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Posts posted by UnderatedNoob

  1. Any other opinions on this topic?


    I personally am trying to decide whether to go 2 piece field tech , 2 piece enforcer... or 4 piece enforcer.


    Other than just the bonus for the bonus... it would also allow me to more quickly get the stats I want out of my gear.


    Any advice?

  2. Are you sure? I don't think this is correct. Can anyone else confirm or deny?


    I have found that to be true 90% of the time.


    There are a few pieces that don't discriminate on the set you are trading in... for whatever reason. I have not figured out the science to it yet.


    But, I do know for my mainhand and off-hand both, I had to rebuy the battlemaster verison to get the WH piece that I wanted. However, for the chestpiece, I did not.

  3. Edit: The pure damage ones still do lots of damage but they have been reduced some and a exploit fixed that let them use their opener twice.


    How was that an exploit? It's called using your cooldowns.


    By the way, I never did a double opener. It doesn't help you in the long run. It actually gimps your overall damage in a duel by double opening.

  4. Gotcha !!


    but seriously i wouldn't mind some gambling additions to ToR

    sabacc and Pizack


    This belongs in the PvP thread, because there should be a PvP system for it.


    Not being sarcastic. And I would love it to be implemented.

  5. Sorry was suppose to write I have full Combat Tech and Eliminator gear in my last post.


    I'm trying to buy a Eliminator WH piece and I have the corresponding BM Eliminator gear plus all the ranked wz commendations need for it. But I'm not allowed to buy it. It's marked red.


    K, that was my only idea. Might be a bug.



    I have yet to confirm. I'm at 3000 rated, going for a weapon. But I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to buy. I have a field tech shotgun, but want an enforcer shotgun... So , we'll see if it lets me buy it when I get enough.

  6. So I got over 2k rated and were looking at the armor I could buy and I saw I was only allowed to buy Combat Tech gear for my Vanguard.


    First I thought maybe I just needed the original mods in them/empty shell but that didn't help either. I had all the original stuff in my gear before the patch.


    Is this working as intended or is it a bug?


    I believe to buy the WH set piece, you have to have the BM set piece.


    For example, I have the "Field Medic's Shotgun" battle master. In order for me to by the "Enforcer Shotgun" of war hero , I first have to buy the battle master version.


    I am not 100% on this, but do you fall into that example? Or are you dealing with something different.

  7. We're not off subject, the entire point is that patch 1.2 isn't rewarding EFFORT because its trying to PUNISH AFKers. That is the ENTIRE POINT of the 3 medal minimum. And its flawed. There is no reason NOT to fix this.


    Obviously you didn't read my 2 points.


    Maybe if I capitalize every OTHER word, I too can try to EMPHASIZE my opinion and TRY to pass it off as FACT.


    I'm going to play the game. No hard feelings. But you obviously are a person that can't handle real feedback.


    Have a great day.

  8. Again, that is why you fail and why opinions are not relevant to the problem. The above quote from you is wrong and needs to be fixed. 600-0 blowout means nothing. Its just a score. What's more important is did you do well enough to get some rewards out of it or not. That has nothing to do with score, it has to do with medals. The penalties in 1.2 were stated clearly by Bioware to combat AFKers, not poor performance.


    Were getting off subject. Agree to disagree on that point. It's my opinion, and I stand by it.


    That being said... Every single one of your examples talks about 4v8 or 6v8, and how hard it is to get 3 medals.


    1. I see the problem is being no consequences for people quitting or not accepting that queue. All your examples stem from people not being in warzones... That's what you need to address.


    2. By no means is it hard to get 3 medals. It just isn't. You can't argue that. It's very easy. Even as a healer, it is very easy to get 3 medals fairly quickly. I agree being outnumbered vastly can make it much harder, but that goes back to number 1.

  9. And that is where you fail. Of course people get rewards in a video game for playing the video game. Its called "progression".


    That is why opinions on this issue are useless. They don't matter.


    If you lose an 8v8 on alderaan 600-0. You are bad. And in my opinion, should not be rewarded.


    Even if you have a full team in recruit gear vs. full war hero. You should be able to hold a turret with 8.


    Lose 300-0, and take your 30 or 40 comms.


    Stop trying to pass your opinion as Fact, and discount my opinion as Wrong.

  10. Sorry, this isn't a matter of opinion. Its a provable fact that people who try as hard as they can to play a match properly (not AFKing at all), are getting NO REWARDS AT ALL (straight 0s) for that effort. This is a flaw. It is undeniable, and is systemic. Your opinion that "its fine" is irrelevant to the facts.


