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Everything posted by Ifolad

  1. looks like a much prettier non SW version of SWG. Think i'm gonna check that out, i miss swg beast mastery which from what i've read this game WILL have. Which brings me to another point: Why not make a beast master class, IE the beast riders of Iziz, available to both factions. Make a melee tank, ranged dps, and heals tree for it. Heals can be melee or ranged. just my 2cents.
  2. A lot of the lagging everyone seems to be suffering through, myself included, has been proven by many many many people that 90% of the lag problem is not BW's fault. The truth is our network infrastructure world wide is one big traffic jam now. For instance, how many people have smart phones? How many of those same people also have the internet on a home pc? How many of those same people compete with EVERYONE else for streaming data? Now i'm no tech expert or anything, but i know that when I try to run water from ten six-inch water mains into a SINGLE one-inch mains i'm gonna get some overflow somewhere. Am i just going to get a leak or is my system gonna explode somewhere? Analogies aside, don't put ALL of the blame on DC's and lag on bw and SWTOR. Millions of people and hundreds of ISP's all tried to get their foot in the door with cheap service. OH your isp doesn't charge an installation fee for anyone, and it doesn't require a contract? Chances are you got a shoddy 3rd rate ISP who leases the line you use and has no real power to fix any lag or latency's you are seeing. Again put blame where it is due, Bugs and Glitches, that's BW/SWTOR's fault. Lag and DC's, that's mostly your ISP's fault. Blame the country you live in and those countries you are connected to for having crappy infrastructure. Oh and btw, i live in Kansas, we have really crappy net here. Point your finger where it belongs.
  3. i wish.... Alas, they have said togruta and nautolon would be a ways off due to the natural clipping nature of their heads. I'm for Duros, rodian, cerean, and trandoshan
  4. If none of the above suits you(all were good points FYI), just pay attention to the level of the armoring or barrel/hilt The number next to the item is not it's "level" but it's "power rating". DO NOT let this confuse you with the STAT called "power". In this context i'm talking about 2 different things "item power" and the STAT "power". Again not trying to be too redundant here, and I hope i didn't confuse you further Remember: green item < blue item < purple "artifact" item < legendary item EDIT: again don't skimp on your main stat simply because another item has a higher rating, make sure it's acctually beneficial first. As was said above I wouldn't take a helmet with willpower defense and absorb on my Vengence Juggernaut. Though I am guilty of throwing random stuff i find on the ground on my companions before I get them properly geared out. Just saying. On my sniper I had no implants on kalyio, found one laying on the ground that had willpower on it so i through it on her to fill and EMPTY slot. In that context ONLY is it ok for that to happen.
  5. ok it doesn't have to be Michael Bay..... Not a troll serious question: who would you all like to see direct any new SW content? I don't care who it is... lol I just want to see more jedi fighting stuff than usual. I know the special effects would be crazy annoying to work out but still. +1 for a movie including Tyber Zann, honestly i like crime lords but Hutts are getting old.
  6. I prefer to watch them in chronological order, however i do like to watch the battle of coruscant Ep.3 a few times before I move on. I would like to see the new movies have more action, Michael Bay among others collaborating in directing the movie would solve that. Just a wish on that one. We don't really have a SW movie (aside from the clone wars animated) that really lets us see a lot of the "war" that's going on. Indeed romance and comedy are important as well as telling a good story, though I really hated Episode 2 where 45 minutes were spent watching Queen and Darth Jr make out while rolling in the fields of Naboo. I digress. I agree I would watch Darth Bane series, and I would also like to see anything related to Tyber Zann. IN fact, they could do both really and not hamper chronology of the movies. Just my 2 cents. +1 for this post being kick-awesome.
  7. +1 for truffle shuffle and headbang additionally twerking... no.... i go twerk every day, i don't want twerk when i'm home... it's a joke get it? to work... no.... i go to work every day, i don't want to work when i'm home... Jokes aside... can you provide me (and others ofc) the opportunity to purchase the Twilek parlor dance as an emote even for non-twileks. I'd be ok with it even if it was expensive ammount of CC or Creds. lastly, emotes of destruction would be nice For example: If you watch pro football often times when a quarterback is sacked the defender will "emote" a fake swing of a baseball bat as though he's hit it out of the park with the sack. Multi emotes, like group or team high 5, group celebration (like human rally ability), any other celebratory emotes would be nice!
  8. I have a crappy machine compared to most but it handles Ald just fine. I can wait a few more moments for Ald to load which will give me a few more puffs of smoke to inhale before i'm loaded in. Ald is beautifully created and I love the music there. In fact I hate tatooine so much that i just do the class quests in order to get to Alderaan where i do every quest. I won't mind the event being there. The only thing i will mind is all the gen chat hate for the event when it comes, luckily i can just go to guild chat tab and ignore all the haters for good, again more time for me to inhale a few more drags. All of you and your instant gratification are spoiled. You sit there with your 5grand gaming rig while Nuknuk of a tribe in Africa plays with insects to pass the time and all without a mcdonalds in site for 4000 miles that alone a working internet connection or computer that isn't already installed in a hospital or public library. Be glad we even get these events to participate in, agreed with a former poster some of you have spent too much time with the dread masters and your minds are corrupt.
