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Everything posted by Kurfer

  1. Actually, i'm not confused at all. I realize completely that max hit, total damage and dps are three different things. In reality, the ONLY number I usually bother to look at is DPS. In my eyes, it's the only stat that matters; total damage is meaningless as it's relative to the length of the match. The reason I mention the max hit is because as I noticed a trend of considerably lower DPS; I also noticed that my max hit was drastically lower. It's typical statistical analysis, something has to be responsible for max hit being so low as that is fairly out of my control. Yes, there are sequences that are directly responsible (does the enemy have debuffs, am I properly using my buffs/passives/adrenals/etc) but max hit has less outliers than dps as dps requires a solid rotation consistency. At first I was potentially thinking I did something wrong but as you read earlier my DPS is actually fairly good with the 208 set bonuses (more on that below). The fact remains, as mentioned above I am level 31 CXP. My rotation has remained the same, I swapped 208 non set bonus armorings with 208 set bonus armorings and my DPS went from not being able to break 3200 to 5000+. Earlier today I had a 4x4 match and did 6700 dps. Again, nothing changed in my rotation. The damage output is drastically higher which leads me to the title of this thread. Bolster is a flaccid piece of donkey dick and it's buggy as hell.
  2. Ok might have uncovered something very odd with bolster. I have a commando that had 208 pvp items. When it comes to bolster, not all 208 armorings are equal. My Merc's gear was as follows: 240 barrels 230 mods 230 enchancements 208 pve armorings no set bonus 230 ear/implants 208 pve relics The ONLY thing I switched out was the 208 armorings I received from the Commando. SAME STATS just with the set bonus (this was the 208 pvp gear from previous expansion). The ONLY addition was set bonus which does NOT make the difference I experienced. before making this change my previous largest hit was 19k (verified by logs) after this change (same stat result just different 208 armorings) my largest hit was 37k. After three random solo reg matches my worst DPS was 4200, then 4900 then 5880. Before that I couldn't break 3300. I main a marauder, I knew after playing that for so many years this rotation wouldn't be a challenge. Let's face it, it's fairly hard to screw up the merc rotation (arsenal). Make sure you have heat sig, explosive gas and heat seekers while making sure to utilize rail procs and shots procs. DMG is very easy with mercs, it's the situational awareness of defensive cool down usage that takes time to master. What's crazy is, after switching out the 208 non set bonus armorings with 208 set bonus, my stats within the warzone were the same. 3640 tech power 10% alacrity 44% crit That tells me the number displayed to the player within the warzones is NOT accurate. There is no way set bonuses give 40%+ increase.
  3. People that don't like Sorc are playing ranked 100% I guess. I typically find that people who take ranked in this game seriously to be complete fking morons that I don't want to associate with. It's a garbage system with terrible queue times and it's laughable to even think about taking it seriously. That being said, sorcs are great is regular warzones if you're looking to have fun and I don't have any issues in PvE with them. There are so many terrible players in this game that it's easy to be the best no matter how bad your class is. The bar is set really low, lots of keyboard turning clicking house dads play this because it's starwars. Play the class and have fun.
  4. Yeah, just like the power-ups and everything else. Don't act like "finding" things is difficult, everything in this game is fairly simple compared to other games. It's the *********** running that is irritating.
  5. I can see your point about healer lock. I just can't stand how much running you have to do; I pvp to fight. I don't mind the power ups as much as I just hate running around constantly. It's hard to coordinate in random solo WZ's and all of my IRL pvping friends wont touch this game no matter how much I try to talk them into it. When playing with randoms that don't give a ****, it's hard to determine the group split or coordinate who gets buffs etc. It's really painful when I run to north node only to see people that were going to a different node stop in their tracks and run north leaving other nodes open. I hate fighting at a node when it's 3 of us vs some random stealther...just unfun.
  6. I honestly think the design team really dropped the ball when making this map. The control points are just so far apart and it just promotes ****** and dull gameplay. We spend most of the map running from node to node and when teams turtle on their side nodes single pop it just lends to a boring early game, only picking up when 3 nodes spawn at once. Even then it spreads healers and really wrecks uncoordinated teams full of random pve keyboard turners looking for ez CXP. I leave every time this thing pops, I want to *********** pvp not run around like an ******e all game.