    I argue the entire point of thinking people deserve rewards for merely trying. How about don't get blown out 600-0. If you are that bad, you shouldn't get anything.


    Again, if it's a 4v8, obviously it's not their fault. They should still be able to get 3 medals though pretty easily, even being outnumbered.


    But the problem is that the people quit. Add consequences to quitters, and your problem is solved.

  11. This is a strawman argument, sorry.


    There are screenshots and hundreds of posts on this forum of people in 4v8s or just lopsided matches getting under 3 medals while fighting the entire time trying hard. These people are getting screwed, its a fact, and its not their fault. Its a systemic flaw. One that my idea fixes.


    Your argument that I am coming at you with a strawman argument, is a strawman argument in itself.


    There are just as many people on these forums that agree with me, as agree with you. The difference is, people come to the forums to complain, so you get the advantage in the complainer department.


    It's not those people's faults that their team quit. The problem is people quit with no punishment. Add consequences to quitting and it solves your problem as well.


    We can just Agree to Disagree.


    Edit: In a 4 v 8, I can still get 3 medals 60% of the time, every time.

  12. The only disadvantage is you have to buy stims to stay on the same level as the biochems. On my server your talking around 10-20k per stim, which lasts 2 hours.


    Not that bad if you play the AH a bit and run some missions to sell mats inbetween queues. I have more credits than I know what to do with, and I only PvP.

  13. No offense, but... I don't care about YOU. I am fixing a problem here that OTHER people are experiencing. Its not valid to say "there is no problem because I don't hit the problem." That is like a rich person saying "there is no poverty because I am rich."


    Thanks for understanding. :)


    Obviously I can only go off of my experiences, and granted I've only played 10 games. Sometimes the system isn't the problem, but the people are the problem.


    I could easily just say I don't care about YOU. It's the OTHER people that think it's fine that should get what they want.


    It is valid to say, "There is no problem, YOU are the problem."

  14. It could work. I still get 3 medals in about 30 seconds 9 out of 10 times, if I joined a game late and had to work quickly.


    When not worrying about medals, I can still get 3 within a couple minutes every time. Usually ending the game with 8-12 medals.


    I did 10 warzones so far. I went 6 wins, 4 losses.

    My worst loss still netted me 43 comms. Best loss 62.

    Worst win 65 comms. Best win 103.




    Long story short: I think your trying to fix something that works fine. People need to stop being bad and getting <2 medals.

  15. Erase rewards for losing and you also lose half the players. Yes they will be the worst half but that is still half. Then of those that are left, you will lose half again when they are losing constantly. To summarize, you have no idea what you are talking about...lol


    losing =/= participating (I know that was his quote) But I'm saying I half agree.


    If you end a warzone with 2 medals cause you got stomped, you deserve nothing in my mind.


    I lose all the time.

    I never lose alderaan with the opponent having more than 300 points.

    I rarely lose huttball or voidstar 6-0. But it does happen.

    But when I do... I Hope I Get Nothing.

  16. after skimming through the boards yesterday i was anxious to pvp last night to see what was up. Yes, i am new to MMO and PVP....don't bash me too badly. Every time i play civil war i get totally obliterated! i rarely can get any medals. Last night was no different. The game was so one sided it wasn't funny. I was attacking and hardly doing any damage. Why can't i do more damage? it is so frustrating. i would get ambushed. it was horrible. A lvl 16 jugg had almost 14000hp and here i was at 11200. At the end of the match i was expecting some XP for my expended energy in the constant battle i was engaged in, but big fat 0 across the board. Void star was great our team didn't win, but I have several kills and received xp and comm


    And No, I don't agree with the philosophy that everyone is a winner, but come on...in warzones you need to battle and i was. I just never got the kill.


    So i play to learn as much as i can.


    Jedi Sent - 39

    Bounty - 17

    Sniper - 19

    Sith Sorc - 14

    Scoundrel - 14


    Not trying to bash you, but it seems like you just need to get better and more experienced at the games.


    Find the easiest ways to get medals and go for those (while also playing objectives). If you only have 11k health, try upgrading a few pieces of your gear. That will go a long way to help in lowbie warzones.

  17. This is of course, absolute rubbish..


    Avg commendations for loss-38-40


    Avg for win, 100.


    I can only post from what I've experienced. In the 10 games I played, (6 wins, 4 losses) those were my results.


    P.S. In the time it took me to reply, I could have had 5 medals. People need to stop being bad.

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