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Everything posted by MoonsLightV

  1. I for one am glad they are adding it. I am not only tired of not being able to get in a match after an hour of waiting, but having them end prematurely due to not enough people in the match. This is very good news in my opinion.
  2. grav round and tracer missile can be spammed, your interrupts cannot be. This makes things a little uneven don't you think? What the point in interrupting one cast of grav round or tracer missile when it can be used almost immediately again?
  3. I am still experiencing delays on some abilities although it is far better then it was, it is still an issue. I play a sith warrior and some of my abilities won't fire off right after I click the button, or, my char begins the wind up animation to strike but it never goes through. This happens more often then it should. So for me at least, yes, this is still an ongoing problem.
  4. Actually BM gear just sucks in general. The stat difference from Champ to BM is minimal at best. I looked at the BM gear for warriors and the difference in some stats from Champ gear is like +6, +4, +6, etc. Doesn't seem like a smart way to encourage people to get the best PVP gear when it isn't much better then the tier below it.
  5. I don't create new threads, usually just post here and there on topics I like to engage in discussion with. However, last night was extremely aggravating I felt like I had to. I started playing once I got home from work at 7:30pm, immediately started my Ilum and WZ dailies like I normally do. I was able to finish the Ilum daily by about 10pm because of the heavy Republic presence and lack of imperials to help me clear them for collection drops. During this time I was queing up for WZ's, I managed to get 2 wins, however, i couldn't get the last one because PVP all but dried up at 11pm. I waited for over an hour and nothing popped so I logged off. Seriously Bioware, this has happened on more then one occasion to not only me, but many people on my server do to its low pop. Is there anyway servers can be merged or something else done to prevent this problem?
  6. Actually its getting closer to the 2 month mark...will this be the excuse in March? Oh the game has only been out for 3 months, then 6, a year, so on? Please enough of that already its getting old. The game has problems just admit it already.
  7. Once GW2 comes out i'm gone from this game completely, UNLESS they fix a majority of the bugs and issues with class imbalances and Ilum I may then decide to keep my sub going and play both since GW2 doesn't have a monthly fee. I am highly pessimistic about this however, because after seeing what happened to WAR, and the SAME exact problems and issues that made that game go downhill fast happening ALREADY in this game, I am not going to hold my breath. Faction imbalance, performance problems, the overdone use of CC, imbalanced classes, just to name a few of WAR problems already in this game.
  8. I don't make new threads, but I think this warrants one. I have been having a lot of problems lately trying to finish my WZ daily because by 10pm-12am PVP on my server seems to dry up. I needed only 1 more win to turn in the daily but couldn't get in a match because PVP all but dried up by 11:00 and nothing popped after an hour. Is there anyway that servers can be merged or some solution can be brought up about this problem?
  9. System? They only say that to appease people, there is no "system" in reality. If there was then this WZ exploit to get more people onto one team would have been fixed and the exploiters punished. But yet, i still see the same people doing it again again.
  10. I play a sith jugg and I hardly, if ever, lose a 1 on 1 with a sentinel or a mara. I am specced 8 in immortal and the rest in vengeance now, but even fully immortal like i had been through most my play time since early access with that char i almost never lost against a mara. Personally, i think they should be buffed a bit more, unless juggs are just a class they do poorly against overall.
  11. Sorcs are becoming the new Bright Wizards from WAR. Actually...a lot of the things that WAR had issues with that led to the games demise is surfacing in this game. Faction imbalance, too much CC, performance problems, etc...wonder why that is?
  12. I am definately NOT playing the class wrong. I usually get in the top 5 or 10 in kills and even damage being almost full specced immortal. I think this part of the problem, I am going to try to respec into vengeance/rage with a 28/13 build and see what happens. My whole point is that melee classes are at a disadvantage as usual in these games. I also think that only 1 or 2 classes TOPS should specialize in CC, ensnares, and stuns a form of support class. Having almost all classes with these abilities creates an imbalanced nightmare.
  13. I don't PVP in WOW for that same reason, but at least not EVERY class has a ridiculous amount of CC abilities per class.
  14. All these knockbacks, stuns, CCS, etc are just bad, terribad even. This is exactly what happened in WAR and look where that game is right now, made by the same people who are doing PVP in this game. It is NOT fun to have your character constantly stunned or immovable for more then half of your PVP time, its ridiculously bad concept. 1 or 2 classes should SPECIALIZE in these types of attacks and that is it. With almost all classes having these abilities it makes PVP unbearable. Not to mention all the classes that can spec in healing except for melee.
  15. I dont how your playing, but I started a trooper and I was soloing 2 man heroics even before I got my first companion at level 8. I would never have been able to do that on my jugg.
