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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. This sounds way better than reducing the cost of WH. As it stands on my server, you're spending over 1.5m to get augment slots on each of your items. Throw in then the cost of buying the augments, the cost can get ridiculous.


    1.5 million and you didn't factor in augments?


    People must be charging 120k per MK-6 on your server.


    That being said.. if you are too broke to afford all the augments, at least buy the high level green augments... you'll get 90% of the stats for 5% of the cost. Then buy the good ones as you can afford them.

  2. I probably could have make one medal by healing myself, but the WZ ended so quickly I didn't even had time to think about it.


    So ip so facto... you should always get medals. Even as a dps you could get a couple healing medals if the stars aligned in the sky for two fully war hero premades to meet your full recruit team... .LOL.

  3. I don't think you've ever played solo against 2 premades of the same guild.


    Premade does not equal good players, or even coordination.


    Either way. Double premade is rare. You're talking about 1 in 20 matches or more. So 95% of the time you should get 8 medals... the other 5% get 6.


    And no, I havn't played a 1v8 since last patch... it's pretty good about giving me teammates.

  4. Have you played a recruit in PUGs recently? I bet not. .

    I kill PuG recruits all the time.


    You are insulting them. .

    Yes. Yes I am.


    In some cases I even got zero medals..

    You can argue the 8 medal thing, but if you can't manage 1 medal naked then you need to rethink why you even queue.

    What class are you. I'll give you some medal tips.

  5. I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous. Now, we're not counting the times that a player would not do so well or it is just a plain loss with 8 medal requirement earned. I would imagine it would be somewhere from 700-800 warzones if it was straight losses. On average a player can do four warzones (assuming that each Warzone lasts the average 15 minutes). If a player grinds warzones for eight hours (the hardcore gamer with no life), that will be 32 warzones in one day - on average. Which in effect will take him seventeen weeks to complete the required amount of commendations to have his gear. 17 weeks is four months and one week. There are dailies and weeklies to assist in shortening the time. But... These numbers alone.. really?


    Haters gonna hate and probably say I am whining. These folks prolly already have their War Hero gear. But think of it this way... Do you wanna do this entire grind over again once there is a new season - each season? Or each level cap that is raised? Gonna compare to WoW here - it didnt take me nearly as long to get my arena gear...


    1. The only time you shouldn't get 8 medals is when you're trying not to get 8 medals.

    2. Go play ranked warzones, it wil be faster.

    3. Four months sounds about right for the average player.

    4. Yes, I want a long grind for gear every season... either that or just give it to everyone for free (even playing field). Either is okay.

  6. NOTE: This is from my own knowledge of mechanics and testing. All my values are ESTIMATES from memory, seeing as though I'm not at home right now.


    Switching just belt and bracers to PvE armorings you will lose 80 expertise. This equates to about .6% damage reduction and .5% healing boost.


    With the PvE armorings you will gain somewhere between 15-20 bonus healing and around 700 health vs. war hero.



    War Hero - - - - - - - PvE

    .6% mitigation - - - - 700 health

    .5% healing - - - - - - 15 bonus healing


    Mitigation vs. Health

    Let's say the average fully geared healer has 20k health for a nice round number. Over a period of time taking 20k damage (effictively would kill you) expertise would mitigate .6% or 120 damage. The extra 700 health in your pool would be much better.

    Obviously you would be getting heals / healing yourself though. The 700 extra health only helps you one time in a sense, whereas the mitigation keeps helping you each time you recieve a heal, then take more damage.

    So for expertise to outwiegh the sheer 700 extra health, you would have to heal through about 5.8 lives worth of health... or 117k damage. I personally think the health pool is better. Especially considering that burst is the name of the game, and the 700 health is over 5 times better in a single burst rotation survival scenario.


    Of course there are other factors... but that's my theory on it in a nutshell.

    Healing boost vs. Bonus healing

    The only theorycrafting I can do on this is to think that the average fully geared healers bonus healing is somewhere around 700 give or take. Expertise would give you a .5% overally healing bonus, whereas your 15-20 bonus healing would give you just that... bonus healing.

