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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. Really simple solution:


    Put dual speccing into the game. RPers dont have to use it if they dont want to ruin their character immersion.


    It's not only RPers. There are also people that don't want everything to be as convenient as possible; thus, ruining another game. (in their opinion of course)

  2. What does "Force Critical Chance" mean in the the Jedi Consular/Sage skill "Penetrating Light"? I'm assuming it means "Force Healing and Damage Critical Chance", but I'd like to be certain before wasting points in it. Thanks in advance for your time and feedback.


    I am 100% sure that "Force Critical Chance" does in fact increase your chance to crit with any 'Force' (damage or healing) skill. If you are not sure if it's a "Force" skill, check your ability log, and it will show what type of ability it is.


    I guess the same question applies to the wording "Force Critical Hit Chance" of the skill Serenity. It's in a late-game position in the Healing skill tree, so wouldn't think it would be referring to damage.


    Not familiar with "Force Critical Hit Chance". My guess is that it does the same thing, but have no idea why it would be worded differently.

  3. Customer on Tattoine:"This protocol droid you sold me is a pile of junk. It doesn't talk"

    Jawa: "Is not bug, is feature. Working as intended"

    Customer on Tattoine: "What do you mean its working as intended, his vocabulator is broken! What good is a protocol droid that can't talk?!!?"


    So, its a "vocabulator". Thanks a lot. At least now I know what I want to rip out of his body.

  4. I for one enjoy his comments as I enter the ship. And I'm level 50 and have entered my ship many, many, many, many times.


    I'm not saying he should not exist in the game. But, maybe the 10th time you enter your ship you should get in a dialog when you have the choice to kill him, remove his voice component, or shine his armor. I suspect you will get him nice and shiny.


    I used him extensively on my Guardian on Taris...those freaking rakghouls.


    He is a heal bot. He even carried my group of guardian, shadow, and sentinel through the Knight Fall and Mutations Heroics when we couldn't find a healer. He is annoying as hell, but he is useful.


    I usually am throwing out heals myself, so I never found him to be the companion of choice. Also, he starts out with no gear, so that causes a bit more trouble to make him useful.

  5. I'll ignore your bigotry, because I have a somewhat related question.


    Are the responses that companions give randomly selected? I've had companions fail missions while telling me that they delivered exceptional results, I've had companions tell me that they failed when they actually delivered fantastic results, and all manner of nonsense in between. What's with that?


    I don't know what bigatry means , but ya, I run into the same things with my companions coming back from crew skill missions. It's quite annoying. I don't see how it would be that hard to match up responses to a successful/failed mission, but for some reason it's just totally random.

  6. First of all, Happy New Year, if you're someone who cares about that; which you are probably not, if you are on the forums right now.


    Second of all, if you hate the color orange... sorry.


    After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.


    Because it was impossible to keep up with all you guys... Here are my thoughts.

    The problem is that 6 months - 1 year down the road all of the low level flashpoints will be dead and new players will have even more difficulty finding a group then people are having now.

    I'm talking about the now. It would be perfectly fine to implement the LFD for those flashpoints when that time comes. That doesn't mean you have to implement it for every flashpoint in the game... ecspecially the brand new content. You could cycle LFD into each individual flashpoint as they get older and more useless.


    I'll say no to cross server LFD. That really does send a games community into the *******, but a LFD restricted to your server would be amazing
    @ OP. No. I don't have much else to say to you except, "same server LFG". Go ahead and explain the flaws of that. Good luck.

    I would compromise for this... Possibly go as far as saying I would want that. I think a lot of my issues with the system stemmed from the cross server part.


    LFG tool will be added eventually it's inevitable, indisputable sorry.

    Why would i want to sit in the Imperial Fleet spamming for hours on end rather than just queuing up? I'll never understand this logic, and the whole "it destroys community" is so laughably false it's not funny.

    Not that I completely disagree with the fact that its annoying. But "hours on end" ?! ... It is not that hard to find groups for current content. Not that I'm 50 yet, but I've found a group for a flashpoint within 10-15 minutes every time I've tried, except once. And that one time, I found something else to do. I'm sure it's harder as you get toward max level right now, just because everyone doesn't level at the same speed.