  16. I did NOT say "100 kills" please re read what I posted. I said that each player should only be worth enough valor to make it a TOTAL of 100 valor gained PER DAY. So lets say each player you kill is worth 20 valor, you get to kill 5 players for a total of 100 valor before it caps and you can't get anymore valor on Ilum for another 24 hours. Thats what I meant, and yes, it would discourage valor farming because you would not need to kill 100 players to do this, just 5. It was just an example.
  17. Consistently is a little ambiguous...is it going back to the way it was before or have you changed and or tweaked this in some way?
  18. I had a feeling that this "bug" on Ilum was actually not a bug but perhaps a silent way of them fixing the exploit of valor farming. Problem is, why didn't they mention this in the patch notes or as a separate post? There is an EASY fix to stop Ilum valor farming, cap all valor gained on Ilum from killing players to a certain number...say...100, and thats all you get within a 24 hour period. That will certainly discourage the valor farming, if your not getting valor past a certain point why stand around and kill each other for hours? Other suggestions to make Ilum better would be to place arms not only in center, but ALL over that section of the map, including North, South, and the bases. Funneling everyone to center if you have all these players in one spot, including your own allies, it makes getting these drops take forever because your actually competing against your own faction. Makes no sense.
  19. LOL Immunity? Your kidding right? I use my immunity/breaker and within 5 seconds it happens again...and again..and again. If this is your example of fun PVP good for you.
  20. I would love to play the game OP, really I would. But half the time I am either stunned, frozen, dazed, knock down, knock backed, whirlwind-ed, ensnared, shocked, or slowed to play the game.
  21. They aren't going to do anything. They haven't even commented on this subject AT ALL at least from what I have seen and I usually stay ontop of any news and announcements of this game since early access. Fact is how CAN they change it? They made Republic boring and uninteresting, most their armor is horrible and the class quests are just bland. They can't go back and fix all that unless they release an expansion with all new content for class stories and better gear. I tried playing a republic trooper and i made it to level 11 before I got bored to tears from the story, the character is just so...ROBOT like. Compare this to the BH character or sith warrior and its like night and day, at least to me anyway.
  22. Maybe thats because all the players are either being ensnared, stunned, frozen, being knock backed, dazed, knocked down, or whirlwind-ed, in order to do ANYTHING.
  23. I COMPLETELY agree with you OP. I was playing last night and during my 10millionth game of huttball I sat there and said to myself "this is NOT fun" I mean seriously, how long do we ACTUALLY get to control our characters with all the stuns, roots, knockbacks, freezes, slowdowns, etc? Any PVP that allows your character to not be able to be controlled for even half your PVP time is just plain bad design. I was annoyed with this at first when I started playing PVP in this game, but last night everything just came to a head and I got so frustrated I just logged off and started playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I think an even bigger problem for me is a i play a sith jugg and we can not only be kited all day long, we hardly have ANY form of knockback, ensnare, or root effect. Sure we have back hand, but this doesn't work half the time because of players with shields or bubbles up, so the stun effect is mute. All we have is force choke and force push, and again, will not work under certain conditions. Play a sorcerer though, you can win all day long. Bubble, speed burst, long range DPS, healing, CC, they have it all. This game is more infested with sorcerers right now then rats during the black plaque. I am definately at my breaking point right now...with Bioware making the CD effect even worse then before and exploits in WZ's still not being fixed, to countless other bugs they haven't even touched yet, I am just about through with this game at the moment.
  24. This game is NOT a month old, please stop with that tired excuse. This game was in development for FIVE plus years and went through Alpha and several different versions of beta testing. During that time, many of the beta testers pointed out various glaring issues that went ignored or fell on def ears, and is continuing right now. The amount of glaring issues, exploits, and problems in this game is inexcusable. The fact that they are changing classes instead of fixing exploits like the one where players can pull in more then the standard amount in a WZ is game breaking. The fact that WZ wins don't count is game breaking, the fact they keep messing around with the CD on the UI that didn't need fixing to begin with is a huge problem. Bioware is not listening to their players, this is very evident, and if they continue this it will be the nail in their coffin for this game.
  25. its clear where they put all their time, resources, and money into the game, its the single player class stories. When JUST playing those, I have a very good time in the game. However, almost everything else is broken, buggy, or just plain done badly. The only reason I am still playing is because I made a lot of friends in this game, and I am a Guild Master and do not want to let my guild down by unsubbing. Regardless, the class stories are the best thing in the game. if everything else was like that, this would be a gem for sure. Right now though....it not even a diamond in the rough, the diamond is still in the freakin' ground covered by dirt.
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