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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. Crafting is more worth it now than it ever has been. If you don't do PVP you can craft yourself a decent purple set (if you can get the mats) and it will suit your needs just fine.
  2. They have said from the moment this game was announced that it was going to be story-driven and NOT like other MMOs. Anyone who knows Bioware's games should know by now that they are known for story. You can get an MMO anywhere that will probably satisfy people's MMO needs far more than this one. This leads me to believe that anyone who is staying and has no interest in the story isn't all that bright. I hope that new group content comes, I really do because those people who enjoy it need to be heard. However I assume that most people who like group content are here for both group content and story. If you have no interest in the story whatsoever then there's really no reason for you to be playing this particular MMO when literally any other would do. I love SWTOR but the ONLY thing that makes it different from other MMOS is the focus on story.
  3. Lack of rl funds to spend on video game microtransactions. I don't begrudge the Cm, I think it's a great thing and if I had enough money to justify spending some there I would. However to me as a parent who doesn't have a ton of disposable income there are just far more important things to be spending my cash on. I already feel selfish for spending money on a game subscription!
  4. I understand that people hate it and I see the flaws in it also. However a survey in which the only write-in answer is less than 300 characters is going to give them more feedback than a 1500 word essay describing how much the user hates GC and wants the staff to be fired. No they aren't going to get glowing reviews and they shouldn't. They also shouldn't be threatened or have people flinging personal insults at them and asking for their jobs to be taken away. The survey and live streams were absolutely to try and garner ideas as to how they can fix their monumental mistake. However I also think they were a way to get feedback from all sectors that was constructive and formatted in a way they could digest without basically being a sea of people throwing nothing but crap their way while those who felt differently were either overrun or shut down completely by the violent vocal parties. You can't honestly tell me that there's any sort of equality in these forums because there's not. If you like something that happens you're called a white knight, insulted, and anything you post is overrun with the negative rants that somehow all think they're more important than every other negative rant. That's why we have 20+ threads that essentially say the same dang thing on one page. No one is content to just post in the feedback thread, they have to make their own topic because their particular brand of vitriol is more important than everyon else's. Even so, that's not what my original post was supposed to be about. My post had nothing to do with the changes or anyone else's feedback. It was disgust at one particular user who invades every single thread on the board whether related to the changes or not with nothing to say other than more negativity and hatred. There could be a thread that says "What's your favourite sandwich" and this guy would post "Well not GC sandwich! Blahblahblah bitterness and anger blahblah." That's just unhelpful for everyone and it's not healthy for him either. Clearly this GAME is causing him a significant amount of distress and he needs to go do something else for a while. He claims to have unsubscribed but I for one anticipate seeing 50% of the people who say they're unsubbed still posting long after their "Subs have expired".
  5. I wish they were better at releasing content for everyone at once. I only care about the story myself but the game would be more successful if everyone got something to do. I will never understand anyone who played a BIOWARE game and doesn't care about the story but some people like both.
  6. That's true but imagine how the pvp/ops players have been feeling. It's been a really long time since they got any content. I'm a solo/story gamer but I feel really bad for those people.
  7. Probably because that's the only way they're going to get feedback that doesn't contain threats or people calling for them to get fired. Apparently everyone has forgotten how to be a decent human being and provide feedback in a polite and logical manner. Even then there's still no reason for you to be bringing negativity and bitterness into even unrelated threads and making it very clear that you're determined to do nothing but complain. If it's that bad stop playing and go experience real life for a while.
  8. Maybe you should go outside for a while dude. It seems like all you do is complain about the game and try to steer completely unrelated threads into biowarebashing. We get that you're dissatisfied but if it's that stressful you really should just stop playing and stop posting. Find something to do that doesn't make you want to spread misery and dissent everywhere you go. You can't even answer simple questions or participate in fun threads about the game without bringing your issues into it or acting as though Bioware staff personally came to your house and disemboweled your favourite grandparent right in front of you. That kind of negativity hurts you and your life more than it bothers the gigantic company at which its aimed. At the end of the day you need to take a breath and realize that it's just a freakin' game and it shouldn't cause you this much bother.
