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Everything posted by Cassp

  1. Making a roster for my guild is a nightmare, we have no idea which classes are doing the most damage or the least. we dont bring juggernauts to dps because were pretty not but not 100% that they dont do enough, same with ops. no way of figuring out what our damage is has basically forced us to bring nothing but mercs and sorcs, how in the f*** does having some form of parsing hurt a game worse then this. And dont give me the crap about ooo ooo its you who's not bringing them, not the fact that you can't confirm nor deny they are strong. we are a proggression guild, we bring the best comp we possibly can.
  2. All they need to do in my opinion is either increase our damage or nerf powertech and assassins damage to be on par.
  3. Everything this guy says... is total bs, really there is no way he could accurately find that out.
  4. Holy wall of text batman, tldr version pls.
  5. Unless you play assassin or powertech.
  6. As there are no parsers or any form of damage recording we have no idea what juggs dps is, but we are pretty sure it is nowhere near the level of a sorc, sniper or mercs and a bit behind a marauder.
  7. Lol go rage spec and kill everything, thats how you win as a jugg.
  8. People mistake being able to simply tank the content with being able to tank the content like the other 2 tanking classes. The general public is stupid, this forums is filled with fresh 50's who've tanked like 1 normal mode ev and think they know everything that there is about tanking. Despite the fact that powertechs do twice our damage, which btw is converted into threat if you're a little daft which i know alot of you are. i've killed everything in this game as a jugg, and yes i would play a powertech any day if i had one lying around.
  9. The general public is stupid, and bioware is just as much.
  10. ok sorry to break it to you, but damage becomes a complete burst fest at 50, even with full exp gear.
  11. We need individual server forums, seriously who cares if they don't have mods watching them.
  12. If you can't do more damage then your companion.. even as tank spec.. theres your problem.
  13. nononoonononoonononoonono One thing i thought of last week sometime and my group wholely agreed on was that juggs and marauders should get a usable freedom ability that might last like 4 or 6 seconds.. something like that. so we can get out of the chain roots we constantly have to deal with atm.
  14. Cassp

    Arena Type PvP

    It would be easy to find the super op classes with arena, but the higher brackets will be solely filled with the op classes. Maybe an unranked arena system just 2v2 and 3v3 would be fun.
  15. Cassp

    Arena Type PvP

    Would be a bad idea at this current time, if they balanced pvp i would love it. To add to that, the current resolve system wouldn't work with an arena like pvp system.
  16. Wait for damage meters, that will either prove jugg's worth or prove we need a buff.
  17. Jugg threat sucks! quiete simply. you will not hold threat off a good dps, when people come on here telling you tanking is fine and they never lose threat... their dps sucks. its easily countered, just rotate your aoe taunt and your single target and don't sweat it, most of the bosses arent an insta death when someone takes aggro like in wow. oh yea and theres nothing you need to tank thats aoe in raids, other then trash.. and you don't even have to tank trash.
  18. Our raid brings 2 melee, me being tank and a marauder for bloodthirst. we can't spare a spot for a most likely mediocre dps compared to sorc or merc, that will spend half the only fight that matters running around (Soa). I say this because this is most likely going to be the case for most guilds.
  19. it's not a complicated fix.. how about buff the threat generated from soresu? I dont think the problem is how to buff threat, i think its just bioware trying to figure out whether its broken or not. Personally i can tank everything in this game easily, my dps can make the nightmare enrage timer on annihilater easily and you just dont hold aggro on that dps as a jugg. brb using threat drop.. oh wait no threat meter.
  20. everything past six has a hidden keybind, nice try though.
  21. I don't care who does it, it makes it no less broken.. i dont need a giant root on the end of my charge i just dont, the range on my piercing howl is long enough.
  22. Exactly, The 50 premade teams that i vs always have a smuggler on them, i'm not sure but i would have to say they have the most roots. anytime i see this one guy that i know for a fact is good i just know i'm getting into a massive get kited fest. and when you have the huttball or something vs a good team.... have fun moving 3 ft.
  23. When i say snare i mean root, maybe i should of implied this harder.
  24. Ignorance is bliss 1) thinking i rolled a tank for medals 2) thinking every match isnt filled with lowbie pugs 3) calling me a baddy, obviously has merit.
  25. juggs have 2 gap closers? i hope you're not talking about obliterate. and i heard you can charge through a snare... just kidding you can't. Oh yea and tell me the jugs counter to a snare, don't say pvp trinket unless i magically have 8 of them now.
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