  7. After 25 games testing, I can't hit for harder than 19k in warzones. My bolster currently shows: 10% alacrity 3640 tech power 44% crit I see other mercs hitting 40k+ The rotation is pretty simple, I know it can't be that: Tried following this guide: http://vulkk.com/2016/12/30/mercenary-arsenal-discipline-swtor-5-0-guide/3/ I still can't seem to hit hard, I don't know if bolster is currently bugged to **** and beyond but the numbers just don't add up. Even with a sustained rotation detailed in that guide my DPS is only 3200 at best in warzones. I am constantly breaking 5k on my saber classes and have gotten 6.9k dps on my sorc so I know it's not poor play. I honestly think bolster is not showing the proper stats in game.
  8. How often do you other Fury Marauders prioritize smash in PvP? It feels buggy, meaning if they are slightly elevated they don't get hit by your AoE. I notice this alot with the pylon map where there is a lot of elevation variance. It seems sometimes it's better to use your internal buffs on single target hard hitters like Raging Burst over Smash.
  9. Wouldn't you use concentrated slice first to add the 15% dmg bonus to focused burst? I assume the stacks only apply to it since it's a melee attack? Jump in to get auto-crit on focused burst. Then stealth out to build 6 stacks for dmg to next melee attack. Then pop out with concentrated slice applying the 15% crit dmg to focused burst?
  10. My gear? Are you accusing me of exploiting? You need to calm your **** son. You're over-reacting a bit like a child. Anyone that cares about pvp knows about Hottie's thread showing the proper bolster. I can't grind the CXP system in one night to get full 230. It's not possible, what I can do is use some of my millions of credits to buy mods and enhancements. Gear: Armorings: 204 pvp from last expansion with set bonus Mods: 230 from GTN Enhancements: Crit/power from GTN Augments: Mk-10 kits with 228 augs (power/crit combo) Implants: Alacrity 230 from GTN Earpiece: Crit/power 230 from GTN Hilts: 240 Relics: 230 from first command crate and 230 from GTN Crystals: 41 mastery (old war hero) I'd love for you to channel your inner child and tell me more how i'm exploiting? The ONLY thing I did that could even be considered odd was to keep my 204 armoring until I have my set bonus in 230. Feel free to inspect me at any time, if you spent less time crying and more time reading you would know that the bolster system works the best the way I described. I have 3693 bonus dmg and 46% crit in warzone and 7.89% alac with the above items in warzones. I'm just over here trying to understand how I got that hard hit, having trouble re-creating it but I feel I may be missing parts of my rotation. It may have been a perfect storm of debuffs from other players as described above; from what I understand my Furious Strike is my hardest hitter with my set bonus proc and my raging burst with force crush proc.
  11. I dusted off my old main Marauder, it's been about 3 years since I played it maybe longer. I jumped in a quick bestia farm group and got to 70 asap. I was just messing around in pvp re-learning my rotation and defensives and noticed I had a 38k hit at the end of the match. No idea what ability did that, been trying to re-create it but best iv'e been able to do is 26k. Any experienced 5.0 fury marauders know how this is achieved? I didn't pop any buffs nor did I go after red buff in the huttball arena. Here is the after match damage report showing the hit: http://i.imgur.com/25BqH0J.jpg
  12. I don't care what it's considered, as long as I enjoy playing it then you can call it anything you want. I only can seem to get along with people IRL, I am not the online friendly kinda person so I am perfectly fine with this being a multiplayer RPG.
  13. I main a sorc, no trouble in warzones and I win alot of arena matches. From a dmg standpoint I rarely ever end up not in the top 3 and mostly finish #1. I also do well in 1x1 fights and I find they are the easiest class to solo content with. Been using my sorc and sage to solo the heroic in the pvp area of gree event with no companion. Self heals and shields + dots. They wont be the 1x1 beasts like an assassin can be or even a merc currently (FotM is for underachievers) but that's not what they are designed for; they are there to spread lots of damage to multiple targets to overload the enemy healer's GCD. Alone they are not great but paired with other good dmg dealers can really make life hard on healers. They have a pretty nice array of utility (phase walk, bubble stuns, self heals, invincibility bubbles) that benefit both pve and pvp. Can't speak for lightning, just madness. I couldn't imagine struggling while doing the eternal championship; I don't even know how you can fail that as a sorc...it almost seems like I have to try and **** it up. I think you're doing something wrong. **Disclaimer: No comment on their effectiveness for raiding, but who in the holy **** plays SWTOR for raiding? Those people must be idiots...I don't even think there are more than 5 active raiding guilds on the busiest of servers.
