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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. I was getting 30-60 Commendations in losing games and 80-100 in winning games. The difference isn't that bad if you team actually tries to do objectives.


    I agree. They act like its 100 or its zero.


    Worst I got for a loss was 43. Worst I got for a win was 65.


    Best for a loss was 62. For a win 103.


    Seems like a fair system.

  2. To summarize, he wants rewards for losing and participating... lol


    Same people who ruined this new generation of babying kids by giving everyone a participate trophy.


    I queued solo 8 times yesterday. The worst amount of comms I got for a loss was 43.

  3. I am confused where all these comm numbers are coming from.


    I played 10 warzones yesterday and went 6 and 4.


    In my four losses the lowest amount of comms I received was 43. I only received less than 50 once, the most being 62 I'm pretty sure.


    My wins ranged anywhere from 65 - 103.


    Seems like a pretty good system to me, although I can only judge off my experiences.

  4. Hi,

    Im wondering if todays Maintance might include some changes or regrets if you will to last days major patch? I understand nothing major will happen but I felt some classes were hit a little to hard and perhaps they are being compensated with a little buff today?


    This must be your first patch.


    They may try to fix some hot issues with bugs over the next few days, but the major decisions they made will stay for a good while.

  5. just played a hutball match ... other team scored after 30 seconds. my whole team left ... 2 mins later we lost 6:0 ... nearly no reward for me ... best one had 16 medals ... lame


    So, your team lost a match 6-0 in about 2 minutes, and you received nearly no reward?


    I agree that the problem is you received nearly no reward. You should have received absolutely no reward.


    Players need to stop being bad. Is it your fault they quit? No. But you lost 6-0. Period. You should get nothing for doing nothing against the opposing team.


    Consequences are good.

  6. Against coordinated teams huttball is hard enough with 0-0 games being very common.


    Huttball is fine, if you think it's too easy then it's your competition. In 1 day join some 8v8 rated warfronts and see how easy it is to score against coordinated teams.


    Ya against even teams, it's always going to be difficult to win. It's not about it being easy per se, but I want it to be more hardcore.


    Sorry, no 8v8.


    Also, I took away the 3 sec channel huttball idea. After seeing everyone's comments and thinking about it, I agree that it would cause too much battle in the middle.


    I also added a more consequential respawn timer. Hopefully to allow coordinated scores to be easier considering scoring will be gimped by the other changes. Also to penalize death more in general.

  7. Nay, too hardcore.


    I think it would take more skill. Require players to pass the ball a lot more. And largely take away from the huge class imbalance in this gametype.

    • I like the idea of an optional HARDCORE Huttball.
    • Grabbing the ball is a 3 second channel. -- Idea Removed. Would cause too much battling in the middle.
    • The huttball throwing circle is reduced by half.
    • To catch the huttball you have to hit your huttball ability within 2 seconds of the catch.
    • The outer thirds of fire hazards deal 5k damage per tick.
    • The center third of fire hazards ignore all defensive cooldowns and results in instant death.
    • The poison pit does 3k damage per tick.

      Abilities while carrying the huttball
    • You can no longer be the target of pulling abilities (both enemy and ally) while carrying the huttball.
    • You can no longer use any type of force leap ability while carrying the huttball.
    • While carrying the huttball, you no longer benefit from any player speed enhancement abilities.
      Holding / Camping with the Huttball for long periods
    • After 30 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball deals 2k damage every 2 seconds.
    • After 45 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball explodes, resulting in death of the player.
    • Respawn timer increased by 15 seconds. The "opening to exit" between respawn timers reduced by half.


    Yay or Nay?

  8. Do we have an XP NPC that turns off XP or are lvl 49s just hanging around the WZ till nearly the END and leaving WZ with a grin and no debuff for WZ leaver..



    Ya thats what they do. It's sad.

  9. To the op:

    Maybe you do not understand this but I will make it easy for you.

