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Everything posted by MoonsLightV

  1. I think a major problem is that too many classes can heal period. There should only be 1 dedicated healing class in the game on each faction, the sorcerer can it for the imps and the sage can be it on the republic. The fact that almost all classes can heal in combat except warriors is just too much and doesn't make any one class unique in anyway. Likewise, there should also be a class that specializes in rooting, stuns, and ensnares, which again would make that class more unique in the game. Right now, its a cluster **** in PVP WZ's because of all the classes that can heal, stun, knockback, root, ensnare, etc, and it can be more frustrating then anything.
  2. I agree with the OP, commandos are terribly OP and they need a nerf badly. In PVP WZ's, nothing is worse then having a Republic team with 3 or 4 of these guys spamming grav round, using a fire attack that does waaaay too much damage, and then each of them healing instantly not only each other, but their other team mates making them IMPOSSIBLE to kill. On Ilum one time there were 2 commandos at center and it took FOUR imperials to bring them down, and this included an assassin, a juggernaut, a merc, and a sorcerer. Commandos have knockbacks, stuns, healing, and long ranged DPS AND they have heavy armor, give me a break.
  3. I don't think its just the mara that needs some attention, but all melee classes in general. My jugg also doesn't have any self healing in combat besides endure pain, and the health gain is so minimal the health is burned down in a blink of an eye in PVP and isn't even worth it have the time. Also, invincible and dark ward are on VERY long CDs over 2-3 minutes, so we really don't have much survivability if those are on CD. We have no CC, no solid DPS, and we can be kited all day long unless force leap is off CD. Despite this, I can do very well in PVP but that is only because i learned the class backwards and forwards, the only classes I have trouble killing one on one is a sorcerer and commando. Regardless, melee classes need some serious attention.
  4. The bubble is a major issue why this class is so OP. Instead of it absorbing ALL damage, it should only absorb a certain percentage of damage similar to a juggernaut's shield generator or how invincible works. I find it funny that a tank class has two abilities that only absorb a certain percent of damage but not ALL of it, where a cloth armored class has a bubble that absorbs ALL damage for a pretty good chunk of time. This is just not viable in PVP, because by the time u manage to get the bubble burned down, they can either CC you, heal themselves, or put the bubble back up before you can kill em. For people who say "oh just interrupt them blah blah blah" ya that works, but considering that Sorcs have a LOT of instant abilities and you can be dead before you can even interrupt them at all.
  5. I agree with this. There are FAR too many stuns and CC, mostly due to the fact that not only does almost every class have it, but some classes have more then ONE form of CC or stun, or root. There is nothing more annoying then trying to close the gap as a melee class only to have yourself constantly stunned, rooted in place, frozen, knocked down, push back, etc. This needs to be toned down, or they need to be placed on higher CDs in PVP situations. I am sure Bioware can do this, where certain abilities have higher cool downs in PVP situations over PVE. Or, make some classes be exclusive with CC's and ensnaring, this will make that class much more viable and wanted in PVP situations.
  6. I play an immortal specced jugg and when I have 1 on 1 against a mara I usually win pretty easily no matter how geared they are. I think mara's are excellent for burst damage, but they can go down quick if you don't know what your doing. Handicapped though? I don't think so, its a hard class to play, so keep practicing.
  7. THIS. It is incredibly annoying, and as a jugg i know EXACTLY how this feels. The sorcerers pull back which reminds me of a DK death grip and the BH grapple pull back is incredibly annoying. On my server, I have seen huttball teams made up of NOTHING but sorcerers, and guess what? They win EVERY time. I play an alt sorcerer, but even I think this class needs to be adjusted, not necessarily nerfed, but the with speed burst and the pull back playing against a whole team of these classes is utterly disastrous. A better option would be to remove speed burst from sorcerers and allow it only for assassins, why would a sorcerer need this anyway with all their CC, heals, and long ranged DPS? Another option would be to have these pull backs on an extended CD so they are not abused, but I think something needs to be seriously looked at with the sorcerer class. Its ironic the assassin is getting a nerf, when they didn't even need it to begin with, and yet the sorcerer that needs nerf isn't being touched.
