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    Video games, Cosplay
  1. Need a Twerk emote! Need more dance emotes, we haven't had any in months!
  2. :csw_bluesaber:BW add weapon tuning in Collections plz!!!!
  3. Wouldn't it be cool to have a underwater Stronghold in Manaan were we get to decorate and at the same time see the underwater Marine life of Manaan! Plz BW make it happen
  4. Your right but what I meant for, was for one person to buy it such as a guild master. Essentially you can't donate cartel coins in-game and doing it outside the game is shady within its self and dumb. Unless if it's a girlfriend, wife, or family member you trust. So why would that make it any different from getting rid of your stronghold after you paid for it?
  5. What I meant it for, is Cartel Market items only, the items that can be added to your cartel collection only. I'll change that to Cartel Market items only.
  6. My suggestion is. To be able to purchase GTN items with either in-game credits or cartel coins, if the seller chooses either currencies or both currencies. In other words, the seller would have the option fill in how much credits he/she wants for the item and an option to fill in how much cartel coins he/she wants for the item, and the buyer can choose to buy it with either credits or cartel coin specified by the seller amount. For Cartel Market Items Only. Only the items that can be added to your Cartel Collection.
  7. It have come to my attention that Flagships can only be purchased with in-game currency, bad move BW. BW is missing on serious money making here by not including purchasable Flagships with Cartel Coins. This would also help smaller guilds that don't have that kind of in-game currency but are willing to pay for one with Cartel Coins. What do ya'll think? Should BW include purchasable Flagships with Cartel Coins? I know I'm one with this idea. P.S. Get with the program BW!
  8. Seriously we need more RACES to choose from! I know this is not the first time someone has asked this but please make it happen DEV. I think races like the Voss, Falleen, Nautolan, and Torguta would work well as they are more humanoid, and they are not hard to implement in the game.
  9. We should be able to mod our own Primary and Secondary color dyes . An idea of how this would work would be to implement a Dye Kit. The Dye Kit would allow you to put your desired dye colors in the primary and/or secondary slot, the same way we do with armor mods. The dyes that are NOT bound would be strippable, only after stripping the dyes would they become bound but can still be put in a NON bound Dye Kit. The Dye Kit would become bound once the dyes are in place and you have accepted the dye placement, either if you decided to add one or two colors. The Dye Kits should be made craftable with Max Artifice and also could be sold on the Cartel Market in dye packs that contain a rare chance of getting a Dye Kit and a rare color dye, so therefore having two chances for a rare item, which I think would be more than adequately fair. The cost for crafting and the cartel market item would be up to Bioware. Tell me what ya'll think
  10. Come on you know this would be the next best mount out there, would love to see this implemented. Here's a pic if u don't know what it looks like, they're found on Taris.https://www.google.com/search?q=tarsarian+devourer&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=krs4UvWnNKqY2AXJ3IGgCQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=707&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=TZxkVMBM1NU8UM%3A%3BmPSegLZEJU-UfM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftor.zamimg.com%252Ftorhead%252Fuploads%252Fimages%252F4496.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.torhead.com%252Fnpc%252F2rFIetM%252Fenraged-tarsarian-devourer%3B1312%3B970
  11. Personally I think this has to be the worst pack BW has come out with in-terms of variety it contains. Seriously there is nothing in this pack that I'm interested in. All the items are recolors of the Freelancer's Pack, what gives BW? Do you really think I like collecting and wasting money on different colors of the same armor and mounts?
  12. True that! Personally I'd like to see Togruta, Voss, Nautolan, and Falleen being added in that order. I mean really what does it take? Its not hard to make new races, they're basically re-skins. And why mess with the dialog? Just leave the dialog and animation as is. The majority of player's skip through all the dialog anyway. Plus they're making lots of money now with the Cartel Market, so get with the program BW your just lazy!
  13. Some thing like this: http://www.amusement.net/fr/2012/02/18/no-comment-sexy-pin-up-robots-encore/sexy-robot-ladies-sorayama-hajimes-2/ Or this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=sexy+female+robots&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=j36XgWG2F1lvEM&tbnid=oSn3vCzfE1toEM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftaghuso.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FSexy-Robot-175519297&ei=QOwGUuH2PIqwygHAhoEg&bvm=bv.50500085,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHikNyOcKoWqlRbc7ASLRzignNXoQ&ust=1376270458980160 But not this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=jetsons%20robot&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=FmZY-e17_VBftM&tbnid=6fXUSC9X29LIOM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fendofriendo.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F01%2Fscene-from-jetsons.html&ei=5uwGUuX-IIauyAHYloAI&bvm=bv.50500085,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHqhbVejUG_XqBRCB7vTBQVPStuNg&ust=1376271957291309
  14. I have noticed ya'll guys at BioWare have been making Cartel Market companion customizations. I would like to see one for Scorpio next, something that is very appealing to us male players . Hence she already has a female boby but it needs to be sexier , ty.
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