    With no cross realm the people u play at 50 are the same u play 10-49. I hope this short explanation helps you in the future.


    That just isn't the case. New people buy this game every day. Some people play alt after alt and take 6 months to get a 50. Some only PvE at 50 but participate in pvp while leveling for gear upgrades or a little change of pace. They are not all the same people.. not even close.


    True, maybe a lvl 10 can't beat a lvl 49 in a 1v1, but how long is that lvl 10 going to stay lvl 10? An hour maybe? And I guarantee you that you can destroy lvl 49s at lvl 20 (which can be done in the fraction amount of time it takes to gear up), and that is w/o any special gear to use as a crutch either.


    You're looking at it from the wrong angle. Don't look at it from the level 10's point of view. Yes, he can level up. I still say a level 20 has way less of a chance than a fresh 50, maybe once you get around level 30 it equals out.


    Look at it from the level 49's point of view. There is a new level 10 to take that level 20's spot every day. So the 49 is still just beating on lowbies FOREVER. Where as at 50, there are much less fresh 50's than lowbies in the 49 bracket. That is because the normal person levels and hits 50, whereas the sissies stay at 49.


    Yeah the 10-49 bracket is more fun because anyone with any amount of pvp experience can roflstomp just about anyone else.


    Ya it is fun.


    The difference is the people who "twink" and stay at 49. Those people do exist. Those are the people that are pathetic.

  10. You do realize you really can't "stay at 49", right? The funny thing is, the lvl 49 person has a higher chance of being destroyed in a WZ by a lowbie than a BM geared 50 does to a fresh 50. We all know that expertise (lol I still get a kick out BW calling the extra stat that) gear isn't the factor in 10-49 bracket, so is *gasp* skill that allows the lowbie to destroy the lvl 49? BTW, here is the definition of expertise. See the irony?


    You can stay 49. And people do.

  11. I say trinket but thought most would realize the get your self free button we all have. I came from playing world of warcraft and think of it as trinket / every man for himself ability for human class.


    Oh, you didn't take my bait.


    Well played.


    But seriously. For a scoundrel to do that he would have to out gear you by a wide margin. Like full battlemaster to fresh 50.


    Other than that, you just can't kill someone that fast.


    Even if you trinket out ...


    before you even get a chance to click your trinket ...


    You hit the trinket ...




    Where did you get a trinket that frees you from stuns?


    I'm confused.

  13. erm, he did actually quote you exactly here.


    Touche. But I'm pretty sure he was refering to my new character. Not my main. Either way. Me bad.


    I agree with the OP that 50s pvp is more competitive.


    A cent geared person vs. a BM geared person is more competitive than a 49 vs. a 10. There's no way in hell a 49 would ever lose to a 10, but a cent geared person take out bm geared person.


    Anyone who thinks 10-49 pvp is more "skilled based", "competitive", "better teamwork" is fooling themselves.


    Which was the point of my post.


    Not which bracket joe snuffy has more fun in. They are both fun. But one is more competitive. Depending on if you want a challenge, one bracket is more fun than the other.

  14. Well done for contradicting yourself in the first two sentences of your "post".


    I wont bother quoting the rest, your argument seems to be: PVP is more skilled at lvl 50+, teamplay is better, awareness is better.


    You're a genius!


    And yet, people are still playing in the tier 1-49 bracket and some of them (shock, horror!) some of them are having fun... this will not stand.


    When you say "grow a pair"... I doubt we are thinking of the same pair for fun.


    When you try to tell people how they should be having fun; they just carry on doing what they want.


    Good luck with the "grow a pair" approach though, I'm eagerly anticipating the results of your campaign.


    Those are not contradictory statements. The pvp is bad compared to 50. I still have fun. They can both exist at once.


    I'm talking about the people that stay at 49 and pound on lowbies, and then claim that PvP is "better" ( more skilled) at the 1-49 bracket. They justify beating up on lowbies by saying that. The PvP is not better.


    Yet, People still do have fun in lowbie pvp. Including me. I am not arguing the fact that it is fun.