  8. There was a dev post that stated that the graphics will be going along the lines of what is being advertised in their videos...which suggests high res textures. But i will remain skeptical until this happens. I am guessing this is going to come in the next big patch next month.
  9. What i don't understand about this whole bag system is that you have a chance to get a drop that is far superior then the comms that pay for the gear those comms are for. Centuri comms pay for centrui gear, which sucks compared to champion gear, yet you can get a chance to have a champion gear piece drop from the bag. What would make better sense to me, would be to have Valor ranked centurions have centurion bags that also drop centurion tokens with a slight chance of an automatic centurion piece. Then the next rank, champion, would have the same thing, champion only tokens with the chance of a champion piece in the bag, etc. Basically you only can get bags based on your valor rank and that's it, and the gear you get is only for that tier of valor. Why in the world are champion bags dropping centurion tokens when it is a bag that is supposed to be for a higher tier of PVP gear and it is dropping lower tear tokens? This makes no sense whatsoever.
  10. I agree with this. Commandos are ridiculously OP. I play an immortal specced jugg and the commando is the only class I cannot bring down no matter what I do. They have solid DPS, self healing, CC, i mean its INSANE. When in PVP against Republic we always get a team with at least 4 commandos. They will position themselves in a certain way and just spam heal everyone while killing everyone in their way with that fire attack that does way too much damage. When on Ilum and there's 2 commandos, it literally takes FOUR Imperials to kill them. Assassin is the LAST class that needs to be nerfed, please, do something about commandos because its just beyond frustrating fighting them and not being able to kill them.
  11. Even though I have not yet unsubbed and am still playing, its only because of my guild right now and just waiting for GW 2 to be released. My gripes: Ability delay-HUGE problem, especially for melee classes Loading screens and the pointless amount of time it takes to just get to your ship Static and lifeless worlds, they remind me of Kirkwall in DA 2 PVP bag system and comm rewards is a broken system and needs to be changed Ilum is a joke...I don't need to say more on this UI is poorly done and the customization should have been there at release No combat log Faction imbalance which leads to dead PVP or Imperials doing nothing but playing huttball all the time Servers need to be merged for dead and or light pops, which I guess can be the same as my above statement. Of course the many, many, many bugs I have come across that I am not going to list because it would turn into novel instead of a thread post.
  12. Commandos are FAR from broken, in fact, i think they need to be toned down. They have CC, DPS, AND can self heal while in combat, not mention wearing heavy armor. When I PVP, all I see on Republic teams are commandos because if you have three of them on one republic team they can pretty much obliterate any class.
  13. I play an immortal specced jugg as my main and i do a lot of PVP, believe it or not I can get in the top 5 in kills and even in damage in most matches. I agree that the spec is lacking in a lot of way, the fact we can't self heal in combat when almost every class can, and that we have pretty much no CC in anyway, is also an issue. The three major abilities such as invincible, endure pain, and dark ward, are on ridiculously long CD and don't last nearly as long as they should. The immortal tree does need a boost in damage, and I also think the CD times on invincible, endure pain, and dark ward should be reduced. 3 minutes on dark ward is just, ridiculous if u ask me.
  14. The fact that this game was released in the state it was in is no excuse...none, zero, zilch. The sheer amount of bugs and the content that was pulled before release like the high res textures is just badly done. This team of devs had an almost an infinite budget, they put the game through Alpha, closed, and open betas that lasted MONTHS, problems that beta testers made aware to Bioware still made it to release regardless, and that is not right for customers who are paying their hard earned money. Say what you want, but the fact that this game was released in the state it was in from one of the most major publishers/developers is just not right. Add to the fact that the FPS problems they are pretty much sweeping under the rug and saying that it is all the players computers is just ludicrous. Also having a fix in the patch notes that was there for over a week and when the patch is released and the problem is still there and then saying it was a miscommunication is again, sloppy. How people can support such behavior from any company is beyond me, but everyone is different I guess, and to each their own. But i for one cannot excuse the sheer amount of problems wrong with this game in its current state. If you can, I salute you, you are far more forgiving then me.
