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Everything posted by DJunior

  1. Those who can afford to buy the peripherals which come with SWTOR branded on them, can set up macros. Why shouldn't we be allowed to set up similar macros if we're not using high-end hardware? There are already enough advantages to be gained from having a better computer, or having a better internet connection. This affects the fairness of the game, but nobody at Bioware's complaining about selling another keyboard or mouse with macro features and the SWTOR name all over it. If macros are not available in-game, then it should be across the board and should include the afformentioned harware. I question Bioware fairness on a lot of issues, moreover, maybe the developers and the publisher are more than happy to hide behind a guise of "fairness" in order to promote sales. Pure speculation, but I'm always suspicious when the people who can afford to are permitted to buy themselves an advantage. Sounds too much like capitalism.
  2. I'm interested in macros. Any chance of counting on this anytime soon?
  3. Yep, they're just afraid that in-game macro capabilities would hurt the sales of their overpriced SWTOR peripherals. Addons and mods would be nice as well, but I don't really care too much about 'em. They're usually more cosmetic. Macros though, they can save of all of us from arthritis at an early age. This lack of macros is currently the one main thing that will chase me to another MMO. Why should only those who blow a ridiculous amount of money on a mouse and keyboard have these capabilities and/or an unfair advantage.
  4. Good post. 110% accurate. This is why I will be probably be going back to Rift as I wait for, most likely, Guild Wars 2. OP hit the nail on the head. The devs are really out of touch and 1.2 is not going to be enough. Disappointing thing about it is that they are screwing up Star Wars. That's what I'm here for. I want to play Star Wars, not Rift, but Rift is just better, unfortunately. Furthermore, I've been waiting for years for a company to get right what SWG did wrong. In retrospect, I actually enjoyed SWG a lot more. Oh well, I guess I can always cancel and resub down the road. Never know, they might get it right. The game is still in its infant stages after all.
  5. No kidding! Leave your sub open while you're not playing be cause they "deserve" the money? Your opinion. Your money. They're laughing all the way to the bank. With all due respect to ya, I have higher expectations for my dollar, and Bioware has fallen far short of 'em. This MMO felt dated out of the box.
  6. I didn't know there was space combat! I thought that was a coin-op video game that was on my ship! But seriously, there is no space combat. Those space missions things we do on our ships are the most painfully dull way to gain xp and creds that exists in TOR. SWG didn't release with any form of space combat whatsoever, and fell short at release in a million other ways as well. In fact, space combat didn't show up until the first expansion arrived a year or so later. Should we be forgiving and be more patient for better space combat in TOR? I don't know, but the current model is a borefest, and I think some form of 3-axis multiplayer will eventually be absoutely necessary. It will also be part of what sets this MMO apart from the pack if they get it done, but I also have this sneaking fear that they will be content with leaving 'well enough' alone for a long time to come.
  7. Sweet! Something I can wear that will ensure that I never get laid!
  8. Thank you for linking this! This further updates my earlier post, but it is defined much better, and in a way that makes me feel much better about it, honestly. Would be nice for a built-in macro system that did exactly what was described, and without having to buy new peripherals.
  9. You can use it but do not set up macros* with it. They have said they will ban those who do(if I can find the article, i'll link it). Update: Sorry took so long but its not an article, but a thread someone started showing their own CSR response: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=316728&highlight=naga+mouse * Further, on the next page someone updated this with a response that clarifies it much better than the above link. In fact a macro system exactly like what they are listing in said response would be exactly like the macro sytem I'm used to and wish we could have in game. No loops, no delays, no automation, just less keybinds and arthritis. Can't afford that mouse though.
  10. ^^^ This too! Rift had open-world pvp missions/rifts. I though they'd be kinda stupid at first, but they were actually all right. Also, open-world pvp is where it's at for me. As it is when I queue for WZ's here, I get a little bored of every game being Huttball. Good game, but seriously, I play WZs a fair amount and it's at least 8 out of 10 games.