  9. pretty much what they said above, agreed very imp heavy in pvp on shadowlands. I don't remember the last time i faced a group of pubs
  10. you forgot about all the people who use twitch tv coverage of their gaming to make a living in the real world. Without competitive games with which to play these guys can't make enough money to live on. So in that aspect i can see why so many pvp'ers are butthurt about the state of pvp right now. This is a fun game i do not blame them for being upset that the way they choose to make a living is being stamped out. On another note: I wish i was good enough pvper to do stuff like this, but i'd have to quit my job
  11. Would like to see more color crystals that are not the primary/black or primary/off color variety. EXAMPLES: Take the base colors we have already, blue red green yellow purple and give us different hues or the ability to change the brightness darkness color level of them. Could even make a craftable "box" that one could use to alter the color of their crystal using a color wheel. Would like to see more variation on armors for our heavy armor friends. As it stands now medium and light have the most diversity when it comes to appearance. Adaptive armor helped some in that regard, aside from that though more sleek armors with less "baggage" on them would be awesome. Speeders, skiffs, and land yachts... oh my!! Anyone else tried getting to the mail box lately? I think this is self explanatory but i will go further to say stop parking your stuff on the box people, it was only funny the first time Big hair, no hair, masks, and tattoos. Ok really, i want to put the human big messy hair on my miraluka but i cannot as it is locked to human only. My chiss and pureblood would look pretty awesome with it as well, just saying... My twilek should have the option to tattoo herself up even though she's republic, she IS a scoundrel after all and who's to say she didn't visit the parlors of the floating casino's in her travels? Adding to that, my juggernauts face tattoo needs work but none of the other options fill my vision. I really want ZZtop style facial hair as an option but i'm sure clipping would be a nightmare so i won't hold my breath. Height adjustment meter, ok so I want a BT2 male, but i want him to be 6'5 instead of 6' tall, who's to say my juggernaut can't be a beanpole basketball player body type? I want to be tall but not a linebacker or def lineman for the NFL. If you're still reading this was not intended to be a troll, i really would like to see these come to fruition. Lastly, please take the cantina area of fleet away and install a FFA dueling area in its place. Would make the time pass on fleet so much better, and it would/could be hilariously entertaining.
  12. stop asking for cross-server que's for anything, BW already said it and i quote "CANNOT HAPPEN WITH HERO ENGINE" I wish it could as I would love xserver que's but i digress, hero engine can't/won't handle it.
  13. this is why my (female) toons run around in diabolist robe (top) , any leather'ish pants, relaxed uniform boots. Puts all the curves in just the right place on BT2 females. On my BT2 Male juggernaut, i have found that jedi'esque robes with the black/red dye tend to reduce the fact that i'm 6 feet tall with a 3foot wide chest and no behind. Just my 2 cents. I think the ***** are fine. What's funny is reading all the gen chat on starter planets when first timers see what we see every day lol.
  14. ganking; gank_ing, to gank, to surprise and annihilate, to remain in one spot until your urge to cause someone else grief is satisfied. Only satisfied when gankee rage quits, this satisfaction only lasts a short amount of time. Common appearances of a ganker: fully gear'd and min maxed, in a pvp guild, surrounded by like minded friends, people who choose to bully then hide behind game mechanics, mores, and norms in order to justify why they NEED to grief someone. Griefing only stops when gankee gets tired, bored, banned, or finds something else more fun to do. Q:Why is ganking fun to these people: A: because these people have been dominated before in game or in real life and therefore have the urge for vengeance and justification that they are not "of the social class" of those are bullied. They justify their anger for what happened to them previously in life by taking it out on innocents. Ganker is analogous with criminal, mob boss, low life, street thug, needs a hug. Ganker: desire to be alpha, a carnivore Gankee: desire to get work done, omnivore. Ganker sees gankee as competition and practice Gakee sees ganker as an A-hole who won't leave him alone. Ganker sees gankee as sub-par carebear who DESERVES to be killed not once, not twice, not three times, but OVER AND OVER AND OVER, until they either L2P or LEAVE. Does the Ganker realise this is counterproductive to the lifestyle he chooses to lead? Heck no. He's too high off his griefing party. Ganking produces a euphoric effect on the ones committing the violence. Thus this must be repeated over and over. Ganking will cease when the accused either A: gets a moral conscience. or B: gets chased off by a good guy. Ganking EVIL Gankee Innocent Ganker is just a schoolyard bully who will fold in a 1v1 with similar gear against a skilled player. Gankers are like this years Kansas City Chiefs, they fold against real players, and ROLL subpar players because it's EASY. Real players get bored by facerolling. Gankers never get bored of this. The real issue is they have a psychological disorder causing them to be comfortable with causing pain in others only to deal with the pain they have inside. In short, they need mommy and a hug in order to be constructive to society. Thank god these guys are here doing this and not in the real world. We have enough sad stories as it is.