  9. Class Story: Toss up between Jedi Knight and Smuggler. With the smuggler story it's just that the dialogue is so dang funny! Character Story: Lord Scourge or Vette. With Lord Scourge watching him go from secretive all the way to where he trusts the Jedi on a personal level and is willing to open up about his past. How his combat shouts change and he starts to talk about how he has your back for who you are, not who you serve. That evolution and tenuous friendship that shows how two people with wildly different beliefs can come together and really genuinely respect each other and have each other's backs really gets me. I wish there'd been an arc written so he could turn a Jedi or the jedi could heal him (or a romance for a certain very adorable forum reg). Either way, even just the friendship is a great tale. As for Vette? Well I'm the youngest of 3 sisters and my sisters are far away now. I'm a sucker for sisterly relationships because of that. I love the big F U that the Sith can give to the entire idea of slavery that runs so deeply in their culture by taking off the collar. Since I always play LS Vette and my Sithy develop an amazing friendship and sisterhood that just strikes as being genuine and interesting. I really enjoy that part of the storyline. Character Voice Acting: Female Sith Warrior and Female smuggler. (Honourable mention to female trooper cuz femshep.) I love the deadpan snarkery of that arrogant sith warriour. Especially playing LS puts a spin on it in which it seems like she thinks everyone who actually thinks she's a loyal minion of the dark is an idiot. Female smuggler just sounds so spunky and again that snarkery is too perfect. (Least fave: Female Jedi Knight. Even options that are funny and witty with the male jedi knight come out as sounding boring from her. She's just too...goody sounding. There's no option to give her a different personality because the actress didn't bother to act anything but pure virgin goodness.) Companion Voice Acting: Hmm...Doc, and Gault. (Honourable mention to Andronikos cuz...basically sexy Oghren.) All in all I feel like the male voice acting in SWTOR is much stronger than the female. Both Doc and Gault have a wide range and they have the kind of inflection that gives their personality more life. I really love both of their actors. I thought I'd hate Andronikos' romance but his voice and the writing really helped sell it as one of the more strong and romantic of them. Even in battle his cries are more supportive and friendly or romantic sounding than the others. (Least fave: Jaesa. That chick isn't really much of a VA. Usually she does regular acting and it shows. Without her facial expressions to help it's just mostly flat all the time, at least LS Jaesa. Kinda just sounds like she can't act.) Character Dialog: Fem Smuggler. The snarkery!! I love it so much. Also finally a female class that gets to flirt just as much as the males! Companion Dialog: Vette, Doc, Kira, and Bowdaar. I couldn't pick just one. Vette is both hilarious and endearing. When she's revealing her past to you and opening up it's really sweet and it makes you want to hug her and protect her forever. Then when she's in battle or feeling spunky she's just so fiery. She really was written like a spunky young kid. Doc reminds me of me back in the day. Aside from making me want to apologize to every woman I ever dated (I'm so sorry girls. I was a slimeball.) He's also funny. I can see the heavy Bruce Campbell influence but he actually looks just like my RL husband...down to the facial structure. It's a little scary honestly. Kira goes through such an evolution in the game and her dialogue (which is not done justice by her mediocre voice actress) shows this very heavily. She's funny but she also matures a lot. I love the complexity to her character. As for Bowdaar...well he's just hilarious. Reading his dialogue always makes me giggle. Character Visuals: Female Togruta, Female Cathar, and male cyborgs. (Honourable mention to female Chiss because c'mon, Syl is amazing looking with her wonderful hawk nose.) Companion Visuals: Doc As stated above, he looks almost identical to my RL husband. Other than him? Ashara. I love the togruta race.
  10. Bigger servers for the GTN and if you wanna do a lot of group content. Smaller servers for the lack of other people running around so I can do my story in peace and delude myself into thinking it's a single player game with a chat box...at least until KOTFE in which it really does become a single player game with a chat box. Honestly nowadays since I've been doing more group stuff I'd prefer a middle ground. Harby is just too busy for me but a midline server with a decently active market...that would be great.
