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Everything posted by hillerbees

  1. I think my body runs on the Gaelic/Celtic calendar so my Spring is Feb, Mar, Apr - doesn't matter really, I'm well used to delays in this game anyway.
  2. The most insulting part is that the devs were gigling like school kids with excitement for all that was announced...there is nothing of interest in it. I'm happy with the way Hutta looks, the new gear is pretty plain, I'm not testing stuff on the PTS that is someone elses job and that Basilik droid pet was implied as a given back when we first hit Runik, I'm not giving up a kidney for it. Really disappointed with the game update and the dev excitement for it.
  3. Can't believe that GSF is not included in earning towards the reward track STILL. Also the rewards are so lame there is zero reason to try and complete it. I go in Warzones or Arenas just because I want to do it occassionally. The current rewards do not inspire extra play.
  4. You may get used to it - if its anything like the companions coming back after KOTET/KOTFE we are all in for a wait. I find it amzing that they can't pop class stories of any description into the game (8 classes) but they can pop romance stories in for companions of which there are a multitude.
  5. Well as long as they don't gate the materials in operation or something stupid like that. Crafting should be accessable and give access to consumable items of some use. All the mods, armorings etc. are more or less redundant now and its a shame because in turn it makes the gtn redundant. I'd like to see people's reaction to how its going now too since its had time to settle in. Can't imagine anyone is getting rich on that anymore either or buying anything worthwhile.
  6. Any chance the devs might give us some indication of their intentions re. crafting going forward? Now than a lot of crafted items have no value other than for cosmetic purposes it would seem a good time to address this.. A lot of what is craftable has held little or no value in recent years but prior to that I know a good proportion of the community got many years of enjoyment increasing their credits by crafting items of value, I know I did. This feature kept me engaged with the game often when there was little new content on offer. We've had a few livestreams now with no mention of crafting and I think its time this was rectified. If there is nothing coming and this is now a dead limb of the game at least be honest and let us know. Thanks for reading.
  7. The gear that is being dropped in game; how are we meant to collect it in a meaningful way? Most of us have multiple toons and trying to collect a set is nigh on impossible without having some sort of collections page assessable through our legacy. Ideally we should have something like the current cartel gear legacy collection, so that once one of our toons pick up or equips the item it should get unlocked across our legacy so that we can dispose of the item until needed. As @EricMusco stated in the livestream there are thousands of pieces within the game. We need to be able to sort/collect these somehow.
  8. The Green and Gold dye added in 7.4.1 seems to add in a lot of purple in addition to/or in place of the green element. Have only seen this in preview only as I'm unwilling to commit to spending cartel coins if the dye does not show the intended colours. Please can you acknowledge this matter, even if you never get to fixing it.
  9. It looks like they botched it. And I see they have a purple dye at the end of the subscribers reward track that is in fact pink (again). Not a great start to their fancy dyes so soon.
  10. Thank you for adding these in time for St. Patrick's Day ..... ...HOWEVER...it appears that on previewing the look of this dye in certain armor sets ...especially ones with capes that the green part comes up as purple....or that there is green, gold and purple. I'm reluctant to buy these now as I'm not sure what colour I will end up getting. Comments please devs.
  11. My understanding was they could be traded on the gtn for credits and I also understood that they were meant to be dyeable.
  12. If these items are not going to be available through collections, any time we want to keep a set they are going to have to sit in a cargo bay....forever. The bays are well congested as things stand. I would like to see addition bays made available or an addional collections style feature which would allow you call up unlocked armour pieces rather than having to hold them in a bay.
  13. Sunday fortnight - shameless bump! 💚
  14. I still don't know how to use these properly..always seem to be missing amour.
  15. I am not going to lie, this date night is giving me "reunite with your companion .....eventually" KOTET/KOTFE vibes. 😭
  16. You just haven't had any luck YET...it'll come.
  17. Have you not heard about the luck of the Irish?! I'll even throw them a suggestion of putting a little pack together (the dye, the lucky mount that spits coins out the back and the jig emote) as a possible cartel collection to help raise funds. I think @CaitlinSullivan should draw on her Irish heritage and plea on our behalf.
  18. Please tell me that you will have this released in time for St. Patrick's Day AND at a special low price on the day (17th March)😎💚
  19. You might also might want storage holds where you can dip in with alts and pick up on the fly without having to work out each alts gear level and requirements.
  20. While I love the game I'd like to have an occassional break from it for financial and general mental health reasons. As a guildleader to a few small guilds some of which I have been the main person unlocking the guildship I'd like to be able to unsub without having to disband the guild or lose control of the guild assets built up. Please can you look at the possibility of facilitating this. Its not ideal to have to kick the entire guild just to do this and I know some guilds have trusted members who can hold the fort but this is not always the case and it would be nice to recognise this.
  21. I'd like to have a button toggle on each favourite whether its to be legacy or single character if they expand this feature.
  22. Thanks for all the replies ...I liked this one a lot - I am such a hoarder I find it hard to do this.
  23. While I recognise the kindness in your comment if I was paying Netflix or Disney EUR13 per month I'd expect a reasonable roll out of content, I don't see how a computer game that depends on subscriptions to be any different. They are competing to entertain me! And I do wish all the devs and Broadsword every success in their endevours.
  24. Thanks @Nee-Elder but the reply by is incorrect - the item shown in my pics above were where I bought up the lower item and then relisted it so its not cleaning up correctly as described in the dev post. There is also a case where the popup is not appearing properly. Hopefully they have a good poke around and fix the various problems. GTN is a big part of the game for me.
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