    I havn't tested which would actually give better healing overall. I suspect the bonus healing would be slightly ahead, but either way I think it would be close.


    My Opinion

    Losing 80 expertise by getting PvE belt and bracers is the best way to go. I would not switch out any armorings in the rest of your gear tho... as I think the PvP belt and bracers are the weakest parts in comparison to their PvE counterparts. You need to at least get the Grade 25 Armorings for it to be worth it IMO, ideally the Grade 26's if you can afford them.

  7. So can anyone do this or is their an actual exploit? Never tried.


    I did file a ticket with all the sorcs names. I'm sure I'd never find out but would be nice if they got a little smack down. Their guild is kinda notorious.


    An exploit is an exploit no matter who knows how to do it. The difficulty of an expliot is irrelevant. That being said.. it must be easy, cause I see scrubs do it all the time. It's just a matter of knowing where to stand and where to target the AOE.

  8. Why don't you report it?


    I already said. I get solace in the fact that they have to live with themselves being total b i t c hes.


    I'd rather run in circles on the fleet than make a report.


    I'm not on here complaining about it though... b i t c hes will be b i t c hes... I was just telling the OP that, no question, it's an exploit.

  9. Of course this is an exploit... Although I don't report it, I do lose all respect for anyone who tries it. I get solace in the fact that they have to live with themselves knowing they are such *****es.
  10. Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik..

    So you only have 13k HP? and that is with 2 healthy crits

    What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. .

    That is just false. CC break works perfectly fine on this ability.


    If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman..

    First of all, they won't need to heal up to kill a tank.

    Second, in that 2 minute battle you had no friends run your way?

    I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win)..


    Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst..

    UM... Scoundrels destroy VG/PT 1v1... it's not even close.


    Discuss. Cheers.

    Although this is a troll.. I didn't want any readers to be misinformed.

  11. It's amazing how many people think DPS wins the games in Rateds, it simply amuses me to say the least. While DPS plays a key role, a group who knows how to utilize an assist train, switch targets effectively, knows how to rotate, and WHEN to CC, etc will do just fine. It's been done already.


    Your bold more or less defines DPS. I found that slightly contradictory.

    Although, I think it takes a balance of all three major aspects, DPS definately wins games in Rateds.


    IMO if you have poor DPS, more than likely you are not going to kill a damn thing against a decent team. You won't be able to compesate even with great tanking/guards and great healers. But great DPS could definately make up for poor tanking or poor heals. Obviously the importance of each aspect variesby game type.


    I mostly agree with your view on this topic Pistols. Especially in the case of DPS Scoundrels... I have to defend them. They are vastly under rated, and a good one can bring a package of skills to the table no other class can.


    And to the guys who say 1v1 doesn't mean anything in Rateds.... YOU ARE CLUELESS.


    What exactly are the dps sorc's strenghts right now??


    Ranged Roots

    Ranged 8 sec mez.

    Speed transitions.

    Knock back / root protection for healers.

    Great AoE / cap stops

    Off heals

    Ranged Innerupts

    Friendly Pulls

    Capable of some of the best overall damage (burst isnt that great tho)


    Is being able to spam from the back considered a strenght

    I definately wounldn't call it a weakness... Better than spamming from the middle!


    BW just need to add a timer cd on taunt. If a player is taunt you can't taunt them for about 2-3 minutes after the current taunt wears out. Effectively killing sequential taunt rotations in pvp and forcing teams to use their taunt more strategically than just spamming it when ever it's off cd in a group rotation.


    I don't understand why DPS classes are allowed to taunt without penalty myself. That's not a bad idea. Although, I think 2-3 minutes is extreme.


    I'd rather just see when a DPS class uses a taunt, the player he taunts deals 150% damage to him for those 6 seconds. So if you are fast enough and see who the taunt came from... he'll pay for it.

  12. Clearly upset dying to Vanguards/Powertechs L2P


    Actually vanguards are very weak 1 v 1. I tear through them with ease on my scoundrel.


    It's when they have support that they are so dangerous, and I'm not talking about a neck brace... Although that couldn't hurt.

