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Everything posted by inseeisyou

  1. They are essentially "buying off" players to get them to stay with things such as the massive valor farm of Ilum, which benefited the Empire.
  2. There are already PLENTY of abilities... most say TOO MANY. If you don't like an ability just take it off your quick bar.
  3. Careful... this user is a known troll on the Civ 5 2K forums...
  4. Status of Ilum objectives is half ***ed through using the quest system which fails miserably at properly updating when you que or log in the zone among other things... And you expect them to program THIS?! cool idea tho
  5. I have played Commando, Shadow, and Sentinel. My personal experience is that while GR>GR>GR>GR>GR>HIB>GR>GR> etc... is very powerful, as soon as another player gets in my face it becomes pointless. Only when I'm on a walkway or otherwise left forgotten in the corner do I really dish out extreme damage.
  6. Good question! I almost put "Metal Gear Solid Series" but then I would have had to put "Zelda Series", "Elder Scrolls Games", etc.... I only played MGS 2 and 3. I enjoyed both, but I had fonder memories of 3 and it seemed to be an all around more solid game. 2 is also bogged won with that whole... who the @#%@ is Raiden?! issue
  7. What I did is make all my alts very similar names with special characters on some of the vowels or an ' in there etc... Not saying it should have to be that way but it is very clear who I am on all my characters.
  8. STO was awesome for that magical ~12 hours where space combat was new and fresh. Then you beamed down to a planet :/
  9. It is a pretty robust animation and I suppose with 8 players casting in simultaneously in almost every warzone it is bound to cause problems.
  10. Anyone can pretty much grind their PVP levels/equipment, just might take more time for some than others depending on how long it takes you to get wins. PVE on the other hand will require a good group and team work to obtain all top tier equipment, something which is not possible for many players.
  11. FOR ME PERSONALLY, (and I know that opinions differ on this), "Casual" is a term related to play style, not time played. Someone could play quite a lot and still be casual. Someone could not play very much and be "Not casual." People that are not casual just tend to play more but not a requirement.
  12. I'm not claiming those are the best games ever made, just some random games that came to mind. Good or not, millions of players have played all of those games so they are well known. Throw in some of your own games if you would like just be sure to include SWTOR so we can keep this on topic for the forum.
  13. I wish I could be more of a casual player really. I quite enjoy some of the environments and of course the voice acting. It isn't that I don't enjoy the story or anything, just that I have a limited amount of time and as I'm trying to enjoy a little immersion in story line I can't help but fixate on that next shiny blaster that is 2 levels away and my desire to obtain it...
  14. Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list) Morrowind SW:TOR Zelda: Twilight Princess Metal Gear Solid 3 World of Warcraft X-wing vs. TIE Fighter Borderlands Neverwinter Nights 2
  15. I'm curious what different type of activities "casual" players enjoy pursuing in game. Crafting? Story lines? Space combat? I would never use the word "hardcore" to describe any gaming endeavor, but I suppose I am more of a min/max type player and I only pursue those activities that I believe provide the greatest benefit/time ratio to enhancing my characters. For those who don't really care about levels or valor amounts, what sort of in game activities do you pursue?
  16. I only hope for a "1 Year of TOR" event other than that I agree too many holidays too many cultures etc etc etc
  17. I will say it seemed like a lot more work went into Esseles than the other flashpoints.
  18. It seems like everyone that makes a post on the forums is part of some "high intellect" gaming elite, the developer of the original Tetris and a dual major in Computer Science and Philosophy. There is also many references to the "casuals" or "the majority of players" being rather simple and easily manipulated by big bad Bioware who has created this horrifying "theme park" type game which seems to be akin to placing a baby in a crib. I want to know who "all these" players are. If you are super casual, enthusiastic about space combat, ROLEPLAYERS ESPECIALLY, and/or if you make at or near minimum wage at your day job, let's hear from you.
  19. I would venture that had it not been included in patch notes, the vast majority of players would have hardly noticed. The diminishing returns or "soft cap" are not that great even at high values.
  20. Does everyone understand that in some foreign countries you can pay for WOW by the hour? And that someone who purchases a single hour of game time in a given month is a "subscriber" ???
  21. This looks to be "sword in box" moment round 2!
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