    I was never telling people how to have fun. I'm so confused on why people take my comments out of context and don't comprehend the point of my post.

  15. I also queue at 50 & have fun, but not more fun than the 10-49 bracket. My previous post holds true b/c MOST players aren't min/maxers & MOST players don't roll in premades, and MOST players don't enjoy fighting in the more competitive setting. That's not how I roll all the time, but that accurately describes the general player base. I'm sure BW could provide proof with their metrics/matrix.


    All those MOST MOST MOST still don't have anything to do with people enjoying playing with others players that are oblivious to good team pvp play.


    The better pvp play is at 50. Period. There is no disputing that.


    Anyone who would rather sit at 49 and stomp on lowbies rather than coming and dealing with a couple weeks of gearup is pathetic. That was the point of my post.


    1-49 bracket is a lot of fun. just worse pvp.

  16. but guize, i hav a lut of fun wit my BM maurader curb stomping nubs with 13k hp, i has the real skillz


    i even saw a guy tryign to kil me once and i was like "lol im better geared then u no chance"



    The 50s bracket is about who has been 50 the longest and has farmed the most.


    That is just not true. Granted the best players with the best gear are extremely tough, but centurion can beat battlemaster... and the stars don't have to align for it to happen.


    Gear comes fast at 50.

  17. Myth: Most people min/max.

    Truth: Most people play casually.


    Myth: Most people queue as premades.

    Truth: Most people queue solo.


    Myth: Gear doesn't matter in the 50s bracket.

    Truth: There is a huge gear disparity in the 50s bracket.



    Myth: the 50 bracket is more fun.

    Truth: the 10-49 bracket is more fun.

    Why? B/c people can queue 10-49 & be somewhat competitive regardless of whether they queue solo/premade, min/max, & regardless of gear disparity.


    I don't understand how you could have more fun with less competitive people / less skill, unless you're just uber casual. I queue solo at 50 all the time , and win most ( over 50%) of my matches easily. As a level 19 guardian that I am now, I get smashed by anything over level 30 with no chance. The level 45+ destroy me in a few seconds. That is much worse than I ever experienced as a new 50.


    Anyone who denies that there is on a consistent basis more skill at the level 50 bracket is oblivious to good pvp play.


    Yes, there are bad players at each bracket. Again, I still think the bracket is fun. But for me, as a competitive person... It is much less fun than the 50 bracket.


    To each his own.

  18. So it is freakin horrible yet you had a ton of fun there on your main and still have fun there on your alt?


    Which is it? Freakin Horrible or a Ton of fun?


    Oh, and in that hour, how many times did you try to communicate with things like, "Fight on the doors, don't get lured away." or "Mark <player name> (s)he is the healer!"


    Wow, you are confused.


    The skill is horrible. The ignorance is horrible. The lack on pvp knowledge is horrible.


    I still love pvp, so I have fun. I never said I had a "ton of fun". Stop misquoting me.


    It is not that hard. I did not contradict myself.


    1. I communicate constantly. LOL. Litterally ops chat is filled with strategies / warnings.

    2. I do not belittle my teammates, no matter how stupid they are.

    3. I can't mark if I'm not leader.


    but guize I have a lot of fun with my 49 twink curb stomping level 10s with their 3 abilities. The 1-49 bracket is the true competitive pvp, i even saw a guy trying to interrupt me once!


    Sad part is. Some people actually think they are good because of this.

  19. . .









    The pvp is freakin horrible at low levels. Granted I had a ton of fun on my main in the lowbie bracket. I still have fun on my alt cause I love pvp, but the skill / awareness is absolutely pathetic.


    There are 5 times as many people at this bracket that have absolutely no idea how to play this game. I don't know how many times in the last hour I've watched people fail miserably at interrupting bomb plants or CC'ing opponents.


    Anyone who tries to stay in this bracket is pathetic. Grow a pair of balls and come play with the big boys.

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