  15. So you like the PVP in this game? Sorry but i don't find driving around in a circle on a block of ice collecting 30 drops is fun. I also don't think the whole bag system is any good at all. There is nothing more annoying then getting a bag and getting 3 comms with the slight chance of a good piece of gear, and when you do finally get that gear its a piece you already have to begin with. Not to mention the comms in the bags are for gear far inferior to the pieces that can drop from that same bag. Its like all that work you do for those bags is for nothing half the time...not fun, not fun at all.
  16. That is some major miscommunication going on. I have noticed that in some of these "patches" that what they say is supposed to be fixed with the patch, is not really fixed at all. My companions still don't appear half the time when i get off a speeder, my performance in the fleet is still garbage, ability delay doesn't seem improved at all, the list goes on. I find it strange that with this last patch which seemed pretty large, it only took about 2 minutes for it download and install COMBINED....doesn't seem right to me.
  17. PVE wise I think the jugg is fine, as that is what I play as my main character. In PVP however, I see just how crappy some of the skills are. Endure Pain, invincible, and the shield generator ability are on very long cool downs, and without these skills up its really hard to survive in PVP even with good gear because immortal specced juggs just don't do that much heavy damage. Almost every class can self heal in some way, juggs cannot unless it is out of combat, we also lack a solid form of CC, which again, most classes have. Besides force choke, there really isn't any CC in this class as an immortal specced jugg. I think Bioware needs to lower the CD on endure pain, invincible, and the shield generator ability(name escapes me right now), then it may be a bit better.
  18. I play an immortal specced jug and I didn't really have any issues staying alive. I used quinn a LOT during areas where there were a lot of strongs, or when i had to go up against an elite during a class quest or bonus. With Quinn, i just didn't die, and was able to withstand a lot of punishment. With invincible, endure pain, and shield generator it was a great combination. Sure, i may not have the DPS a maurader has, but I still pretty much plowed through a lot of the content. In fact, I had several friends who were playing as a jug or maura ask me to come help them kill some elite for their class story which i was able to solo. I was even able to do SOME 2 man heroics solo, i just had to be careful how i pulled. I could kill 2 elites but not 3. Just use Quinn while questing, or respec more into the immortal tree, its the tanking tree and meant to keep you alive longer.
  19. I play on a light server and i hardly ever see people when I am on...see i could do that too only opposite.
  20. Some servers just need to be merged. I play on Kapal Rift which is not that heavily populated and I have never seen more then 110 people or so on the fleet at one time and i've been playing since early access. Its kinda sad that when I que for PVP at 12am I have to wait for an hour or more to even get into a match, and when i do, it ends prematurely because there isn't enough people in the match to keep it going. Going to planets and seeing there are only 10 people on Ilum, or 8 people on Belsavis is a little discouraging. Merging some of the standard servers together would be a good idea.
  21. It seems that ability delay is better, but still needs a LOT of work before it is completely fixed. Abilities still don't fire off right away when I press on them, and it seems the action is ignored for like 2-3 presses before it finally fires. However, I noticed that some skills did seem to respond better then others. I play a Sith Jug and this ability is much more prevalent then on my Sith Sorcerer. For example, last night I was in PVP trying to use leap to close the gap on a target, i had to press it 3 times before it finally fired and work. However, other skills that involved swinging my lightsaber seemed to go off much quicker then before. So, improvement, but far from being completely fixed.
  22. The fact that this issue was not resolved in anyway before release is just not acceptable to begin with. People reported this ability issue in beta and it wasn't fixed. These devs had YEARS developing this game, an almost infinite amount of resources, and they went through several testing periods including Alpha, Beta, and late beta. This issue is horribly game breaking and frustrating for people when in PVP or in FP that are difficult. Its not that they aren't looking into the issue or are attempting to fix it, its the fact that it was released as is and it took US the players to point it out and to literally blow up these forums with the issue BEFORE they began to admit it and implement a fix. That is my main gripe with the whole problem.
  23. So then its the placebo effect going on with the people saying they have a DRAMATIC improve? Oh well, glad I didn't get my hopes up too high.
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