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10 Good
  1. this is the one major reason i really quit playing this game, one guy in our raid got 5 bracers in one raid day. what kinda of BS is that ****. they need to have the master looter option for normal modes
  2. i just want to bump this post and say the endgame loot system in this game is beyond retarded. Who ever thought of the auto loot distribution needs to be fired. Worst endgame Idea ever. had one person tonight get 4 pairs of bracers and someone else got 3 sets of pants.... so ya fix this
  3. i was thinking maybe they can add a dot to smash and possibly add a cleave like effect to all the attacks which would have us hitting most of the mobs all the time. atleast im not the only one that feel like juggernauts are gimpped in aoe threat, heck just gimpped in threat in general lol. single target im ok, as long as i rotate taunt in the mix everytime its off cooldown
  4. is it me or does juggernaut threat just suck?
  5. honestly i would of liked the people that are already in a pre set guild to get in together instead of being randomly tossed in there during the waves or releases. but oh well it will come, i love seeing all the Nerd Rage going on because people just see early access to a game never finishing reading that it can be up to so many days early haha
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