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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Uh nope,but i knew a comment like yours was sure to come.


    What do you expect?


    You are posting you can't kill these players and expect anything else? My comment still stands. Proper Teamwork and Focusing the targets will break that comp pretty easily.


    The other team just out played you.


    You weren't asking for advice in the original thread, you were merely whining they were un-killable. If you were asking for advice I'd be more than happy to give you a lot of good advice on breaking various compositions or classes.

  2. I just started pvping again after 1.2 and I see alot of powertechs not using the standard blasters for pvp. They are using a orange crafted? Do they just rip out the mods from BM/WH gear for the expertise? Is it straight up better then the standard BM/WH blasters? I assume they dont use the exact same mods from BM/WH gear but just take the expertise... which other mods do people put in it?


    edit: I think its the Elegant Modified Blaster Pistol but not sure...


    Yes, you remove the barrel/mods/enhanacements out of the PvP Pistol and throw it in to an Augmented version.

  3. I literally can't imagine an easier ability to code, yet for over a month(possibly more) the one ability that makes this class worth playing is completely worthless. I have counted at least a dozen abilities in PvP that knock me out of Hunker Down, often within the first few seconds.


    If you can't fix this ability, please quit the video game business and go back to making medical supplies.


    I'm glad you are assisting them by submitting the easily created code to fix this issue. You are a great help to the community and to Bioware for such assistance.



    No cast and tech damage means not affected by armour, and low hanging traits mean this can get a crit chance increase of 9%. cgc dot is instantly applied along with a 2 second snare. That's equivalent damage over 1.5s with 100% dot chance and snare, no pushback, no interrupts




    Tech attacks yes. But most of our attacks are Kinetic which are affected by armor :)

  5. You can't get grappled when you are behind a pillar. You can't be the target of the pyros burst either. All hail the imbalanced pillar!

    Really your arguments are lacking...


    Nerf PIllars.


    They ruin PvP in every game.

  6. I'm pretty sure they don't need to leap at you if they are in melee range.


    I know you wouldn't be erroneously assuming that Pyro PT can start every single fight at range, right?


    Also, it's a viable DPS Strategy to NEVER attack an opponent and instead hide behind a pillar the entire time. Clearly helps your team.

  7. I didn't feel like paying 100K After Raid last night, and my Respec resetted today so I played a bit of PvP Last night as Shield (using my full WH DPS gear / BM Shield Offhand).


    It wasn't *terrible*, and I scored a lot in huttball. But the other Warzones I felt relatively useless other than being a damage sponge for my guarded healer.


    With full trinkets/adrenals you could still do some pretty nice single target damage even if it's a lot lower than other specs, but you have a bit more survivability to come out on top.


    It has a niche. Kudos to people who play shield all the time, it's not for me.

  8. I'll post my logs when I get home from work.


    Logs won't say anything about the other player. Well the information that would be important to see at least.


    Considering it's Kinetic Damage (mitigated by armor) and the only thing going for it is an 8% increase +30% Crit Damage increase, I'm just having a hard time grasping that amount of damage on the attack.


    Also for comparison sake, while PYro (assault)


    Thermal Detonator: 2220-2285 Kinetic Damage (30% Crit Talent)

    Rocket Punch: 1809-1851 Kinetic Damage (same 8% talent you'd take).


    Sitting at 78% Surge, +523 Power, and 100% Full War Hero. 4.6K+ TDs are rare. The only thing your spec gives you is 30% increase to Stock Strike but no other damaging addons. So the only way I can see breakign 4.8K is on an undergeared Sorc or a new 50.

  9. I dunno, my HiIB hits for 3K + energy shot hits for 1.8K


    storm hits for 1.5K SS hits for 4.8K. grenade takes the big hit at doing only about 2K. ion pulse still hits for 2K.




    I'd be curious to see what type of targets you are getting near 5K SS's on.

  10. There is no class that can kill me quicker than a Pyrotech Powertech. And as the OP rightly explained, they can do it from a large distance.

    A Marauder on the other hand does not do quite as much burst damage, but is in your face when he does it.


    I think this explains why most people that don't pay close attention view Marauders as "overpowered" but don't complain about Pyrotech PTs.


    I'd wager more people have issues with a Marauder's defensive cooldowns over their damage.

  11. Why do people conveniently keep forgetting that Pyro PT have GRAPPLE!!


    They PULL you from 30 meter to them.


