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Everything posted by inseeisyou

  1. So really that isn't the "3rd" issue but issues 3 through 1 gazilion?
  2. I was browsing some internet usage statistics that I tend to monitor over my IP and various other Data port I/O software and I can confirm without any doubt (also confirmed in two online gaming magazines) that SWTOR has over 13.5 million active subscribers, including two IPs which look suspiciously like the White House and the residence of the Dalai Lama.
  3. Troll detection skills are seriously lacking on these forums.
  4. Big ol suppository of truth for everyone right here. +1 for you.
  5. Here is some maths for you. When you allow the "hardcore" to dominate in all competitive aspects of the game, this may be around 10% of the server population. The other 90% are not enjoying the fact that they stand no chance due to the fact that they only have a handful of hours to devote to the game each week. Some of them will stick it out. But many will simply screw it and un sub. You can't force people to play a video game. You can get in a good laugh at them and feel and get a hard on from "dominating" them (bear in mind this is a video game), but Bioware cares only about the $$$. The people they will lose because they don't let you run around ganking level 1s in the starting area is far less than they would lose if they did allow it.
  6. Thoughtful and intelligent post. Thank you.
  7. Opinion on weather to have it or not pretty pointless. It is going to happen. Just enjoy it. If you don't want to use it... don't. Will it harm your enjoyment of the game? Silly.
  8. Ideally I would like to see quests which are completed without any forward motion. Rather rotating in place will let you access the quest giver and all stages of the quest. You start by facing the quest giver. Turn 90 degrees clockwise, there is a NPC guard to defeat. Turn another 90 degrees clockwise, is a critical quest item on the ground to pick up. Turn another 90 degrees clockwise, the boss is waiting for you!!! Defeat him! Turn another 90 degrees and you are facing the quest giver again. Turn in quest. Profit! This is needed ASAP.
  9. The majority of complaints can be placed into three categories: I suck at PVP and this is what needs to be nerfed/buffed to favor me. Why can't I faceroll level 1's in the starting area of PVP servers? I have nothing in my life to fill an hour of time if I can't play SWTOR That's pretty much it. Maybe a very small percentage of legitimate complaints, I'll acknowledge that. Anyone who thinks this game launch is a disaster has not played many video games. The polish and completeness is in the top 5% of all releases compared to the beta crap most developers are releasing these days which require a year of patching to even approach playable. Video games are simply a tool for you to use to try and experience some fun entertainment. They aren't going to force it on you, you are required to be an active participant in having a good time. If you set out to be critical and grumpy, you will be. If the tool isn't to your liking, then by all means put it down and go seek out another. TL,DR: Great game, great release, promoting a positive attitude.
  10. The game is absolutely awesome. That being said, what I would like to see in the future is the ability to have your body scanned at a local Bioware station and have a character model which was an exact copy of you imported into the game to play as. These body scan stations could be constructed at major cities through the US and Europe and would charge a nominal fee for the feature. You would probably want to get scanned at least once a year to stay "up to date". More frequently if you were working out a lot or (more likely) you got fat and slobby from playing SWTOR all the time. This would frankly add a huge amount of immersion to the game and bring me a step closer to feeling like I live in the world of Star Wars. Thank you.
  11. Nerfing CC into oblivion is not a viable fix. For ranged classes, CC is just an extra benefit that allows them to mess with opponents. But for melee classes, CC is an integral part of the tactics involving closing to a range where some damage can be done. The balance is OK where it is now, but reducing the CC would put too much favor on ranged classes. If the more serious CC are reduced, such as stun, melee classes would at the least need an extra root ability to maintain the balance.
  12. Sorry for quoting from page 1, but let's be honest... TL;DR. The problem here is what? When 3 people team up on you they are able to defeat you? This is a problem?
  13. Game is awesome... see myself subbing for quite a while to come...
  14. I like PVP the way it is. It sounds like you are outraged you didn't get to backstab some level 1s on launch day.
  15. The problem with this is that for everyone one person who would join the underdogs, there are two or three who just want to be part of the zerg. Why do you think the empire imbalance has gotten this bad? Once it started to become apparent that some of the larger guilds and more players were rolling Empire, this only served to reinforce the number of people going Empire, not rectify it. Fortunately this also has the effect of driving players who feel they can hack it on their own over to the Republic. Give it some time and things will balance out some and get with a good group of players you can very easily beat being outnumbered with some strategy and team play.
  16. I'm not saying there shouldn't be ANY rewards for OWPVP but to some degree the battle should be a reward unto itself. Whatever rewards are added, they should certainly scale according to the levels and group sizes. While I wholly support ganking of lower level enemies, I don't believe it should additionally be rewarded. Displaying K/D ratios is the WORST possible thing they could do as this will kick ganking and sneaking into overdrive and is absolutely a zero indicator of PVP skill whatsoever.
  17. If open world PVP is as awesome and excellent as you claim, which maybe it is, then players will eventually be drawn to it and you shall have plenty of people to play with. You seem to advocate getting rid of warzones to FORCE people into open world PVP should they want to PVP. It dosn't sound like you want fun and epic battles, but rather you would like Bioware to funnel more players into a game type they don't want so you can have ganking advantages.
  18. The server queues are frankly a good thing. If they provided enough capacity for everyone to play at launch, it would be a disaster for the game down the road a ways. The launch of a game provides a unique focus of interest and play which will not exist in a few months. Then you are faced with low population servers and server merges. You log in one day and your character that you snagged the cool name for is now "Player35253" and waiting for a rename because the name was taking on your merge. So of course I am frustrated as well as everyone else when there is a wait time but there is a lot of complaining about it and I'm just trying to provide an optimistic viewpoint as to the benefits of the queues. TL;DR: Low populations and server merges in the long run are worse than server queues in the short term.
  19. Eh, that will really be more of a light/heavy armor issue. I'd roll on something with Strength if it was light armor.
  20. I'm not saying to nerf them or not nerf them but does everyone really believe they got the balance 100% correct right out of the gate on launch day? Just as the OP is wrong for assuming absolutely it is a balance issue, others are wrong for assuming the only possibility is that the BH players are better than he is. I could claim that about any class or balance - wouldn't make it actually balanced.
  21. Use this as an opportunity to get in some physical activity.
  22. For everything that seems to be good about this game this is the one thing that baffles me. Same issue over on WO between Order and Destruction. Potential for imbalance is so great with only two factions. Having three with the potential for an alliance (forced?) between the two underdogs is better. Sadly it is obvious a huge amount of work and very unlikely to come anytime soon if at all. Just turn PVP into a free for all.
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