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Everything posted by kyuyu

  1. IMO, it needs no cooldown. There, happy?
  2. lol, maurad/sent is the most ridiculous class in this game except in Ilum. I believe sorcerer/sage might need to be buffed soon if they introduce rated warzones. Sorcerer/sage dps spec are pretty much useless if you have melee on them. Smart healers should learn to cross-dispel. Running around does nothing to help your team while melee is damaging you. So many times when I got CCed, a team member just ignore me and not dispel, or interrupt choke.
  3. Mara/sent with a couple of healers are brutal. I think in rated WZs, mara/sent and powertech/vanguard and healers will be stacked. It's extremely hard to kite them and have defense cooldowns. Shadow/assassin are much easier to kite. Scoundrel/operatives are easiest to kite if you don't die to their initial burst, so they are pretty much garbage in competitive PvP. Just my experience.
  4. I am balance and I use nadadia for questing. Nadia has very good aoe. On my first sage that I leveled as pure seer, I used Zenith then Nadia. I only used tank companions to solo heroic 2 and champions.
  5. Yeah, put your pet on passive or let her take care of the rest while you do the quest mob. Or better if you have aoe CC like my sage. I just aoe CC all 3 mobs and then I dps down the quest mob a bit for quest.
  6. kyuyu


    New MMO players will always have to go through this transition, but if you strive for best, you should take time to learn it!. I was a new player 7 years ago. Clicking was obviously easy and intuitive way to play, but I learned from others how clicking and keyboard turning are ineffective way of game play. It took me several months to fully get used to keybinding and mouse turning. I would suggest you learn it if you DO care about your quality of play in this game and future MMOs. Again, if you don't care and don't want to spend a month or two to get used to keybinding, then keep clicking. But if you want to improve your play, then take time to learn keybinding.
  7. Thanaton is a crappy darth. I beat him at level 45. He would cast aoe on empty spot. lol I think it's better to use a ranged dps or healer companion and let yourself grab aggro so neither you nor your companion would stand in his aoe. Interrupt if you can. His heals are kind of weak, so it's ok if you missed interruption.
  8. Zenith is the best companion until I got Nadia. It seems to me that Nadia has more aoe so she can aggro better but Zenith is a bit tougher than Nadia. Zenith and Lt. are the two companions I use for regular quests and heroics/champion mobs respectfully. Qyzen is too slow. His response time is awkward. After finishing one mob, he will sometimes stand there and look for next target lol.
  9. Seriously you guys think he is hard? I completed Voss class quest at level 42 as dps sorcerer with Ashara, so we were both DPSing boss. I think he was red to me, so it took me a while, lots of resists. Interrupt is always good. For me, I just kited him around the pillar so he cannot cast, just like how you would make player characters not able to cast spells at you because of line of sight. If you move, his aoe storm won't be able to hit your companion since he was just casting on empty spot lol. He might be hard for assassin since it's harder for assassins to kite and dps at the same time.
  10. Last night on my server, I observed this behavior in Republic Base. The sheer amount of ridiculousness is astonishing. Massive amount of people stacking and aoeing down. I almost ragequit. Basically I will no longer be competitive unless I participate in this exploit, but I refused to cave in. This leaves me little choice. Either I reroll alts and wait for BW to fix it or I leave this game. Did BW anticipate this behavior? Or are they naive enough to believe that players genuinely interested in PvP at all? Most so called hardcore PvPers don't enjoy PvP for the sake of it.
  11. You fail if you are healing commando and use a tank companion. So you want to grind mobs for ages to death? Use your DPS companion! On my seer sage, I use Zenith or Nadia and I can solo pretty much all 2-man heroics and 1 champion. Tell me the reason why you need a tanking companion? Aggro issue? If you position correctly, you can have your companion aoe all mobs and they will all aggro on companion and you just heal your companion. If there are multiple elites, turn off your companion aoe attack and CC. Again, as a healer, do not use tank companion unless you want to take ages to kill.
