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Everything posted by inseeisyou

  1. I usually see good healers getting a good portion of the MVP votes, probably more than any other class. It helps that the healers name pops up in big green letters whenever you are being healed, a sort of advertisement for MVP votes that other classes don't get.
  2. Let me just say, if 3 people can not kill... well... ANY class... you and your buddies are not as good as you think. Sorry to say. I could maybe try and chew on a class which survives against 2, but 3? No. Unless it is 3 pure healer specs or something.
  3. The class is screwy because they sacrifice so much for burst damage but then extreme burst damage has everyone crying foul. If the burst has to be sacrificed they should increase their sustained DPS so they can still be a worthwhile class.
  4. Are you sure? I was under the impression that falling death and PVP deaths did not damage equipment. But I would have to verify to be sure but that is how I believe it works.
  5. A good general tip is to have "Mind Snap" bound to a key near your left hand assuming you are moving with "WSAD". It is useful and requires quick reflexes to use when needed so for me it is "R".
  6. I agree the romance option is pretty shallow. It didn't feel like there was much of a "dating" phase to the relationship at all. One moment we are doing the whole Padawan thing, then there are a few veiled comments about "us" and BOOM we are married.
  7. It is a good question you raise. Especially for those who have not yet reached VR60, Rakata gear is the superior choice for PVP, even if it means being occasionally subject to ridicule for being a "PVEer"
  8. I'm not sure. At this point I would, I enjoy the game itself for the mechanics and gameplay. Not sure that I would have gotten into it in the first place though without the Star Wars title. I endured a few months of STO simply because of the Star Trek title, which in reflection was enjoyable for what it was.
  9. I agree. What I would like to see is gear that requires a TOTAL amount of Light/Dark points and a Gap of no greater than 1k. So at 1000/1000 you are Neutral 1. (Or as far as 500/1500) 2000/2000 Neutral 2 (Or up to 1500/2500) 3000/3000 Neutral 3 (or up to 2500/3500) 4000/4000 Neutral 4 (or up to 3500/4500) 5000/5000 Neutral 5 (all the way up to 10000/10000) as long as your two values aren't more than 1k apart)
  10. Awesome work. Good video. "pics or it didnt happen" trolls got shut up pretty quick. Adding to sig as well, this is stupid.
  11. inseeisyou

    pvp in 1.1.2

    It means that you will have a harder time getting a specific piece straight from the bag. BUT... you will get many more tokens which allow you to purchase a piece of your choice (any slot) when you save enough... It's a big time win, especially after the astounding amount of QQ over random loot...
  12. I would argue that Pubs are in fact better than Imps. Just sayin'
  13. 8/10, one of the better baits I have seen. Assume you will get quite a few with this. I would have just left off the mount speed part, that really tips your hand. Might have been a perfect 10 without it.
  14. Until mankind invents an artificial intelligence which can endlessly create new content tirelessly and at all hours of the day, 365 days a year, players will complain that end game is repetitive. It takes real people using real resources to create content. Players consume content FAR, FAR... FAR faster than it is created. PVP provides quite a bit of variety between encountering different players in different ratios with different classes and different play styles, but many people don't appreciate the combat, they only say "I've done PVP". I'll go on and assume you are not valor 100 btw.
  15. Am I missing something here? Why are there fancy titles for defeating certain flashpoint bosses or objectives, but as far as I can tell nothing for EV or KP on regular or HM?
  16. Or better yet 5 v 11 because someone is using exploits.
  17. Here's the flip side. 1,700,000 x 15 x 12 + 2,000,000 x 50 = 306,000,000 + 100,000,000 = $406,000,000 Development Cost: ~$200,000,000 Profit: ~$206,000,000, I'm sure BW is feeling just fine More is always better, but it is pretty much a sure thing this game will turn a profit at this point. On a side note, the point about retention rate is very valid. Every game will shed subscribers from the initial influx in the first few months. More important will be the rate at which new subscribers are added as the game matures.
  18. I thought for sure this thread would be requesting a /tebow EMOTE DO IT
  19. Get your tank companion to tank a HM FP and then get back to us.
  20. Supposedly all the races are humanoid and of similar height to facilitate camera angles for cut scenes, equipment appearance and such. Having Jawas, Ewoks, Wookies, Hutts etc. as playable races would necessitate unique camera angles for those races and possibly more equipment appearance tweaking.
  21. Simple question really - in PvP do you focus fire the healer or the tank in a tank/healer team scenario? I understand there are a number of factors that go into this decision, but assume an "average" situation where the tank has guard on the healer and is taunting when possible. I realize the "ideal" strategy involves "interrupting the healers stuffz", but this is sometimes easier said than done when you get CCed yourself and have a limited amount of interrupts.
  22. I don't think there is this line you simply cross over and suddenly you go from casual to hard core. On one hand a simple evaluation of play time is one way to differentiate between "casual" and "hardcore". I think that one can also play many hours and still be a "casual" gamer however. It is more about your attitude. Are you messing around, having fun, being social, don't care about min/max etc... Casual. Doing whatever suits you at the moment without a structured maximum benefit plan... Casual.
  23. Who cares about the charges? I generally have all or most of them left when I finally go down to the inevitable Tracer/Lightning spam (Tech/Force damage).
  24. This is not the only issue. The system will start a match with uneven numbers as long as it is not in the "Shutdown" range.
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