  11. I think it should take at least a month from the time new gear tiers are released for players to start being fully geared in the very top tiers. Maybe 3 weeks for the super hardcore no lifers. Any less than that is basically giving it away and any more is driving players off rather than enticing them to sub.
  12. These ideas seem cool. I would request that the first be limited to the pvp instance so that those who are uninterested in PVP can continue to enjoy their game in peace. Otherwise everything is awesome. I especially dig the legacy bound idea. I believe that if we have an item we should be able to use it on all of our toons, passing it down so to speak when we've outgrown it.
  13. I'd love that honestly. Star wars has always lacked dimension when it comes to their factions. You either have the republic who is somewhat grey at times (they're not above dirty fighting tactics) but Jedi who are squeaky clean to the point of being boring. (No emotions = no fun.) Then you have the imperials who have always been portrayed extremely unrealistically as "Every single person on the imperial side is evil and wants to kick puppies and hates marshmallows. Grr. Black and red and grey and angles. Lots of angles." It'd be nice for those of us who take a more sensible approach to not be punished for what would essentially be practicality.
  14. You can get the titles "Scrooge" and the achievement "Bah Humbug",
  15. I'm for this. It seems impossible to completely get a companion's influence up. The highest I've gotten is 36 and that's WITH buying way too many gifts and spamming them.
  16. Yes please. They are super duper rare so they really need to be collection unlocked.
  17. Jedi Knight - Rusk. My goody goody Jedi would be appalled at his lack of concern for life. Some of the things he says imply that he doesn't care if people die so long as his mission is completed. Other than that she loves her other comps. Kira is like a sister to her, Doc is her forbidden husband, teeseven is her little buddy, and scourge is her "cause". She wants to fix him and as she sees it if he's with her he's not with the sith. She's one of those "everyone can be redeemed" jedi. Jedi consular - Not far enough into the story. Will edit when I get there. Smuggler - Too long ago. Don't remember. Will edit when I replay. Trooper - Not far enough into the story, will edit when I get there. Sith Warriour - Quinn (after certain events) She's LS and in love with him so she'd probably be too hurt to kill him. She went darker after that and for a while she was full darkside until Jaesa talked her back. She'd also ditch/kill Broonmark. Jaesa is her best friend, Pierce is her quick bone to try and get over Quinn. Sith Inquisitor - Xalec. She's also LS and though they share a similar past she can't stand his war mongering when her deepest desire is just to live her life in freedom and peace. Agent - Kaliyo. I just effing hate her. She's like a petty spoiled teenager who doesn't care if anyone gets hurt as long as she has fun. I haven't gotten anyone else yet so no idea on the rest. Bounty Hunter - Haven't played far enough. Will edit when I do.
  18. Holy sensitivity batman! Who all fits your ignore criteria? Like seriously just don't look at the chat window or cut out gen chat in settings. I literally only ignore credit spammers or the one person who decided they needed to whisper me and tell me that 27 is far too young for me to be married and that I should be ashamed of myself for it.
  19. I like the in-game music. It has more depth and variation than the typical "star wars" sounding music you hear everywhere related to the media franchise.
  20. NO. Absolutely not. Ever. Every single site/game that has done this has tanked their economy. Look at freakin' GaiaOnline in which even small items cost over 25 billion now because they did this crud. NO. Just No.
  21. Finally got Scourge up to max affinity and got some of his endgame conversations...he's so great!! I definitely wanna romance him now...I'd roll a DS jedi in half a heartbeat. Related but not quite but sorta: Why isn't he in KOTET and KOTFE!? He's DEFINITELY got some personal interest there and it would have made sense for him to be involved!! (Prolly the VA strike huh?)
  22. Unfortunately to most of the internet that body type IS considered "very fat". I'd consider it curvy at best. The stomach is still quite flat and toned. It is my favourite body type by far to use though!
  23. I would love it without the hood personally. Just make the hood into the headpiece! Or I'd love it to wear on a Twi'lek or Togruta character so the hood will be hidden by their magnificent lekku.
  24. Absolutely not. We didn't earn that reward so we are not entitled to it. Deal with it.
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