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Everything posted by Cassp

  1. i'm pretty sure thats what he just said.
  2. at 50 tank powertechs do twice as much damage as tank juggs, which represents low levels decently as neither really gets a huge dps boost in talents like they do in their dps trees.
  3. Lvl 20 awwwww yeaaa, obviously challenging content and obviously knows all there is about jugg tanking.
  4. I think i can 1 up both your videos in 7 seconds, pretty much doing all you guys do all game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfh0diRihcc
  5. Worst fight ever, and seriously probably the easiest fight to fix. What the hell are you doing bioware. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i3LyCI-MWw how we did it, and yes our healer randomly interrupted and got it just as he casted it, and we avoided an entire tick of the first cast. We would interupt the cast in the first phase but it doesn't do anything, must be a bug.
  6. Went for a charge over the goal line tabbed expecting it to target the guy infront of me in the correct spot, nope targets some random on the edge of their spawn free casting and i insta die. never trust tab target in this game, ever, never ever never ever ever.
  7. Cassp

    MVP Votes.

    hi i'm a tank i guard the person being focused next to me, i've won countless games by solo holding cap points while my team diddle daddles around and respawns. Oh yea and i do a 3rd of a dps's damage, give the dps a vote he obviously carries the team.
  8. are you sure they aren't rage? tank jk's/juggs don't do much damage at all, take a look at powertechs they do twice as much as jk's, probably cause they're range.
  9. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    1 in every 20 games has a premade republic, and when we do get one we go destroy them, say in civil war against a full pug our tactic is KILL EVERYBODY! because we normally 3 cap and it works. if we see a 50 premade will check their guild and who they are, if they're good players we know we will go hard and actually hold 2 bases the entire game to beat them, if they are 50's we don't know, we farm them. people like to act as though 50 v 50 is fair, my entire premade group can 1v2 most of the 50's we vs. though we are all 2200 + experienced with gear to back it.
  10. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    Bring it on, we kill them with the ball cause we're bored, vs'ing 50's might actually make us pay attention.
  11. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    We wonder the entire time why they dont do that, we really can't make it any easier.
  12. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    The ball normally resets back to mid when you do it, so its easy to counter just by going off to the side and sitting in mid. i showed this clip simply because its one of the rare accasions that it came back to us twice.
  13. the ball blows up after 2 minutes.
  14. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    We don't do it for medals we do it for a laugh inbetween the 5 cap and waiting for the game to end, killing them is what gets us medals. killing them with the ball doesn't give anything, not even a kill. We could just not throw the ball at them and kill them just as easily, just look at the jedi that we pretty much globaled.
  15. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    Oh great im so glad i put it in hd now.
  16. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    You say competetive like theres competition, there obviously is none.
  17. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    We would love to, but we arent there to win we're there to get commendations for gear, winning a game quickly nets you much less points only to land back into a giant queue.
  18. Cassp

    Is this exploiting?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6-dFW48fUs&feature=youtu.be We do this all the time while waiting for the game to end, so we get max points. Seriously bioware make it so you get good points for winning 6-0 so we dont have to do this.
  19. stories gonna be so engaging the 10th time you've done the same daily.
  20. Please dont add more dailies, first day i did them i was already bored out of my mind. being forced to spend an hour a day if you want Best in slot gear, grinding dailies is by no means fun or intuitive.
  21. Have fun listening to the convo the 10th time you do it, oh wait you wont be you will be staring at a random wall, somethings crutch or a close up, while you wait for someone to hurry up and skip.
  22. Seriously people who dissaprove of addons aren't raiders, and seriously who cares what they think. they don't even need damage meters, its us raiders who need to min max everything and figure out who is performing and underperforming just to beat an enrage timer. anyone who dissaproves of damage meters has obviously never ever done that.
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