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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. The biggest thing I bring to an Alderaan is the ability to STEALTH to a turret to an UNSUSPECTING guard, and BURST kill the guard to cap the node.


    If you leave one person guarding a node 4 times out of 5, I'm going to cap that node. When a non stealth class goes toward a turret, the first thing the opponent does is call out for a little help. You can not do that when I'm stealthed. I have the best burst in the game IMO... So I have the best chance of killing said opponent to cap the node quickly enough where help cannot arrive in time. I don't care if it's a BM tank or a Merc Healer... When I grab the pvp buff and hit my trinkets... They usually die fast enough for me to cap the node.


    Also... many a times I have went mid by myself... only to see 5-7 imps in mid. What other class could skillfully tranquilize, attack, disappear.... my point is, I can keep a bunch of imps off a single node by myself for a long period of time. Long enough that it gives us the advantage on the other two nodes. 9 times out of 10 the imps arent smart enough to catch me in a timely manner.


    I also feel that scoundrels are one of the best healer killing classes. I can sneak behind enemy lines to attack healers in the back.. I have a lot of abilities to keep them from casting, as well as a lot of burst.


    Those are a couple examples of how scoundrels can do things in Alderaan that other classes can't do as well. And they both translate to Voidstars doors just the same.


    I had to type this really fast, gtg... so if it seems all over the place , sorry.

  2. You people that quit warzones are pathetic... No, actually, quitting is fine. You people that stay in warzones and make everyone else lose because you don't have the balls to turn a game around are pathetic. I'd rather you quit and give us someone who wants to win.



    I play warzones to win.

    I don't care about a valor number.

    I don't care about how many medals I get.

    I don't care about titles.

    I care about Victory.


    I take the gear as it comes, I don't worry about the least time consuming way to get gear. I worry about going out there and knocking the teeth out of those rotten sith.


    I can't count the number of huttballs I've won after being down 4 or 5 goals, or count the number of Alderaans I've won when mathematically we were out of it without a 3 cap. Or voidstars where we get 6 capped with over 3 mins remaining, but we still do it faster.


    Don't give up. Don't be a BITC*

  3. Is buying a BM token worth it if you are Valor 49 before hitting 50 as most will be now? Only a few days maybe a week to get 60 valor.


    IMO 1 BM token is much worse than 5 champ bags when you start to gear up. Once you get mostly Champion gear, then ya I would start spending your WZ / MERC comms on BM tokens.

  4. Yes, you have the right idea.


    To put it simply..

    • Get the best orange mods you can get / afford.
    • Use your 6 champ bags to get the best pvp gear that will help you out.
    • Buy the best gear you can afford off the AH. (IE. I made an earpiece, and bought 2 artifact implants.)


    Personally I bought a champ relic first, then went for the weapons. Also, get the matrix cube for lvl 50 if you didn't already do so.


    Edit: I had 180 expertise going into the first warzone I played at 50. That's enough to hold your own. If you're dps, weapons make a huge difference. After a week of doing dailies you'll be full Centurion and working on some more Champ gear.

  5. it just entertains me to no end seeing 4 guys spam clicking on a turret with my dots ticking off on them and not doing anything about it


    every time i do it i just picture some guy sitting in front of his computer going







    Yes, becuase that was me the first couple times I was trying to cap a node with dot's on me. Then I opened up my ability log and realized that we can all "cleanse".


    This post made me laugh hard. I totally put myself in your shoes and laughed out loud.

  6. "Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


    I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


    Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


    ....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?


    IMO is doesn't matter. I agree with the OP.


    There were two guys trying to down Tatooine's world boss. I was around lvl 23. It was a level 40 and another level 30 something. Obviously I couldn't kill them, but I sure did get the boss to kill them... by stunning the healer and distracting them from their plan.


    It's a PVP server. If you want to kill a world boss in peace, go to a PVE server. Or else you take the chance of this.


    OP - I'm republic, but I respect the fact you did not let your enemy down that world boss. It's a war right? In a war we don't let our enemies grow stronger by acquiring better weaponry / gear.

  7. It took me a little over 3 months to level in Vanilla WoW.. I loved it.


    Comparatively, I play about 75% of the time I played back then, and I suspect I'll hit 50 by end of next week.


    I really like this game, but I wish it was a little harder to level. As it is now, gear means very little. Flashpoints mean even less. If it was a little harder to get Orange items/ Good gear, and a little harder to level... It would enhance my experience.


    That being said. I really enjoy this game either way.

  8. This story shall the Jedi Master teach his Padawan;

    And Lifeday shall ne'er go by,

    From this day to the ending of the Galaxy,

    But we in it shall be remember'd;

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

    Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so Sith,

    This day shall gentle his condition:

    And players of Warcraft now a-bed

    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

    That fought with us against the Rakghouls.



  9. I find it sad and a bit hurtful that Bioware did not add this feature to the game as it should have been just as high a priority as same sex relationships. The fact it is not in the game makes me think that Bioware does not care for or value the LGBT community.


    There are no transvestites in SW:TOR. You're whole argument is now null and void.


    Seriously though... I don't want to have that kind of relationship. That being said, it should be a choice.

  10. ' ' Over the past week, I've spent over 130k buying a certain scavenging mission called "Where Droids Go to Die".


    I've sent C2-N2 on the mission exactly 27 times with no success. Even when he fails the mission, he still comes back alive.


    He usually tells me that "Even the most advanced droids cannot make a Shimmersilk purse out of a bantha's ear master."

    Well no S*** C2... Because you tell every F****** time I get on my ship that you are the most advanced droid in the galaxy, and that when a better one is created you'll let me know. I'm not gonna hold my breathe you *** **** liar.


    I've tried setting my ship on course into an asteroid belt and exiting the through the escape pod, but it tells me every time that I cannot access it yet. So you tell me you will "Go down with the ship"... yet you give me a fake f****** escape pod.


    Wow, just Wow.


    TL;DR C2-N2 won't die when sending him on the mission "Where Droids Go to Die". When I find a way to get rid of his Alternate Lifestyle a**, I'll report back here.

  11. I agree. Denial is more like a lake. Which is nice because I love swimming. Thanks for the support! :)


    Bro. She was in the wrong. Now you see that she's trying to back out of her original statements.


    And she started to call you "hun"... that's when you know she is getting desperate.


    Rules are rules... how can she argue the Terms of Use that she agreed to.

  12. Dumbest idea ever. I'd wear the worst gear then on purpose.


    It's a bit of a stretch to say the dumbest idea ever... but yes. If you were looking for a specific item, of course you would put some crappy green in that slot (or nothing at all) to ensure that you would get what you came for.


    Almost the dumbest idea ever.

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