    The whole they did less than optimal damage from 30 meter is invalid because they can PULL you to them, into their optimal range.


    Unless their resolve is full, and it's on a 45 sec cooldown. Which gives the other player, lets do some math, 45 seconds to build range up again. :)

  12. I really don't care for carrying the ball. I was DPS, so I was unbelievably squishy. Carrying the ball meant dying in seconds. On my Shadow, I focused more on taunting them off the carrier and knocking them off catwalks, or getting in position to receive the ball and pass it on. But yeah, for a Tank spec that's a really strong strategy.


    Either way, Vanguard rocks ^^


    Kind of how I play my Pyro. I carry the ball as a last resort, otherwise it's best to use my class to help control mid so we always have control of the ball and leave the carrying to players with charge/speed.


    Pulling to fire is a nice gimmick, but people focus on that way to much in this warzone.

  13. Other Tank/DPS DoT classes


    Balance Shadow for example.


    Shadows have better survivability than PTs do in any spec (In regards to cooldowns). DPS Shadows, in a 1v1 actually are a bit better if they use Force Shroud offensively. In a group drawn out setting though a DPS PT will shine by having a bit more base mitigation and some longer duration cooldowns (even if they don't mitigate as much it makes it easier when having a pocket healer)


    Juggs need help in the Immortal Tree, I think most people will admit that. A Vengence Jugg *can* shut down a PT DPS due to control and lack of being able to be stunned/cc'd etc after a charge which is easy for them to pull off. PT Shield tree needs some help as well since minus a Jet Charge and a root gimmick to grapple, has endless talents built around shielding which well, does nothing in PvP. They don't have the self healing or cooldowns Juggs or Sins have that are within that tree.


    Just my thoughts.

  14. ok thanks, playing Iron Fist now and it feels solid mitigation wise with decent damage output but never played pyro...


    Your mitigation in any build that specializes in Ion will have better Mitigation than the DPS SPecs.

    Pyro damage however is worlds higher than IF though so it really depends on the playstyle you prefer. MItigation or Damage.

  15. It's pretty obvious, as he said it himself that he is using adrenals/stims/relics and is fighting mostly undergeared targets.



    Actually since reading comprehension seems to not be your thing, the thread that I initially started (in the PT forums) states


    Yes some players may be only moderately geared (others are decently geared).


    Some != Mostly all.


    My operative, as concealment runs over powertechs like you. And operatives are the bottom of the barrel. I'm sorry there is no skilled assassins/marauders on your server.


    You continue to throw this out because you feel it's a good argument. But all it is telling me is you are bad at playing a Powertech.


    PS: I've broken 7.5K on a fresh Sorc if you want to start throwing out numbers. But it's nothing to brag about since well, a fresh 50 sorc is laughable when trying to show damage and not replicable in actual practice.

  16. You aren't soloing any tank assassin/Marauder that isn't dead at the keyboard.


    Please, more hyperbole from bad players.


    Ah. You are on the "I can't learn how to beat another class" train. Nice. Funny you say that and then say "bad players".


    I needed the laugh before dinner. Thanks.

  17. I don't struggle against healing mercenaries. I said it puts a heat management battle on my hands.


    Obviously though, you play against healers who aren't guarded and get to run all over them. This says much about how bad the PvPers are on your server. Nevermind the fact that healing is weak, and killing a guarded healer is still doable. You will just use WAY more resources as a pyrotech than any other spec in the game right now trying to do so.


    Except maybe concealment operatives.


    You make assumptions. Yet you can't break 4.2K. Seems kind of weird. Perhaps go back to learning how to mod your gear correclty? Would fix a bunch of your issues. Maybe spec is wrong?


    Guard is also a mechanic that can be easily nullified by anybody that's a high dps with half a brain.

  18. Not at all.


    My PT has half BM/Half Warhero and against any decent/geared players it becomes a massive heat management battle. I get 5k-6k crits on fresh 50's, or people in half BM gear with adrenals going. Other than that? I'm lucky to see over 4.2k.


    A good operative or healing mercenary just stops the initial burst forcing you into a heat management battle. Cleanse does wonders against PTs, especially spammy ones.


    I'm sorry you server is full of PvE geared, fresh 50s that you get to run over. Mine has an incredibly active PvP community where even if they are fresh to 50, they are full BM and a piece of warhero in a day or two at most.


    The fact you struggle with healing mercenaries, says a lot for your playstyle.

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