvE and PvP gear has overwhelmingly negative feedback? This NEEDS to be added, forcing people to look the same at level 50 is NOT the answer. Give us updates/feedback please!
  15. Finally broke 300k in huttball today, lots of ******* on the enemy team stacking up on each other, it was a slaughter. My server is like 90% huttball if you're imperial. It's alot easier to break 300k on the other Warzones due to masses building up at the choke points making great opportunity for AoE damage. I usually come in 1st or 2nd damage and am usually shocked when I don't it's just odd that I had such trouble breaking 300k in huttball. Yeah I try to focus on scoring/helping the ball carrier and us BH make great defense players due to that awesome knockback but when you're going against a common server premade it's nice to stack up the dps for medals when you know it's gonna end 6-0 in favor of the other team.
  16. Level/gear? What other abilities other than the typical AoE stuff? Power Shot = no for arsenal.
  17. I've scrapped by with 250k once in Huttball but I am not sure how people claim for it to be so easy... I have seen one BH hit that target twice in all my PvP matches but I read about people hitting 300k on the forums all the time. Is it possible pre-50? I am level 44 now and my crit is at 29% (arsenal spec merc). No matter how much I dish out damage and how little I die I just can't break the 300k barrier. My basic rotation is: Tracer until 5 heat sig --> Rail --> Heat Seaker and I use Unload when it procs no matter where I am in rotation, I give that 100% priority. Obviously I use my knock backs when appropriate. Using HVGC as my weapon buff.
  18. So? This is a new MMO, isn't the idea to learn from the mistakes of the past games and drive new features? Took them 7 years but they came up with it, time to ride it or make a better system. Giving two choices for gear sets at level 50 seems like a punishment to me. I'd rather not hit level 50 and feel obligated to "raid" or "pvp" for that garbage.
  19. Glad we are not the only class un-happy with the current state of gear. Basically level 1-49 = moddable gear with lots of choices to make your character look unique to your liking. Level 50 = everyone looks the same with some of the most poorly designed graphics models in an MMO ever. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=105015&page=12 Needs to be fixed, will kill end game which = losing player base in early lifecycle of an MMO.
  20. There needs to be an update on this, this is a big issue. The level 50 PvE and PvP gear is so poorly designed I refuse to wear it. This is an MMO and we take pride in the way our characters look since building a character is what makes these games fun to me. The BH gear looks so bad I don't even want it which is why I won't even bother to raid unless it means maybe I can get my weapons. It's hard to get motivated to explore content at level 50 when you DON'T want the rewards. I hate to mention WoW here but they set the bar high with the transmog thing; dev's here need to put their minds together and realize that there is NO reason to prevent your player base from achieving the look they want if they earn it. The level 40 PvP gear is what I am using, period. If it means I wont be invited to high end raids then so be it.
  21. Yup, i'm dead serious I wont use it. I'll store the fking PvP reward commendations because I refuse to buy into the graphic's designers "vision" and look like some low rate predator wanna-be. Garbage gear, terrible...terrible job by the quality team for even allowing this junk. The PvE gear looks even worse! Is there a suggestion forum to link this thread to?
  22. I agree with everyone, I think both the PvE and PvP gear looks like complete garbage. They did such a poor job on the gear I really think this topic needs further attention and should catch the eye of the dev's and graphics designers. Maybe we got lucky and they fired the guy who designed all this crap?! I am already eager for the first expansion because I honestly think i'm going to stick to the level 40 PvP gear. Good thing I play on a PvE server and most everyone sux at PvP. I simply refuse to wear that crap, how bad will my stats be at lvl 50 assuming I mod the living hell out of my lvl 40 set? Seriously, they need to delete this crap right now and have a nice little "do-over". Gear shouldn't get uglier as you level! Not even going to bother with raiding, just going to level to 50 with every class until an expansion hits the market I guess.
  23. instead of following the mold of supplying high end gear in raids why didn't they just make a "make your own orange armor" system and put the high end mod items in the raids?
  24. I think it would be so awesome if friends could walk around in your ship and see the fighting you're doing in a space mission through the windows or maybe even have a first person gunner view. I was really hoping for me interactivity within the ship itself like being able to fly or "hover" within the planet you're on.
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