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Everything posted by Kurfer

  1. One of the best pvp classes (PT) vs one of the worst (merc). Just delete your merc and roll a PT
  2. Nope, pay to win is getting the best items by using a CC#. Maybe the "me-first" generation will cry about people leveling faster with more money but the fact that someone gets 50 before me if they pay RL money has absolutely zero impact on my enjoyment of the game. Having some kid full WH because he bought his stuff starts to cross that realm and that isn't what they will do. Worry less about what other people are getting, if they pay and level faster then good for them. Just like in the real world, if you work harder and have a better job and make better decisions you get to drive a nicer car than me. These new generation kids that want that purple participation ribbon can really just go away for all I care.
  3. I hope you're talking about PvE because Snipers are right up there with PT's in PvP as far as damage goes. My 50% recruit/BM sniper pulls 550-600k dps games all the time, it took at least half WH and 5x the effort to break 600k as a marauder. Show me a sniper that can't beat a marauder in pvp damage and i'll show you a failure of a sniper. You clowns need to seriously get some skill and stop playing in the pre-50 brackets, it's making your brains numb.
  4. People in this game are so bad they don't even know what they are ************ about. Did you just FKing ask Bware to place a cool down timer on an ability that already has a cool down timer? Wow, just L2P.
  5. Just like other classes with defensive abilities they have cool downs, it's a great skill but good players know that when a marauder pops it his shelf life is coming to an end. Too many people whine about this ability with little education on what it actually does. I guess this is the reason most people who actually play marauders know they are beatable and have flaws. As someone who plays multiple characters, I would say PTs, Juggs, and Snipers are much stronger damage wise than we are.
  6. How do you end up with less votes than wins? You must be that guy buried in the middle of the list that got carried by people who recruit gear.
  7. Provide examples please... Would you say League of Legends in P2W? It's one of the most successful F2P games in history. I think you are over-reaching. You also better get used to it too, even the mighty Blizzard has hinted that the F2P with micro transactions model is the future. Once they "mainstream" it then you can be assured EVERYONE will follow.
  8. So far all the "pay for" items are cosmetic. Seriously get a grip, if you're an active subscriber you should be jumping for joy right now because the same game you're used to is now free. Judging by your reaction and intelligence in this matter it's no doubt you don't make a lot of money IRL so think of this as a gift. All the people crying about pay to win have to be the dumbest forms of life on this planet...seriously you are ridiculous...
  9. THE ISSUE: Ranked Warzones are a great idea in concept but require and very large playing field. Just like anything there can only be 1 top team, there will be tiers that fall below and you will eventually balance out to the rating your team is capable of. On paper this concept sounds very simple, it worked well in WoW and other games. Why doesn't it work in SWTOR? There are NOT enough people queuing, it's downright irresponsible and stupid to tell someone to L2P when they complain about the current system. NEWSFLASH: there is a skill gap in MMO's! Teams get way too frustrated playing teams that completely destroy them, in order to gain the strategy by playing as a group you need to play people of equal or slightly equal skill to get a feel for it. You then play teams slightly better to eventually overtake and work on your skills. This is how the ELO system is supposed to work. When you have a 1200 team going against a 2200 team all night, nothing good can come of it. You have 2200 team talking **** on forums and 1200 teams stop queuing because it's not worth it. Can you take a college basketball player and tell him to go up against michael jordan all night? Doesn't work that way, you have to have confidence builder games you have to see different teams, makeups, builds... People saying cross server won't work are dead wrong, it still will have it's issues but at least you open up the playing field a bit more. You have the potential for every servers tops teams to play each other and pug level to play each other instead of the top teams beating up lesser teams all night. Add in single queues and 4 man queues you will see a lot of new players because it's also difficult to field an 8 man team and keep it together.
  10. I assume Denova and EC are the same thing? If so, what kind of *****hole decided to give an operation two names?
  11. Open pvp is dead, it's dead in MMO's in general. Stop being that annoying little kid that begs for something he can and will never get.
  12. Um dude...this thread was titled post here if you are numb, not post here if you are dumb.
  13. Thus in the WZ environment, the PvP gear trumps it. It's one thing to duel recruit vs pve but it's another in a full team fight environment. I would challenge anyone to get a team of 8 in columi and a team of 8 in recruit...assuming equal skill. The recruit team face rolls. I also think too many people are talking up columi gear to be something it's not. The reality is, it's not that good.
