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Everything posted by Delavager

  1. Delavager

    Fixing PVP

    Uhhh what? You're ability to read and comprehend logic gets an F. Bioware made gearing up in PvP FASTER, not slower. L2Read.
  2. This is true and a good point. I shall add it thanks.
  3. On that note, I was in ilum last night and the message came across my screen: "Imperial Agent George'w'bush was seen in Central Assault" Or whatever the full ilum message is. I am a jedi shadow (but close enough to assassin) and killed him. So basically what you said happened, cept w/ Gee Dubya.
  4. He's saying you use clairvoyant strike twice to build project buff. Each one hit's a total of 3k.
  5. I've only successfully done it twice. Basically if you spawn as an attack and just go straight, there is an extended area between the gap. If you time it perfectly you can force speed then jump and make it to the other end. I mostly die when trying to do this but have done it successfully a couple times. I'll try to find a video of it. Found a video: http://www.redrancor.com/category/videos/swtor/tip-day/swtor-video-tip-day-14-how-jump-gap-voidstar Will add it to front page.
  6. Thanks so much for pictures, I've added these.
  7. Thanks guys for the updates and thanks to the admins for getting this stickied, much easier for newer players to reference the material. I will try to update as much as I can from the new posts tonight, I am leaving town this weekend so will make more updates next week.
  8. This thread and the Original Post are all assumptions and thus this is really pointless. Why do you assume that 31pt specs are supposed to be the best spec? There is a reason you can put points however you want, a hybrid spec being the best spec is completely viable option. You A) Assume sorc/sages are overpowered, and on top of that you B) Assume any one of those skills is the reason. I'm not saying sorc/sages are over powered, balanced or anything. I'm just saying this is all heresy and opinion. Balance is really subjective. Really really subjective.
  9. Do math much? 0.01% * 100 = 1%, not 10% No, most of the population that plays this game is NOT grown-ups. I highly doubt you yourself are a grown-up due to above math error. This is also different than people who ACT like grown-ups. Even less people who play this game ACT like grown-ups. The idea itself is interesting. I don't know how i feel about it though as a lot of your assumptions are wrong.
  10. Bump for those who happen to look at the front page between 5:16pm and 5:17 pm EST as that's how much visibility this information has.
  11. I'm hoping to make it so I didn't.
  12. You are trying to prove assassin is better than operative. I am not saying one way or the other. All i'm trying to show is that it's impossible to prove, that it's all subjective and dependent on a lot of things. I personally think Assassin's make much much much much much better huttball carriers than operatives. But that is just one roll in many in huttball. I think operatives make better "support" for the huttball carriers with their ability to lock down a would be pursuer. I also think operatives make much much much much much better enemy huttball attackers/score prevention with their burst and ability to lock down. How do you balance that as a whole class though?
  13. AND on top of all this, there's another HUGE factor in balance: Learning Curve Some classes are "easier" to play then others. Some classes shine at the top tier of play where as some shine in the lower tier of play. Typically FOTM classes a shine in the lower tier of play because it's easy to do well with without much knowledge of what you are doing. At different levels of play, different classes play differently. For example, a lot of players don't have the know how/reaction time/care to use interrupts and stuns against casters. This would give a HUGE advantage to casters. If in order for your class to be balanced against a caster you need to use 100% of you skills, and you are only mentally capable of handling 90% then that class is imbalanced FOR YOU. Same thing goes for casters who don't root/kite/snare melee. Something like Commandos who can literally 1 button kill things, that's a huge example. Compared to any other class that only spams one button they dominate. However when you start getting into the higher levels of play, when 20+ buttons are used, then they don't so so hot. So then where do you balance? Do you balance at the noob level? Do you balance at the top tier level? Somewhere in the middle? What middle? Again it's all super subjective.
  14. A) That's your opinion. B) Better survivability doesn't applies in scenarios where you aren't taking damage. C) You can heal other people, you can't "Survive" other people. And since you will counter with "Assassin's can guard other people" which is true, how do you compare guarding with healing? Two different abilities with different uses.
  15. In the same note, "Balance" is also very vague and subjective, probably equally if not more so than "succeed". Defining balance is almost impossible. You cannot limit it to roles either because a class is balanced as a WHOLE. For example, between Assassin and Operative, you have to take into account healing and guarding. How do you equate ASsassin's ability to guard to Operatives ability to Heal? How do you compare Operatives Opening Burst to Assassin's sustained dmg and built up burst? It's all subjective.
  16. Operatives can heal themselves, Assassins cannot. Operatives opener is much better than Assassins. PvP is not Black and White. Two people staring at each other pressing the attack button doesn't define balance in PvP.
  17. 1. Areans 2. Newer Warzones 3. "Death Match" Warzones because relying on others in objective based warzones as a pug is useless.
  18. When I hit 50 I 1v1 people in my first warzone. If I can do it, why can't you?
  19. Wait what? This is completely illogical. Computer-based RNG is 100% based off of math. Everything computer is 100% based off of math.
  20. Why are you recreating this thread? You already made a thread exactly like this called: "40 Battlemaster Bags and Still No Commidations" You were also proven to by lying:
  21. These are some good tips. I believe these are all in the Huttball 101 guide by high commander. Rather than copy his work, I will give a link to the Huttball 101 guide in this guide.
  22. I was hoping to ignore his post in effort to prevent the thread from discussing things such as FOTM and nerfs
  23. This. I think a deathmatch warzone would be great, but this would be the consequence. False. Tanks/Healers would own for sure.
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