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Everything posted by hillerbees

  1. I agree the game will be missed once gone. I have had many good times here. Still have a few. But I still feel more could be done even within the parameters of the engine etc. that is not being done. I miss the camaraderie of the forums when Musco was at the helm and though it was not perfect you at least felt there was a bond of friendship there. The changes since have promised a more open and honest way of communicating but I haven't seen that happen aside from an attempt at shutting down some of the more toxic carry on in the game. The current level of silence from the devs is oppressive.
  2. Hi guys, thanks for the feedback. I guess what I was just looking to share here was that I just felt, a penny dropped for me that an awful lot of what gets posted in the forums isn't just people blowing off steam or venting about stuff. A lot of people, myself included are mourning the game that we started out with or mourning the lack of input by EA / Bioware over the years and in failing to celebrate 10 years adequately. When you look the movie franchises that have captured people's imagination over the years only maybe LOTR or Marvel have come close to Star Wars fandom levels. Then you look at MMO rankings and you see SWTOR at number 18...it doesn't add up. The game launched with over a million subscribers..it was always going to lose some after the initial interest died off but its time now to ask how this game is 18th most played mmo despite the raft of movies and tv series that in the main have done well at the box office or in the tv ratings. The grief is totally understandable but the lack of a real effort to do something about it, I cannot understand. I don't blame the dev's that clock in and do their job to the best of their abilities but I do blame those who hold the purse strings...its like they have the keys to the candy store but don't know what to do with them. I am finding it hard to find acceptance of that fact.
  3. During the week, I came across a series of short videos on mental health and wellbeing. One of the short videos was about grieving and it raised the interesting point that grief is not always about the loss of a loved one, it can also be the loss of a friendship or a possession or any other thing that is important in your life. SWTOR has been an important part of my life for the last 10 years. I've played almost every day during that period, sometimes a lot, more recently, a little. At first I was putting it down to burn out but thats not really the case as my love of Star Wars is as strong as ever. So when I heard the 5 stages of grief it really got me thinking. The stages are: Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Since 7.0 was touted and then "launched" I have gone through most of these stages at various times. I also see many people in these forums definately go through most of these stages too. I spend a lot of time here trying to bargain for better and certainly a good deal of time being either angry or depressed about the state of the game or the lack of communication. I am just now wondering will I ever face acceptance of where the game is at and if so, will I learn to accept it for what it is or will I finally bring myself to let it go. I know this might seem melodramatic to some but I have had good times here and I had hoped those times would come again. For now I'm uncertain and I hope rthe devs can prove that its not time for me to bury this game and move on and that there is something in it worth holding on for.
  4. Like you, I'm logging in for guild leader reasons. But if I was paying my sub money to Disney+, Netflix, Now TV or any other discretionary spend would I put up with threading water. No.
  5. If its a case that we can complete it after the event - it was wrong of them to have a misleading tooltip all this time. I worked out that I'd just miss out on it because I wouldn't have the rep applied by the 4th July so I gave up on it...had I known much earlier I'd have collected up tokens for sure.
  6. Yes and because when you hit 100 on the battle pass/reward line - you go to another server and do it all again. I wonder how quiet the servers will look today when you don't have people jumping across 5 servers?!! I know for me Cartel Coin rewards out weighed the reputation rank and title.
  7. I feel as a small guild guildleader that I'm trapped in my sub. I have been the constant player that has been there to nurture up a guildship and unlocking it etc as well as getting the perks paid in the main. If I want to walk away from the game for a while I lose all the years I've grafted. I get that a guild is more than one person but lets be honest, even in the big guilds there is a nucleus that people revolve around - if they leave it all goes to crap. What to do?!!
  8. I'm one of those people who has maxed out the battle pass on more than one server. I think I have all the achievements except one - Maxing out the reputation on a single server and getting the related Veil of the Shadow Title. I have to say its a royal pain in the butt (sorry no other words for it)....that you can complete weekly conquest goal every week and complete the battle pass easily and yet fail to pick up the maximum reputation in the process. Surely the battle pass completion should automatically tick all achievements along the way as it is the most visable track. It should not be the case that you finish 100 levels of something and then have to look back over your shoulder and see somewhere buried in the long list of achievements on a back water page of text that "Oh! I haven't done 100 missions!" or "Oh, I should have banked the absolute maximum reputation each and every week to get a title"....especially when there is an artificial cap on rep accepted each week. At the start of the Season, I was leaving excess tokens in the field as you could only take in 200 and ones on my track were also being wasted as there were no warning notes, by mid season I had moved to another server because I was at 100 on the battle pass and bored. So naturally when I go back to my main server I find I am short. I'd like the devs to look at this. At the end of the day I've stopped caring really because I got plenty of cartel coins and I have loads of nice titles anyway and who in god's name looks through another persons achievements to see which ones they have ticked off. Easy or hard, they are a tick on the page (Unless of course like DvL they erase a Summer's worth of ticks). I'm waiting now to see what nonsense gift has been thought up for the Nightlife Event and whether I have a better chance of winning the lotto. The shades last year were a joke they were so hard to get. Good for you if you got them in a handful of tries but that was not most people's experience. I long for the day where we have time limited events that make the world feel real (like the very first one on Tatooine many moons ago - or the 1st gree one). There is room for repeatable content but if thats all thats there people will (AND ARE) leaving the game. The saddest thing I experienced this season was when I came back to my main server and a Founder player and guild member had mailed me all their in game items and filled the guild bank with mats and billions of credits and told me they were deleting all their toons because they were done with threading water waiting for something new to do. I could not even send a note to say thank you and good luck! Devs please! People are grieving for this game and some are getting closure by leaving.