  14. So this doesn't work... Here is why: Top PvP guilds look for edges to make them competitive, they learn how to raid and clear content getting the best weapons. To compete at a high level you also then are forced to PvE to get PvP gear. This makes PvPers upset. PvEers get upset because then you have PvPers flooding their groups who don't enjoy the PvE aspect. You get people like me in your raid that don't respect the talent level and min/max nerdism of the typical PvE dork and I usually sit around impatient begging people to pull because the crap is so easy. IF you would assume that pure blood pvpers would NOT go after the top tier raid gear weapons and such then it would be ok. Yeah you would have the occasional PvE'er rolling in top gear but he most likely would still get rolled because PvEers are not used to the increased competitive nature of the game when it comes to PvP. This happened in vanilla wow, this is the reason Blizzard invented the "different gear set" approach in the first place.
  15. Meh i'll take 800k on an assassin while carrying the entire team on my back over someone who spams damage on a guy getting healed while getting healed yourself for 15 minutes. Let's see you get 800k while taking 8 deaths because you didn't even have a single healer on your team WHILE going against one of your server's better premades.
  16. I think he assumed you are comparing recruit to rakata/campaign because columi gear doesn't have enough main stat to justify the gains over the recruit set.
  17. Well I am arguing that recruit gear is not terrible. Recruit > Columi Battlemaster > Rakata WH > Campaign If you're looking at a fresh level 50, it's better to have recruit than full columi and it takes less time to get (instant). Therefore it is not "terrible". Comparing rakata/campaign to recruit is for *******, who spends all that time getting that gear instead of rolling with recruit and getting full BM in less than a week? Now if we are talking full BM, you would have to be really silly to argue full BM is worse than full campaign. Simple progression makes it easy to get BM in a week, thus making recruit gear not terrible because it creates a free temporary set you get right at level 50 to use for a week.
  18. I still use biochem because the stats you get from the stim are down right baller. 100+ main stat + power is more than the gap between recruit/BM mix and WH. Yes I know you can buy the stims too but with Biochem I am guaranteed the stat rather than having to buy the stims for 8k a pop. If you're rich then it would be better to go cybertech since you can buy stims and have both. But us PvPers are poor since they nerfed our WZ credit gains!
  19. Ok, let's stop kidding ourselves now too. People mostly are not waiting until they get full campaign/rakata gear before entering a WZ. These baddies are taking the credits over the recruit set and entering the WZ with greens/blue mods. Also, to add on the argument if I do see a guy wearing full campaign gear in my WZ then I know he is probably going to get his *** rolled because he has been level 50 long enough to get full campaign before getting a single BM piece. Someone who does nothing but PvE can't understand the pace and strategy of an opponent that doesn't fight back on a programed rotation. Yes I said it, good PvPers are going to kick your PvE ***.
  20. For those of us that are closing in on full WH and play for the fun of playing it's a waste of time. If I am not desperate for coms and already finished my dailies/weeklies I am playing because I enjoy PvP. Win or lose a competitive game is fun, but If my entire team turtles at a turret when node #2 gets capped by the enemy I know it's around 12-15 minutes of me trying to attack a team of 8 by myself. To make people happy before I do "rage quit" I try to use /say to the other team and try to talk them into a 3 cap facial, at least then I know there will be a fight at the turtled node and I get to watch the n00bs on my team cry because they are denied even their defense medals.
  21. I'm rage quitting this thread because you refuse to use paragraphs.
  22. I quit WZ's if my team is sitting all together on one node trying to earn their defense medals. I'll play in a loss if I still get to kill people but i'll be damned if i'm going to waste 15 minutes of my precious time trying to solo a team of 8. It's not a rage quit if you're not mad I simply leave and re-queue, chances are even if I get into another fail group they will at least fight back. Besides if your passive PvE tard self is going to collect defense medals you shouldn't be mad if I quit the WZ you can still care bear turtle your way to more medals.
  23. ^ This OP healers are not the problem, it's fail DPS that don't realize it's not always the best choice to just tunnel a guarded healer getting peels by players more skilled than you. If you don't understand how to work as a team with another dps to maximize your efficiency or know what "hard switch" means. Then "OP healers" are the least of your problems.
  24. Recruit gear isn't bad at all esp when you combine it with a fort stim to make up for the lack of HP, baddies like to use it as an excuse on why they suck in WZ's "but i'm wearing recruit gear...waahhh I can't break 100k dps". I've broken 300k plenty of times wearing recruit on my marauder and my sniper is 80% recruit because I just started pvp grinding him and I just broke 771k last week. Recruit gear is superior to PvE gear...having zero expertise will cause you to get killed in a single dps rotation (esp a carnage marauder gore/ravage/scream combo.)
  25. http://www.generallystupid.com/sidi.jpg 803k on my assassin. Would have easily hit 1.2+ had I not died 8 times, no healers on my team /roar!! I've joined the 700K club on my marauder, assassin, and sniper (mostly recruit gear). Don't feel like posting screenshots since it's common nowadays for people to break 700k. Meh, did it without a pocket healer and weak healing on the other team. The trick is to activate the beast mode button.
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