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Everything posted by Kurfer

  1. While i'm perfectly capable of understanding east/west I laugh at the people who force it in WZ's. Snow/Grass is retard proof and when you play with other window licking gamers who most likely work IRL as blue collars or fast food employees you try to accommodate the lowest common denominator. Snow/Grass works best in this case.
  2. That's funny, as a DPS I find that 80% of healers in this game panic and start tunnel vision over healing themselves the second I throw damage their way. Nothing is more fun that hitting a healer a few times and watch them spaz out over healing themselves while I hard switch and kill all the dps around them. Too many fail healers making it easy to nullify their efforts. What is it about this game where healers ignore their teammates when they break into panic mode?
  3. I love it when the PvE house dads come in here trying to justify a reason to use their coveted PvE gear in PvP. They want to feel so significant, the truth is nobody cares about your silly little PvE accomplishments. A monkey can clear PvE content in MMO's, your enemy only gets weaker as your team gears up. It's usually not the PvE gear that makes you suck anyway, its the dead giveaway that you spend most of your time in easy mode PvE instances against computer controlled monsters that allow you to beat them with your clicking and keyboard turning newbie friends. You can continue to practice and gear up in PvP but so does your opponent. Stay out of WZ's in your garbage gear, grab a set of recruit and spend more time PvPing, get geared. It will make you better players. PvP > PvE
  4. I used to care about having scrubs on my team because I am competitive but now that I can get around 100 coms for a loss and i'm closing in on full WH on all my chars I don't mind at all anymore. If I see a bunch of 13k guys, iv'e been around long enough to know we most likely will get rolled and i'll ignore objectives and dps right out of the gate. I find it just as fun to switch to beast mode and try to go for personal goals (800k+ dps) as I find it's much easier to destroy the damage meters for personal screenshots when i'm the only one on my team that is capable of doing real damage. It's a win win for me, I don't feel like I have to carry keyboard turning PvE no talents and I still get to own people. To top it all off I get 100 coms while my green geared counterparts get peanuts and rage quit during the match. It's almost more fun that winning! I only play competitively when my team looks good from the start or I am running with my usual pre made crew. I save my "fun, shooting for 800+k dmg" games for when I solo queue with the scrubs.
  5. I might try it 3 months after release when it's sitting in the bargain bin at Walmart like the first one. Every pvp video of the game I watched looked very boring and just "plain". I'll stick with my current bargain bin game, its fun! It's going to disappoint people, no game in history had this much hype and met expectations.
  6. I have yet to play a f2p game where you can buy skill... It will just be visual perks, look at league of legends...tell me what you can buy that makes you op? GW2, same story... I think the f2p model is the future. If you think they will let you buy campaign gear/wh gear with rl money then you're delusional.
  7. Didn't you say in another thread that this game would be great if it was single player? So a f2p game that costs 20 bux new wouldn't be great in your opinion? Man you're just whining to whine... If it goes f2p, it basically can be treated like single player since there is no justification for a monthly fee anymore. By your own admittance it would be great...nice trolls.
  8. you would still find a way to cry about it if it was single player... People like you are all the same, you find a reason to whine about something...while failing to realize that your negative attitude reflects in all aspects of your life. People around you move on and enjoy the roses while you sit back negative as hell in misery all the time. Enjoy your mediocre life, I bet you complain about co-workers that make more money than you rather than perform better to justify a raise. People like you can be read like a book.
  9. I can't stand pre 50 pvp and pvp is all I do on my level 50 chars... Winning doesn't mean as much pre-50, it's just a bunch of fotm re-rollers pretending they don't suck.
  10. add kids who's parents can't afford meds. Normal for video gamers...
  11. I can agree that backpedaling to get away from melee sucks but unbinding it seems silly and extremist to me. It's fine to use it for a simple quick adjustment esp if you're ranged. Just as long as you're not trying to back away faster than melee can run at you.
  12. Madness assassin 4 life
  13. The fact that you think people use those tactics to get those numbers shows you have not and will never hit those high numbers. I guess this is what the scrubs think goes on when the big boys play. Click less.
  14. WoW pvp was ok, lost motivation after 2 seasons of getting gladiator. The pvp game became such a dull grind that people didn't even care anymore and it felt so lifeless. So far this game is my favorite, I really really enjoy pvp..,wins mean something and the end scoreboard is a lot of fun esp for bragging rights with friends in TS. I loved world pvp in everquest I also tried guild wars but it felt bad, it felt equal to the cheap bargain price tag I paid for it at walmart. Still scratching my head over the hype the sequel is getting.
  15. And back to normal after all the whiners come back after they realize it was just a sequel to a bargain bin average game and there is no such thing as a perfect game.
  16. Did you not transfer? It seems all the destination servers per the xfer's are jam packed... If you didn't xfer then you're a sadist.
  17. Not really, marauders actually take skill to play. Clickers need not apply.
  18. Marauders can do great damage against bad teams, but against coordinated good teams they can be handled. Tell your tanks to learn how to guard. DPS PT and Rage Jugg's need nerfed long before they touch Marauders.
  19. I like the scoreboard, it's great to see all the n00b marauders with their full game sub 150k dmg. It's even better to hover over enemy healers and see less than 60k dmg taken from same n00b marauders. The best is the whole "I was working on objectives" excuse. Let's face it, you don't like the scoreboard because you're a keyboard turner clicker that will never manage to break 300k total dmg. Get carried more.
  20. I see a lot of fails in WZ's that have the same rant as the OP... bottom line is when I see all the good players, (you know the ones on the top rated teams) they are always the ones doing top damage and top heals. Numbers don't lie, when you have dps on one team doing 800k and dps on the other doing 230k they are not lacking because of objectives, they are lacking because the guys doing 800k are handing them their butts. Sorry man, you're going to need to find a better argument. You have to realize that if someone puts enough effort into 800k dmg or healing then they are also putting effort into objectives and winning the WZ. It's people like you that are just not good enough that need to pretend you're "contributing to objectives".
  21. lol you play with panda's and pokemon.
  22. Until they realize it's a sequel to an average bargain bin game that barely turned any heads? You see, there is a large pool of gamers that over hype games and then cry like babies when launched because they simply can't be pleased..period. All these tards talking about GW2 being the end game to end all games will be crying about it within 2 weeks of launch. And it did happen with D3, all the problems and crying that game had wow...this game pales in comparison. This is the best MMO out right now, plain and simple.
  23. He is talking about liking SWTOR on a SWTOR forum...why would that confuse you? I bet you really got thrown for a ringer when you figured out your pants had a hole for each leg.
  24. People may still be stuck in wow because they dedicated a lot of their life to it. All the WoW folks I know still hang on to the game and their arena rating like that ex-high school kid still talks about taking state well into his 30's. It's over, move on.
  25. what a dull negative life you must lead... you are probably one of those habitual complainers.
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