  14. I have had great framerates with 5.0 even in 8v8 warzone mid cluster fights. 4.0 i7 6700k GeForce 980ti 16GB RAM 500GB Samsung Pro m.2 HD It plays everything on ultra just fine, even those crazy Occulus VR games with high system requirements at max settings (elite dangerous, etc)
  15. I am very interested! In-game name: Ducat'ii on harb server imp
  16. The only way to get helix components is to do the world boss. Even on the Harbinger server there are 30 people in the entire zone during prime time hours. Of those 30 only about 4-8 are interested in the world boss and of that only a few even know how to do it. Was hoping to get some gree decorations for my stronghold but fuuuuuuuuuuucc***k that waiting around for hours ****. We need some better reward system, put the components in the quests since the population isn't strong enough for raid events. Hell, the 138 different load screens and 4 hour speeder ride just to get there deserves some type of credit!
  17. Looking for the fireworks launcher, I think it was 3rd anniversary...
  18. Love: Female body type 2 butts, Bioware is a studio that knows how to make great digital female butts. Sith Female Warrior voice actor, so believable and makes the story so much better Animations are so on point, much better than any MMO PVP fun factor much better than ANY MMO by far (not competitive style, just the fun factor) I would queue if NOTHING could be gained because it's a blast to play KoTFE and KoTET stories were very well done Dislike: Inquisitor story line, anything with Tombs and silly sorcery is meh Emptyness in the open world, bland feeling and the non-sandbox feel kinda ruins it a bit Companion side convos were all really corny Raid finder, I love the raids but have only done three of them, the tank mechanic is such a crutch to MMO's because you usually have 6 people waiting around for 2 tanks. Just a terrible design that needs to be beaten out of developers heads. Remove the entire role and more people will stick around for end game content. large group engine performance still needs help
  19. I know what they do, I know the importance of them. What i'm questioning is the actual "selling" of them. I can make them, the crafts required to make them if sold individually are netting me anywhere from 3-7 times more than what I make for the actual kit itself. It seems like it's a waste to make them for the purpose of profits since the resource costs is so high.
  20. I started selling Mk-10 kits after making them from mats gathered from all my characters. Then I noticed I am making about 7x the profits selling the raw materials instead of actually making them... What I don't understand is how I see sooooo many listings for the mk-10 kits. They take so many aug comps and other mats to make; how is it even worth it?
  21. Better than a frame skipping flip that looks terrible; looks like cgi effects from some sci-fi channel original **** show movie.
  22. i'm sad to say I don't care about ranked; I just simply don't. I love this game and I love pvp because it's fun and while I am an extremely competitive gamer ( multiple rank 1 glad season in 3's, 5's from wow) I just feel like the ranked scene here is a waste of time. I used to run with alot of highly ranked players on harbs a few years ago and all I saw was win trading; it was more a political complex mess to get in with the right groups than anything. It was down to the point people were scheduling matches like raiding to raise rank and it was a bore fest. That being said, I think sorc's are hard to beat in reg's if you're looking for dmg. They suck 1v1 which is why they are not a good ranked choice but in regs; if you're not top dmg then either your team go wrecked or you did something very wrong. It's very easy to even beat mercs as a madness sorc.
  23. I think I figured it out, the guy mentioning bolster is pretty much right. I thought I had bolster figured out but I was completely wrong. Sadly, I am still rocking mainly 208 pieces thinking bolster would just bring me up to speed. In warzones I had 40% crit 68% critdmg and 3100 force power with 12% alac; I swapped most of my stuff around and now am: 3250 force power 44% crit 71% crit dmg 8.5% alac (not sure why this is so high, only my implants are alac, nothing else) Running a mix of crit and power augs 107% accuracy (running a single accuracy mod, going to remove it today) My force power is low but I assume my alac makes up for it. I am now hitting for 24k
  24. You must be terrible at this game to think this. What a garbage thread and post.
  25. Talked to several Juggs i've seen break the 32k barrier in pvp. They are all veng spec; they all claim they are doing it with Impale. After about 30-35 games since 70 I have YET to hit harder than 17k on my jugg...either my **** is broken or my *********** bolster is whacked to hell which shouldn't be because I feel I am following the pack as far as gear is concerned. How in the holy hell can someone hit that hard?
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