  11. TOR needs, and maybe even deserves, more time to develop especially considering we have always been able to put up with unfinished, newly released MMOs in the past. Sorry to say, I think you are absolutely right and they dropped the ball by sticking with the current model. I agree with virtually everything you say, right down to the numbers. Breaks my heart. I love Star Wars, but just go back and watch Eps. I,II, and III if you need to be reminded. The series just ain't what it used to be
  12. Not sure, but my spacebar is beat all to hell. I've played a lot of Mass Effect, so while I think that it's nice that they have tried this approach with an MMO, the dialogue kinda seems pasted in from that game. Not that that is a bad thing, but I think the whole... glow of it all... is kinda lost on me. It's just better with a single-player game. And the acting? I think that it's only good by video game standards. Sorry, I guess I'm just here for the action and I kinda wish they'd cut out some of this filler. Mass Effect 3's demo released with an option to skip the dialogue and get straight to the action. Well, since ME3 is single-player, I find myself enjoying the dialogue much more. Here, I just don't feel like getting caught up talking to NPCs all the time when there are real people out there to group with and enjoy. and honestly, I have shelves full of books and movie that offer better stories and acting. My point is that while I am glad that the dialogue makes it more ejoyable for you, and option to be able to skip dialogue belongs in this game much more than it belongs in ME3. To each their own. In short, I believe that this MMO has far to much NPC interraction and far too little real player interraction. An option to skip it for those who want to would be really nice. If they can do it in Mass Effect, a much more story-driven, single-player game in which NPC interraction really matters more, then why not here. Besides, when did Star Wars ever require great acting? I mean c'mon, Hayden Christensen's Anakin? Seriously? Gimme a lightsaber, a friend with a blaster, a fuzzy one with a crossbow, and a hot chic and I'm good to go! Nice and simple lie that
  13. I agree. I play more casually, and it's not just this game. Making money in MMO is the most time consuming part in the long run. That's just my opinion, of course. Here is my issue with this. How much like RL must these games be? I keep thinking that sooner or later they are going to add biils and taxes to the game as well. Somebody oughtta make a game that realizes that money is societies crutch (maybe I'm too much of an idealist?). It's not fun to attain in real life, and it's a chore in video games as well. I don't mind playing the game and earning my gear, but can we gamers, just trying to have a good time, just for once, forget about the fact that money has to be earned and spent and that this is a cycle that never ends. Video games oughtta be a relaxing departure from the stresses of real life, not a mirror of them. Please tell me somebody out there feels my pain.
  14. Well if not the Ewoks or the Gungans, then there needs to be some kind of happy, hateworthy creatures. I'd settle for the LA Lakers, honestly.
  15. LOL!! I paid for three months, myself. I'm stuck here too! Holding on to hope. C'mon Bioware.
  16. Rift has it, not sure about others, but I imagine it's fairly common.
  17. Side note. An option to import keybinds to an alt would be great.
  18. Hit the nail on the head. TOR will likely "fall" short of expectations, but it will survive. Hardcore SW fans will stick with it. Guess I used to be more hardcore. I just think that hardcore MMO players will look for something with more... I don't know... depth, originality, personality. On the surface these things seem evident in SWTOR, but for me they are only skin-deep. Something is lost between single-player RPG and MMORPG, in my opinion. Having said that, I think that there are things that can happen that will keep me around, so I'm hopeful, but 1.2 is looking like a patch that will fall short of expectations too.
  19. Better than SWG? Gameplay is better, yes. Very dated too, though. Instances, questing and raiding I think also better. Yet, I am on the fence. Hard to say exactly why, but SWG was just more immersive to me. I think it felt much more like the Star Wars universe than this does. I don't really think TOR will fail. EA is rich, and when they get angry enough about not seeing the returns they had hoped for on their investment, head'll roll. Changes will happen. The game will be around for years, and there will be many positive changes, I believe. Nevertheless, my belief is that TOR will fall far short of its expectations. Bioware may be past its prime. Where is the innovaton that created Mass Effect? This is a very cookie-cutter game from a company that has been my favorite thanks to the KoTOR and Mass Effect series.
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