    WoW sort of had a basis cause the walk was part of the "fun" for some. However in TOR all FP are in 1 area and you mine as well introduce a LFD since you don't have to go anywhere and you are pretty much stuck in 1 useless place anyways looking for a group as it is.

    I think because they are all together, it makes it easier to find a group. But a LFD would still let you port in from any corner of any planet... So your correlation between standing in the fleet and LFD don't really make sense to me.


    I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.

    But the vast majority do. And it will be put in at some point, already confirmed. But it should have been in at the beginning, I've had the most problems finding groups in this MMO then any other, and have had to skip a lot of the FPs because of it.


    Which goes back to the main point of my post. Not necessarily that a lot of people don't want LFD specifically... But there are a thousand suggestions going through the forums that I don't feel like represent the majority. A lot of them point to making everything easier and more convenient = better; I don't necessarily think thats better.

    The reason I choose LFD as my main point was because I thought I'd get a bigger response out of it.


    Then don't use it and let others who want to use it do.

    So simple.

    It's not that simple. I can always choose to not use a feature... and many times I do. But the feature being in the game for others to use can still affect me in other ways. Yes, I used LFD in WoW. Yes, when I could, I ran with friends and guildies; it builds the friendship / teamwork, and you know what you can get out of your group.


    I originally didn't want it in this game either but for some reason I'm playing on a Full server and there is hardly anyone looking for Flashpoints, let alone heroic quests. I welcome it.

    I think there are a few big reasons for that..

    1. People are enjoying / getting less bored with quests than usual.

    2. Gear you receive while questing is just as good as gear in flashpoints.

    3. Flashpoints aren't in each zone, they are in one location. As you level, a lot of people don't stop by the space station very often. If you were in a zone and asked who wanted to run a flashpoint (located in that zone), I bet you would get a lot of response.


    There isn't 100% agreement on LFD? Well thank you for this riveting new information.

    I know right!

    What about a server only LFD with a perfered players list / avoid players list?

  7. I'll say no to cross server LFD. That really does send a games community into the *******, but a LFD restricted to your server would be amazing


    This is really the compromise I would agree with. I know LFD will come in some fashion , at some point, but I hope it's not cross server.


    Or, maybe they could implement LFD for lower level flashpoints, but high level ones / new content won't have the option.

  8. As the title says, not everyone wants this feature. I know I don't. I, like many others, played WoW on and off for many years. Honest to god, when Blizzard introduced summoning stones, I told my brothers and friends that it concerned me a bit... Let alone Looking for Dungeon. Is it convenient? Yes. Does Convenient = better? Not always.


    Call me old fashioned, but I actually like the fact that you have to find a group to do a flashpoint. This is just one example of a feature that many people ask for. I personally don't want this feature, nor would I want a majority of the features people are asking for.


    I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.


    That being said. They could make the /who a little bit better. Gonna go play the game... Peace!

  9. I'm the elite special forces of the Republic, so I'm going to execute traitors, kill Imperials, and try and win this war in an honorable but pragmatic fashion. So, I haven't slaughtered babies and told my CO to go shove it, but neither am I going to let that traitor who sold secrets to the Empire "go live a quiet normal life".*


    Exactly. I can't bring myself to pick a choice based solely on the light/dark points. Before I posted, I didn't even realize that I might not be able to equip relics because of this. I guess I'm gonna be a relic-less noob.


    Not to be a d-bag, but the ranks go to five :)


    Touche. I never claimed to not be a noob. Albeit... Underated.


    Just so I'm clear, do you have the option turned on in preferrences that lets you see when you're getting dark/light points?


    Actually, I didn't know that was an option. I usually use my mouse, so when I hover over my choice I would see how the choice might affect me.


    I think, truthfully, some times the dark/light options come from some oblique angles.

    Ya, that may be true. I mean... I can't expect that every player can interpret a choice as light/dark the same as the developer or writers. For example, I've always been taught snitching was bad, but I've noticed on SWtor that it is a very nobel deed.


    Either way, I accept that I may not always agree with whether it gives me light or dark points, but I don't like that fact that I may be crippled in the end because I didn't choose all red or all blue.

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