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Everything posted by kyuyu

  1. All 3 warzons favor durable combos, which is why a tankassassin has such huge advantage. Stealth, defense, good dps. Burst damage isn't nearly needed unless a stealthy operative want to ninja a turret that is guarded by a dps sage.
  2. Some of the healers' responses are hilarious. You can heal among your dps in range. When a dps try to target you, you use line of sight or kite. Don't stand there like idiot unless you are merc/commando healers. When the said dpsers try to chase you, your team should kill them easily since they are extending themselves out of their teammates. There are abundance of pillars also for you to get out of line of sight to avoid ranged dps. Also I leveled my sage as pure seer and it's the easiest spec to level. Use a dps companion, solo 2-man heroics.
  3. I saw several size 1 imperial agents. On my republic side, one of my guildies is a size 1 scoundrel. They look so mean!
  4. I don't care either way. Nerfing and buffing is just the way MMOs function. I don't have this intrinsic zeal over any particular class since I don't role play them, i.e. emotions will make you biased. But when you debate and respond to others in a public forum, at least understand what your opponent is saying, instead of just calling others idiots.
  5. To the OP about Shiv comment, I am eng/lethality build and I sometimes use Shiv to finish off instead of overload shot. Shiv hits hard and is yellow damage. Also about explosive probe delay. in PvP, I usually use it in combination with takedown. Steady damage with dots and cull, series of shot, then gigantic burst of explosive/takedown for kill.
  6. Lethality has very good burst. Cull alone can hit half of people's health. I am mostly leathlity up to cull and almost always tops the damage chart. I can easily kill any ball carrier if I catch him. Plus, unlike MM, lethality is also good on heavy armor classes since some of our damage is internal.
  7. Well, maybe don't get in the middle of fight? Stealth to those pesky ranged classes and assassinate them? I wish I could just sit there at range and shoot without melee harassing me. Also how does operative handle? Why are they getting nerfed over and over?
  8. You know how oped and spoiled those tankassin are lol My sniper just roots myself for all melees to attack, oh 3 sec. range/melee defense is so nice when assassins/mara have force attacks! I don't quite understand why melee should have so many nice defense cooldowns and vanish. Is our 35 m range so awesome that we have to be penalized with cover and no meaningful defenses?
  9. Even if a sorcerer jumps on me, I can still kill them if I still have some health left. DSP Sage and commando are pretty much easiest for me. You definitely need entrench when you see them since they will stun or knock you out of cover. Then interrupt their throw, which is their main attack. I am lethal spec so I use 2 dots and then cull, then serious shot, then explosive, and take down to hit at the same time so they don't have time to react. One trick is you can also use flash bang to interrupt their heals or whatever even if they have dots on them when your interrupt is on cooldown. If you are marksman, it's even better. You can also run to them and stun them, reason why I like to fight ranged class in melee range. On the other hand, shadow/assassin is our nemesis.
  10. Damn why did you choose a poem from the Book of Odes as your signature? Are you trying to court a witch?
  11. How can I sniper go hybrid? Does 6/14/21 count as hybrid? Any classes with healing spells do have advantage over others. They can just run away and heal themselves up while us poor snipers have to hide in a corner and pray no one find us.
  12. I agree. The tank stance buff should have damage reduction. I also don't understand why tank tree has so many dps talents. They should add threat increase, rescue, etc talents.
  13. kyuyu

    Imbalance in classes

    is it a joke or just lowbie whining? Shadow is so much more powerful than sorcerer, lol. A shadow should win every game, period.
  14. Snipers in cover should be immune to all CCs. Being immobile in cover is already a disadvantage when people can run out of line of sight and melee can gang bang them.
  15. LOL, I am jealous? So far for 3 months, I only PvP and play alts. I never stepped even in heroic FPs, let alone operations. I have done enough raiding in other games. But at the same time, I want to enjoy all aspects of game, except raiding. I am being objective while you are just being self-centered.
  16. QFT. My main was a sage. TK throw ticks for at least 700-800 and crit for 1100. I agree with the OP except TK throw and force lightening. They should be scaled back a bit so sorcerer/sage don't just spam one skill. Same for commando/merc. Right now, spamming force lightening/throw is not so much different from using proper rotation in PvP when things are hectic.
  17. What is considered fun? Would you like to have all end game gear by just dancing in fleet? If you can PvP on main and then support 7 alts with crafting without going outside, credit loses meaning. BW might as well makes crafting free. Plus, you don't have repair bills in PvP while working on end game gear. On the other hand, a PvE player has to pay huge repair bills for their end game gear. Would you rather pay repair bills when you die in PvP since you want to earn credits?
  18. This clearly proves that credit reward from warzones is excessive. What other games allow you to PvP all day and then support 7 alts crafting without gathering?
  19. Are you a hoarder in real life like those I saw on TV? lol
  20. Alts? Your alts have orange BoP gear to RE? You can make more than 1 million if you focus on your main, doing dailies, etc.
  21. The downside of wearing agent gear is you will be focus fired a lot since we are easy prey. lol
  22. Merc/commando healer is stupid. They don't need that interruption immunity, period.
  23. Best story, jedi consular, coherent, intriguing, building momentum. worst story, trooper Trooper story is so incoherent. I was so bored with the story that I even spaced out some of the conversations.
  24. I agree in general. The only difference is sorcerer in Huttball, immensely oped? If you just not let them stand on your side, easy. Assassin is more dangerous since they have more survivability and can stealth. Powertech in Hutball is underpowere? Tank powertech is quite awesome, better than sorcerer. In essence, merc healer and assassins stand out among all scenarios?
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