  12. What server are you on so I can just ignore you? lol
  13. Maybe you are undergeared? An assassin last night just almost 2 shot me. From his stealth, I lost more than half health, I CCed him immediately. He got out of CC and killed me instantly. I am lvl 50 with almost all champion gear. Maybe he is a bit better geared than me, but his damage is ridiculous. The BH missile spamming is so funny to watch, but not really need to be nerfed, maybe changed a bit. It's annoying to see a BH spamming the same spell over and over.
  14. Honestly you did something wrong if you run out of force as seer or even die. I leveled as seer to 50 and I soloed even champion mobs. I also soloed a couple of area quests and finished my class quest 3 levels below the boss. As seer sage, you use your dps companions, either Zenith or Nadia for regular quests and use Lt. for heroic ones. You dot mobs then spam healing your companions. Use target of target a lot to rotate between dps mobs and healing your companion. Do not forget to gear your companions. As a healer, your companions' gear is more important than you since your heal won't be improved much from gear but your companions dps will increase a ton if you give them the best gear possible.
  15. If you are seer, use dps companion, Zenith or Nadia. Why do you even need a tank unless you are solo doing heroics. Anyway that's what I did, use Zenith or Nadia for questing. Zenith has better survivability. For heroics, Lt. is best.
  16. My lvl 12 sniper did most damage in couple of warzones last night lol
  17. At level 12, my sniper pretty much always does most damage in warzones, lol. Hiding in some place, sniping people to death!
  18. Shut up already. I am so tired of seeing multiple threads on the same topic. Mods should combine all those slicing threads. If slicing is not profitable or useless, then unlearn it and try other skills. Unlike other gathering professions, you haven't lost any credits from leveling up, so just unlearn it! I am sure other people will still keep slicing. So many whiners. Again, unlearn slicing and take biochem if biochem is so good.
  19. lol, I can go balance sage and earn more medals. I heal myself and bubble teammate to get all healing medals, then I get all damage medals, too. I used to be able to get 6-7 medals every game. Now I am healing sage, I got 2-3 medals if I am focused on healing. If I am being selfish and do a bit damage to get medals, I can. But what's the point of me being a healing sage when I can be a balance sage to do more damage? The question is why both healers and damage dealers are doing their jobs but healers get less medals unless you believe that a healer should be doing damage? In that scenario, I believe it would be more beneficial to go balance and spot healing since your team obviously doesn't need a dedicated healer.
  20. That's what I meant. I got lots of medals by doing damage with spot healing. Full healing just won't give you medals.
  21. When I was lowbie and playing a dps sage, I was 90% of time getting most medals from both dps and random healing, since healing once will give you medal too, plus solo kill enemy, did certain amount damage, kill certain amount of enemy. Now at level 41, I am full healer and I heal a lot, I mean way way way a lot than any other players in warzons, but I usually get 2 medals,, one single heal, one overall heal, no matter how much healing I did. That's it. The only time I could get more medals is I also do damage. Does BW want us not to play full healer, instead of playing dps with just spot healing? If so, I am gonna respec to dps.
  22. I sold quite lots of blue level 21 and 25 implants, and I also have level 25 purple implant. I sold it for 10k a piece. People do upgrade their characters and their companions. When I was still lowbie, I want me and my companions to be as best geared as I can afford. What's the use of credits if you don't use them? Gee, 5k might be a lot for lowbies, but at level 40, I am killing elites that drops about 300 credits per kill.
  23. Boxes have chance to return schematics or mission recipes. Only slicers can have harvest them and they are actually better than other professions since I cannot sell my plants to anyone else as biochem players will already have bioanaylisis. I have spent quite a bit on schematics and mission recipes, while I haven't sold a single plant from my bioanalysis. I use plants for myself, you sell to other players, all quite balanced out.
  24. Excellent post. All points are valid. Some people are just too short sighted. Imagine 1 year later, veteran players have billions of credits from slicing and trading with slicers. The game will be daunting to any new players.
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