  13. I posted this on my server forum, but didn't get much support. I need some help!


    I'm leveling a vanguard and just am not up to par. So after taking suggestions, I bought the Naga to help me with my keybinds. It doesn't seem to make a difference.


    Should I go with the Rip Hamilton style face shield like he wore with the Pistons, or just go with my Jason mask from Halloween a few years back?


    Also, one guys says roll Left to Right ... the next guy says Right to Left. Which is it?


    Here is my UI setup if someone could please give me some tips !


  14. agree....the amout of people failing at pvp basics..like using the keyboard to turn...having S key binded(backpaddle)..understanding Los...and so on...is actualy insane in swtor..but i guess thats because the majority of people here actualy were sw fans that never played a mmo before.


    outside of premades i can endure the pain for like...3 warzones...then i rage and afk a couple more and eventualy quit the game and go cuddle with my pillow


    People unbind their S key ?


    Backpedaling is situational , but very effective.

  15. Why don't we just switch the conversation to marauder/sentinel?


    Here, I'll start: why does one of the pure DD mara/sent classes also feel like the best tank in PVP?


    They can't guard or taunt... so who are they tanking?


    1 Pull on a 45 Second cooldown limited by Resolve

    1 Snare that is on 1 Target within 10M

    Taunts (Which any Tank AC has)


    Your definition of utility seems a bit....weak...


    They can jump.

    AoE stun.


    One of the best shield defensive CD's.

    Most of their big damage is instant cast.

    I'm sure I'm missing some other good ones.


    I don't know if they need to be nerfed, but the two best powertechs on my server kill me faster than any other class bests. And it's not even close.

  16. I pvp for fun. I pvp to win. Not for gear.


    Have I ever done a couple more matches than I wanted to to finish out a new item before I log... sure. But in the end I pvp for fun. The gear comes as a bonus.


    If pvp wasn't a hell of a lot of fun to me, why would I even want PvP gear to begin with?

  17. Personally, when I join a losing warzone, I think "Haha, time to turn the tide!"


    The first thing I say in ops chat as I zone in is... "It's okay guys, I'm here"... Partly as a joke, partly because I believe I can make a huge difference.


    Then I go on to do everything I can to turn the tables. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


    Also, have you ever quit a warzone? I personally have never quit a warzone after the gate has dropped, minus a couple "real life" things that I could count on one hand.


    I don't mind it at all.....




    But then again , he just wants the option. To each his own.

  18. Augmented gear will just jump in price by a couple mil then. I'll sell my augmented sabers for 3 mil cause the only other way people will get em is for 5 mil


    Or from the other crafter who is not a douche, and still selling them for 150k.

  19. Yes, unfortunately you lose 2 augments, I think the only way around that would be for you to gain two pieces of T4 PvE equipment and take the armorings from them into your augmented gear (on T4 gear the armorings carry the set bonus) but it is a lot of hard work for little gain. And you would also lose some expertise of course.

    In my opinion the 2 piece PvE set bonus is worth much more than the 36 cunning and 24 endurance that you would get from the two augments.


    And yes, the 5 extra energy is very weak. If you compare it to the set bonuses that other classes get the word "crap" describes it pretty well. I think the four piece bonus of the Gunslinger Field Tech set (+5m range on your interrupt) would actually be worth more than the 5 extra energy from the Enforcer set.


    Ya the Camapign gear would be awesome. But I don't PvE in this game... just don't enjoy it at all.


    I've already bought one enforcer piece, and a medic vest, so I don't really have the option of going 4 field tech anymore. I might just say F the bonuses and go for the best stats... that would end me up with 2 enforcer, 2 field tech, 1 medic. I guess it could be worse.

  20. The two piece PvP Enforcer bonus is garbage.


    By far the best solution right now is to get the two piece PvE Enforcer set bonus and combine it with the two piece PvP Field Tech set bonus.

    For the PvE bonus simply buy two pieces of Tionese gear and put the armoring+mod+enhancements from your battlemaster gear in them. HF :)


    I would lose 2 augments tho, correct?


    Also, you still didn't say whether you thought the 5 energy was a good bonus... or just crap as well.

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