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Everything posted by Rilauven

  1. This may technically be two questions but they're kind of related. Are there plans to add more flashpoints with interactive storylines such as Esseles and Black Talon? Esseles social runs have become commonplace and I would love to see more instances with lots of story choices to make so that these become a thing of the past. I also see alot of potential in the social system to create flashpoints with multiple branching storylines. I'd love to see a flashpoint where all the content couldn't be seen in one run because player choices would lead the story down different paths, possibly even to different End Bosses! It would also create alot of replayability. (I'd love to see this in Operations too.. but it would likely be less practical) Any chance something like this is in the works?
  2. The end of March is what I've been hearing.
  3. Bacta is actually processed bug spit anyway, Kolto is less icky! http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kolto http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bacta
  4. Centurion Gear (except for earpieces and implants) sells back to the vendor for 5000+ credits. I make some nice pocket change this way. Also you can equip your companions with it as well!
  5. I've skimmed the stickies for this and I can't find the answer. if it's there, I apologize for being teh n00b. I know that crew missions can be discovered through slicing and orange crafting schematics can be discovered through Underworld trading. What's the secret stash from investigation? I took slicing and two mission skills on my smuggler and have become a sucessful Underworld Baron because of it. But I cant seem to sell anything I get from get from investigation, at least not at level 50. I'm trying to remember why I took it up in the first place!
  6. I'm only in favor of a LFD tool is it's same server only. Why? Because, the worst thing about cross realm dungeon groups is not the hundreds and hundreds of bad pugs you get before you finally find a decent group. It's that one beautiful perfect pug where everyone knows exactly what they're doing and syncs perfectly... And you're never going to see those people again. Ever.
  7. Belsavis was my 2nd favorite planet after Voss. The place is creepy once you get into the storyline. Tip: Never build your prison planet on top of someone else's prison planet!
  8. I've devoted alot of thought to the idea of breaking the trinity, and I've come to the conclusion that there's only two ways to do this: 1. Play a tabletop RPG. 2. Create a Sentient AI to run the game. I suspect even in Guild Wars 2 there will still be tanks/healers/dps, they'll just be picked on the spur of the moment when a battle starts, either that or their going to have horrific balance issues.
  9. Next time I'm on a plane and the person next to me complains, I'm gonna remind them: "You're sitting in a chair, in the Sky!" You people complain about low frame rates, I remember when we had to play MMO's via dialup! 3rd person isometric views were considered innovative! Altavista was the best search engine and no one had ever heard of Google!
  10. And another thing.. Real life laser weaponry is *boring*. Laser beams are completely invisible and totally silent. I actually have a pseudo-scientific explanation for why blasters work the way they do, but I'll save that for another time. Point is, Blasters are much cooler than RL lasers. However, it does surprise me that no one's tried to make a laser sniper rifle yet, no noise, and invisible shots.. Maybe they have and it's just terribly classified?
  11. My personal theory is tha the Republic/Imperial War eventually leads to a collapse of civiliation similar to the fall of Rome. This not only causes the loss of a couple thousand years worth of advancement, it also slows the recovery for a while so that by the time of the "modern" Star Wars era the galaxy is just about where it was 3800 years previously. *edit* - Also, what Bemm said!
  12. Your analogy is flawed. Alot of things are better than any microsoft product!
  13. My guess is since EA rushed the game out in time for Chri$tma$, one of the time saving things they did was start having all the aliens speak alien languages. If we're lucky they might be upgraded to proper VO in later patches.
  14. My server favors the Republic. We steamroll imps on Ilum all the time. During the day warzone wins are about 50/50. Late at night when the imp kiddies are in bed we rule the wz's as well!
  15. Last I checked February 7th was a tuesday. If they did need to patch on a weekend howver, I would applaud them for doing so. It shows the devs care about the game.
  16. I'm intrigued.. but. what? Is Ziost a planet? Is it Empire only? How do you find it? At least a hint? pretty please?
  17. I just want to say that I only support a dungeon finder (Flashpoint Finder?) if it's same server only. WoW's Dungeon Finder ruined the sense of server community and is one of the reasons I left. I have a growing friends list outside of my guild that I'm quite proud of. Walking around the Fleet Stations has become alot like walking into Cheers! to have everyone Shout your name! I don't want to lose that! I would also rather wait 2 hours to get a group of people on my server than 5 minutes to get 3 people I'll never see again.
  18. Anyone who uses RP to screw over other players is not a roleplayer. They are an A-Hole.
  19. You forgot one. "I feel like I'm paying to beta test." means: "This is my first MMO and/or I have no programming experience whatsoever and have no idea how hard it is to track down and fix bugs." TOR is the most stable MMO I have ever played at release. and I've played alot. They also released with more endgame content than any other MMO I've played. There's 3 planets worth of daily quests that I'm aware of, both pve and pvp. not to mention all the flashpoints. Most of my guild isn't even 50 yet.. so the people who've exhausted all the content absolutely amaze and sadden me. (and then they refuse to play an alt!) All that being said. It's also clear that EA pushed the game into release early, they just *had* to have it out by Chri$tma$. I'm pretty sure most the stuff that's coming in March was intended to be available at release. So the fact the game has everything it does is an amazing acomplishment.
  20. I am thankful that Bioware patches the game in a timely manner. I am thankful that Bioware allows me to sleep on the weekends!
  21. On my server The Republic is totally zerging The Empire on Ilum about 70% of the time. T7-01, The Jedi Knight's first companion. is pretty obviously meant to resemble R2-D2, who won't be constructed for another 3800 years.
  22. What I remeber Bioware saying on the subject was that they'd be unable to implement SGRA by release because it would require alot of additional voice acting among other things. I don't expect to see them in game for at least 6 months. I also remember Montegue quite well from the beta forums. He would spew hatred at Bioware every chance he got claiming they could not abide a gay jedi. A statement I find laughable since every recent Bioware game has featured same gender romances. Any hesitation in adding SGRA's most definately came from Lucasarts as it was territory that had never been explored in Star Wars before.
  23. On Nar Shadda at one of the taxi speeders there's two astromech droids hosing down a third droid.. every time I see this I just hafta go ***!? for s ec.
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