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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. I think this is the point people aren't understanding: those of us playing a "neutral" character are not intentionally setting out to be "neutral." We're not thinking "well, I picked dark last time so I have to pick light this time to even it out." That notion of picking dialogue options based on the alignment points is exactly what we're trying to avoid. We're responding to each decision separately, basing dialogue selections only on the story and asking the question "what would my character do here?" And as it happens, sometimes the dark option makes sense and sometimes the light option makes sense.


    For example, I am playing an Imperial Agent who is always motivated to do what is right for the Empire. He's not evil, but he will deal with threats to the Empire ruthlessly. So when faced with a dark/light decision to kill a bunch of Empire workers just to make a point, I will pick the light-side option. Killing trained laborers who could do good work for the Empire just to prove what an evil d*** I can be does not help the Empire one bit, so my Agent won't do it. On the other hand, if I track down a Jedi who has been a thorn in the Empire's side, defeat him in combat, and then have the option to kill him or let him go, I'm going to take the dark side option and shoot him in the face. Letting the Jedi go would only be giving him the opportunity to make trouble for the Empire later.


    Playing that way has resulted in a totally grey character, so far. Personally, I think I'm playing the character the way he should be played. My relic slots shouldn't be empty just because I'm playing a character that uses common sense when making decisions.


    Totally agree. I made a similar thread to this one, but just noticed this thread. Well said.

  2. TL;DR I feel like the way I wanna play my character is going to hurt me in the end, because I won't be Dark Side 4 or Light Side 4. (yes, I have later found out it goes to 5)


    I'm not really a role player, but I've found it's a lot of fun to get into my character and story. My brothers and friends constantly ask me if I'm going Light or Dark, and I just keep telling them that I'm going to play the game and see where it takes me.


    My Scoundrel is not afraid to get a little dirty and break the law. Although he is a bit selfish and always looking to make some money, he is a fair negotiator and a man of his word. He's not afraid to kill someone that double crossed him or he feels deserves to die, but will not leave a good man fighting for a good cause hanging out to dry. He'll do what he can to help the innocent, as long as it doesn't take him too far out of his way, but he doesn't take well to whiners and beggars. He thinks that if a women wants to get tangled up in a mans world, she'll get dealt with like a man; he doesn't take well to a girl flirting her way to his credits. He's loyal to his friends and will always get the last laugh against his enemies.


    The problem is, my character has been forced into a neutral to slightly dark side... Which I am fine with. I'm just afraid that at max level this will be a big inconvenience when it comes to maximizing my attributes and power. I have found that a lot of choices aren't necessarily dark or light, yet they still give the points. A lot of times I find my self saying, "How the heck does that give light side points", or vice versa. Many times I feel like dark side choices are the "Right" thing to do.


    Honestly I really hate the outlook that "You're doing it wrong" -> "You should only pick all light side or all dark side choices like me!" That's dumb, and that's boring. At that point your not playing the story, your maxing your points. Unless of course you are playing the most noble or most evil character ever... Then maybe it could make sense.


    Anyways, please share your thoughts.

  3. Sure why not, are sith not supposed to get thirsty? Are you really discriminating, sith cant sit in the front of the buss, cant drink at your water fountains, cant be in your cantina killing all your friends?




    I lol at racism.

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