  9. If you are new to the game - there is lots here to enjoy - welcome. However the derisory laughter that followed your message is reflective of the lack of content over the last 10 years when players have had more belief in the game than the studio financing it. For the most part we have been left short changed while they explored the development of other games; particularly Anthem, often times we've been kept on the hook with titbits of content, or distracted by achievements such as grafting through 100s of levels of renown (only to have the system then removed) and the recent renewed focus back on SWTOR has been extremely poorly executed. Devs used to keep us in the loop as to what was going on but now its either a wall of silence or big fanfare over very little. The game is good, so do enjoy it but don't be under the impression that its a game that is being well updated...the updates are slow, bug ridden affairs at the moment. We live in hope that resources are invested in the game and look forward to that day with hope. Welcome once again.
  10. Nothing more frustrating at 1pm (Ireland and UK) you are beavering away getting dailies done on a day off only to look up and mid mission the whole thing has reset...there are times when we all need to admit our mistakes - Bioware devs this is one of those times!
  11. I'd imagine its going to be for a bigger pool of players than just those who have completed 7.0 or it'll be quieter than Iokath on a Summers day.
  12. I was struggling to come up with a positive so I'll second this and I guess add that weapons are in outfitter - a lot of people wanted this...just a shame that everything else breaking took the fizz and excitement away from it.
  13. I'm no expert on any balance stuff but could I just ask that game fixes are prioritised and established before anyone goes messing with balance issues. The fact that augments don't even work in pvp atm makes me wonder why any of this more complicated stuff is even being talked about let alone actioned at this time.
  14. There is a saying "No news is good news"...well its true but with SWTOR I still like bad news over no news. Thanks for the update Jackie
  15. Much respect to the OP for putting into words how we feel as players. I think you behaved in the correct way at the Convention and you have made very clear the hurt and disappointment we feel as player and for the devs tasked with running the game. Its embarrassing how little value EA seem to put on the game given its endurance over adversity. Well done again.
  16. Thanks for all the replies. Now thats its been said above, it was the 2xp for kills that I was thinking about. Wasn't aware that the system didn't build rested xp if you hadn't logged back into a character since the weekly reset , so thats interesting of itself. Ok, so my initial assumption that Rested and Double XP were the same is not really true but like most of you I'm sure I'd like to have it back working as intended after 10 years of making sure to pop to a cantina or stronghold before logging out. Thanks again...and thanks Jackie for not locking down the thread!!
  17. Medical droid doesn't have a cure - just die is the easy answer but really should be a better solution!
  18. I think this is true - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. If its true - having a big HORRAH! about a week of 2xp is a joke given how long we are without rested xp. The rested xp builds on all toons while logged off them so in fact you can multiply out the rested xp BROKEN period times the number of < lvl 80 toons you have active to see the loss you are experiencing. We should be on free 2xp while this bug is ongoing as a workaround. If its not the case - you can ignore the frustrated post and let me know how the 2 boosts differ. Thanks. Jackie please don't close the thread and direct me to another one - just get it fixed and close both of them!
  19. Same thing happened to me - since the updated scoring - had nine of ten points - won the match needed and no awards or conquest points given. Happened to me w/e 16th May 2022 Also, prior to that the daily was not availble to me when it should have been. Very disappointing given that its a considerable amount of time and effort to achieve it.
  20. A dribble would be nice but drip is what they do.
  21. Have to agree. I am also a player who "loves this game BUT...." ...its getting tiring coming in here and feel like I'm bashing the devs of a game that has been part of my life for ten years and that I WANT to see stay vibrant. At the moment I feel like ok, I'll waste my money staying subscribed as a placeholder/guildleader for a couple of guilds that have taken hard work to get to fully unlocked guild ship etc. But even that...the guilds are all dropping players....here is why: Have you ever been on holiday and you are looking for a nice place to eat out?...you look up and down the strip and you see a nice looking place but then notice there is nobody eating there. Next you see an ok place, but its buzzing with people all having fun so, in you go and happily wait for a table! SWTOR is the first resturant. We need to get Gordan Ramsey in!
  22. Miss Trixxie too - they are still over on Twitter though! Miss being able to go through costumes in private and also miss seeing guildies who have dropped the game since 7.0.
  23. Yes from time to time I find myself doing this - would be nice if you could sort them and then lock/unlock them. You are not alone!
  24. I was about to log in here with the same complaint. For long time players its all very stale, despite wanting to play. The main focus for me has been around conquests as I've completed all the daily areas that interest me (everything except the swoop bikes and iokath). I have completed the Galactic Seasons Season 2 on my main server and partly dabbled on other servers. Logging in to my guilds and long timers are in the same boat logged off and the few new recruits log in and see a dead looking guild and leave. We need fresh content - I don't neccessarily mean Chapters but some new things - In my mind I still think of Kotet and Kotfe as new but sure they have been around for ages and are the definition of boredom to complete as you do them on every toon the same regardless of class or faction. This year was meant to be epic - I'm reading books, subscibing to Disney or Netflix, buying Star Wars Lego and Mass Effect trilogy games just to fill in . Next thing I'll be going outside to mow the grass just to keep sane! - has it come to that?! Crafting used to fill my time and blind me to some degree to the dearth of content - now there is absolutely nothing worth crafting and I'm scratching my head. Devs need to put our fears to rest over this...its their jobs on the line not to put too fine a point on it.
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