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Everything posted by AngryBuddhist

  1. Or they could simply introduce macros so people can design their own hot keys.
  2. If the WZ leader keeps marking healers, the scrubs will never learn anything.
  3. There is no ETA. They can't implement cross server anything until server populations stabilize. Won't happen before the server collapse.
  4. Gimmick class will get no invites into rated WZ's. Too many Jedi/Sith classes that can take your place. Don't matter what you do on the 'damage charts'. Your damage will be ZERO if you can't get into a rated WZ group.
  5. CS is a pathetic hackfest. Valve Anti-Cheat is the world's biggest joke. Valve graphics look like something the cat ate and pooped out. Valve games all look the same.
  6. You can't really have open world PVP with a game engine that cannot handle any substantial number of people in the same proximity of each other. This game will have decent open world PvP when they scrap the engine and re-write the implementation from scratch. So yeah Open World PvP will be SW:TOR II ...The Firing of the Original Designers! I mean did these guys even test a stick figure version of this engine before they committed to it?
  7. Funny how one man's "hard working individuals" are another man's "no-life no job losers".
  8. Even for pugs though, you could average the ratings and match equivalently rated groups. I have a feeling that this will increase wait times for WZ's though. If they allow random matches between wildly different average ELO ratings that would suck for both sides. The high rated teams would get few if any points and the low rated team would lose few if any points, so that would be ......pointless. (see what I did there!)
  9. More importantly, how can they implement cross server PvP when they still have no idea on how much they will have to collapse the number of servers based on declining demand? They will have to wait until after the server collapse to determine the 'battle groups'.
  10. So far they have said they are interested in it. No word on how long it will take them to work out the details. Don't hold your breath.
  11. I only cyborg scan the pretty girls.
  12. What kind of heartless bastards make fun of a 8 year old kid?
  13. Ignore all the other posters OP and award yourself a cookie!
  14. If you afk out of the game or get a disconnect you end up in the fleet. Game ends normal you end up where you entered.
  15. For most people it means they are unemployed.
  16. Yeah exactly. And if they nerf the sorcs vs sages half a million accounts will unsub.
  17. Since the Patch I am now the King of Ilum... Of course I am the only one there. I get all the objectives, get all the dropped armaments, I have the entire zone to myself. It's lonely.
  18. BlueDeuce.... mega champion troll of the week! Well done sir!
  19. If only we got nickels for every useless comm.....
  20. I get the feeling that they themselves are not sure about a lot of things.
  21. This thread has gotten pretty disrailed but back to the point..... Did anybody catch any form of commitment from the live chat about 8 man teams? Yesterday people were claiming both 8 man was stated and only 4 man would be ready by April.
  22. When it gets as bad as XBOX live I will just close the chat window.
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