  15. Jan you've got to be one of the cutest forum posters ever. /signed
  16. yeah i had a buddy i used to game with who's girlfriend was the same way, she was very self-conscious to being compared to the beautiful perfect body type 2's of the swtor world. Even worse when relaxed jumpsuit jacket came into being, was the last straw for her. Glad i'm not that guy. No ammount of love or otherwise is worth that.
  17. the OP should realize (and maybe this is the root of the problem i don't know) that males aged 13+ are highly distracted by all things female, skin, and video games. Put those together and you have a wonderland of "what my future wife SHOULD or WILL look like". Now i agree it may or may not put a false sense of idealism into their heads but what commercial now days on TV doesn't. Yes i'm aware MANY people do not let their children watch tv for that very reason. The above being said.... the OP should also realize that this game is FANTASY, and if it is one person's fantasy to have his/her jedi running around scantly clad then so be it. Think of it this way. There are plenty of ways to make your toons sexy without wearing dancers outfits. (it might be prudent to inform the OP that many "men of drag" love the dancers outfits) In my case i have my main, he's male, the REST of my toons are female, not one is in dancers outfit less the dancers gloves because i like the way they look. However, ALL MY female toons are in some sort of form-fitting clothing that shows off their assets, in my case a little mystery makes them that much hotter. Now back to OP, your complaint is valid if you are only referring to lore. Your complaint is invalid for an MMO where people are allowed to create as they choose. IF... your toons reside on a RP server THEN... your complaint has some warrant pushing along the lines of appropriate RP naming and behavior. Otherwise, this topic is MOOT and is opinion based only.
  18. well, i don't see why they don't add random sandbox planets to explore, throw some npc's on there, put in some pvp zones. Give us some places to go where we can mingle with the other side. They don't require questline arc's or voice acting, just planets to explore. I'd like to go explore the cave cities of Sullust or the borehole cities of Utapau. Or even better, put Mandalore on the map for us to explore. Who wouldn't want to visit Keldabe? Kashyyk anyone? How about going back to Telos station? next part will spoil the smuggler storyline if you haven't done it already What about visiting the MAW cluster? Or at least putting the home planets of our species list on the map, less maybe pureblood sith.
  19. on shadowlands at the gree event most of the flagged people are imps simply trying to gank pve'ers, I know the true pvpers don't do this Though it IS pretty funny when my PVE sentinal gets flagged by killing critters only to find a flagged stealthy in the middle so that my auto-target automatically targets them for that master strike or bladestorm with 100% armor pen that is coming hence-forth. EVEN FUNNIER when my pve sentinal kills said stealthy who has bolster stat on his side. Hrmm, guess that guy picked on the wrong PVE'er. What's really funny, if you have Doc Theron, use Holiday to perma CC someone, somebody hasn't noticed she doesn't raise resolve and has only a slight CD differential to channel time. Unlike every other healer with a cc in this game. I bet that gets fixed soon.
  20. You want to pvp with friends, queue the group ranked that was created specifically for that purpose. exactly!
  21. the real issue here is that bolster was invented, the premise of this game is to group up and quest and explore a rich world full of colorful dialogue and storyline arc placed on immersive beautiful planets. er'go PVE. PVP was a mini game designed by the devs in hopes of giving the average player a reprieve, also to give players something to do while they wait on their friends to get online so they can go back to..... questing.... true story. the above makes arguing anything about pvp aside from class balance moot, but alas i will continue on with my rant. so what you're saying is you would rather have super slow ques where only competent players que so as to avoid "bads"? I must be a bad then. in order to be good i must roll FOTM and min-max it according to DH. The fact people have to do this ruins the premise of the original game design. This is what happens when premades que-sync, the following occurs...... OR you could do what happened on a few servers: when you que solo and see you're up against a premade just leave the match, wait 2 min then reque again. Chances are you won't backfill into the same warzone against the same premade. If you find yourself leaving matches only to find that you que'd into WAIT.... ANOTHER.... premade then do what i did. Stop pvping until bw fixes it. PVP will die or they will fix it, simple. PVP died on shadowlands for a few months there if anyone remembers. Soon all the over-acheivers and DEF min-maxers will have their very own playground. I hope. Not for me but for you. Lastly, wouldn't it be funny to FORCE all the pvpers to raid by getting rid of bolster? rofl j/k pvpers OR to make the entire community happy, make ONE SERVER a pvp server ONLY and offer free transfers for entire accounts.
  22. Ifolad

    Face it

    until PVE dies classes will never be balanced. PVP is in a way like GS, hear me out before you block out what i'm saying. pvp = MINI-GAME within the actual game. actual game = pve RPG ( i'm not bashing pvpers, i love pvp as well) just telling truth i know this sucks.... but the truth is this game revolves around PVE and until that is no longer the case expect classes to be out of balance for PVP, this is because they are balancing them for PVE first PVP second.
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