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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. Awesome. Always glad to see little bugs like this being treated like a minor gift. XD so...Life Day bioware? Don't forget please!
  2. Probably because -gasp- not everyone is into what you're into. I'm not into PVP but I'm not sitting here whining that PVP is pointless and no one should enjoy it and blahblahbidyblah. I like the story. Characters we can connect to - friendship or romance - help create a world I can enjoy. I'm a Bioware fan, not an MMO fan. I came to this game, beta tested it, pre ordered it, and have enjoyed it because of the story that started with single player RPGs and evolved into a game I can enjoy in different ways even with other people around the world. I don't always do multiplayer content, I solo most of the time and story is my main focus but I find it fun to help my guild with stuff and chat while I play. Everyone can enjoy this game however they want. It's not your job to judge and it's certainly not your place to say Romance doesn't belong in a BIOWARE game. That's just plain silly.
  3. Except that they have said from the very beginning that this game wasn't going to be like other MMOs and that they were going to focus on story. The backbone to this and any Bioware game is story. No one should have come into this game knowing their history and thought "Gee, this is gonna be just like WoW with Lightsabers!" just as no one should have come into an MMO thinking "Gee, this is gonna be KoTOR 3!" I'm not saying they're doing it right, they NEED to add more content for the PVP and multiplayer people. What I am saying is that asking them to stop focusing on story completely and saying it's a mistake is just plain ignorant and clearly comes from the frame of mind that this game needs to be another mindless MMO with no plot.
  4. If you think a BIOWARE game shouldn't be focusing on the story please go back to WoW or CoD or LOL or whatever brainless plotless game that any meathead with no life can play.
  5. I will with my monthly subscriber rewards the same why I buy xp boosts. I see no problem with this over any other xp boost they sell. I have more than my share of gripes with the game but I don't see these as anything new or terrible. Every MMO does similar stuff. They are literally no different than regular XP boosts. It's not "Pay to Win" It's Pay to get more out of your experience because you're giving them money." Cartel packs drop items that can be sold for creds. Is that pay to win? XP boosts as discussed, are those pay to win? What about the furniture that gives you a boost to your stronghold for conquest? Where exactly is the line and why do you think it's there?
  6. Nope, that's what I was referring to. Seems like a silly oversight to me but when you're updating so much it's understandable that small things like that fall through the cracks. Hopefully since people have alerted them they're fixing it soon though.
  7. fixing the Jawa vendors please? Fixing the mount bug? (I like my head better on my shoulders than in my armpit kthanks.) Un-nerfing the gold mobs? (Seriously, just make lower level planets give less so people don't exploit) Making Cxp legacy wide? Fixing the undye-able orange gear? Taking greens out of command crates? Releasing a giant chicken mount? Fixing the shader complexity issues? GIVING ME ALL THE COOL CLOTHES NPCS WEAR IN THE NEW XPAC!? Romanceable Arcann for a certain somewhat adorable forum reg? Okay some of those are definitely NOT happening but I hope for minor bugfixes anyway.
  8. Without story it would be WoW in space with lightsabers. No thanks. I want story content, it's a Bioware game, there's always going to be story content. If I wanted something shallow with no story I'd play other MMOS.
  9. And before this my Jugg was geared in 190 and did just fine in Ops and HM Fps. I do have a couple pieces of 236 but I gave them to guild members who needed them more than I do. If you HAVE to have the best tier gear for pve content (not PVP) then it's either your skill or the group you run with that's the issue. With my guild I ran ops and FPs just fine in 190 as the sole tank. My numbers were optimal in Starparse and everything went without a hitch. It shouldn't take just a week to get the highest grade for gear, that's just silly. You should have to work longer than that to gear up if you're going to be a perfectionist about it.
  10. I don't think this is the last pack. I hope there are more but right now some of the PC voice actors are still on strike so who knows. I think they'll probably focus on multiplayer content for a while, uprisings, new OPS, new FPS, and new PVP focus. I hope they do for the sake of the players that like that sort of thing (you guys have been sorely neglected.) even if I don't do that stuff. I want to go back to the empire v Republic type deal but with the alliance as a third party and you getting to choose where you stand. I play LS even on the imperial side and I'm pretty sick of the whole "everyone in the empire is eeeevvviiiilll" thing that makes it seem like such a shallow and 2-dimensional conflict. With the opportunity to choose I could make my characters choose to fight for peace rather than fighting to just support the republic or just support the empire. Meanwhile people who've hated the alliance could go back to the side of their choice. I wish with the Alliance thing they'd let us join guilds that are on the other side. I love my imperial guild despite not liking the imperial storylines and I spend the majority of my time there since my republic guild just...isn't as fun...If my pub characters could join my imp guild I'd be stoked.
  11. I'm sorry but either I have incredible luck or other people are just far more picky than I am. I've only gotten to rank 6 but through command crates, alliance crates, storyline rewards and doing 2 ops with my guild I've managed to get geared up completely in good 230 gear. There's no set bonus but I don't care about that since I don't do PVP or anything. I've only had to disintegrate a few items because I either didn't like the look of them or didn't need them. The rest of the gear I've gotten is either perfect for my alts or stuff I can use to make outfits anyway. Is it really that common to get greens? I haven't gotten any in command crates or alliance crates.
  12. You should be fine. My old 550 ti ran it at high easily enough. If you're on a super populated server you might have to turn the settings down a tad.
  13. 1. Don't listen to the forum idiots and form your own opinions. Unfortunately you really only see the bad here in the forums. The people who are enjoying the game are actually playing it instead of whining and announcing to the internet that they're quitting. 2. If you haven't finished the class stories yet you have plenty of content left to enjoy and being a sub is the best way to do so. Unfortunately preferred status is garbage and it's more of a slog than anything else. My suggestion, do with it what you will, is to sub until you've finished the class stories and at least one character's worth of expansions. After that you can decide if it's worth subbing again to play the expansions with other toons and do other content.
  14. I've gotten a full set of 230 gear just by doing heroics from the command window and I'm only rank 6. Just doing 2 ops last night with my guild + 3 heroics today + working on KOTET has gotten me geared up. I bother with a little of the grind because if I want to run something with my guild I don't want to be SEVERELY undergeared.
  15. Female body type 1, 2, and 4 are for sure bugged. All of my female characters are bugged and I have all the body types.
  16. I just finished the alliance alert to recruit Rusk and used the "Travel to Contact" button to return to Aygo. The quest marker is there but he's not! I've tried resetting phases, toggling PVP/PVE phases, re-logging, shutting down the client, and a repair install. Nothing worked, he's still just plain gone.
  17. That's actually why I like this system a bit though. Previously in order to get decent gear I would have had to do FPs, Ops, Etc constantly. These are things that I enjoy a little but not a lot. Primarily I'm a story gamer, not an Ops type. To do those ops, fps, etc you NEED the good gear that you can only get from doing them. Now I can get command pts and crates just by playing the content I like, as can others. I think the rewards need to be legacy-wide and increased, I think instead of RNG it needs to be at least guaranteed something but the way it's earned is nice for me.
  18. I thought so too, that's why I was so surprised that I go her, the walker, and early access. I subbed about a week after that 7 day period ended though so maybe that's it? I hadn't subbed for over 3 years (or played) before that.
  19. I think they need to add some texture to Lana's face either way. Koth got this great textured face and outfit and Lana (and everyone else) Looks like play doh in comparison. They also need to fix Lana and Vaylin's clipping. They gave them unique facial sculpts but left the default animations so their damn eyes and mouths clip oddly in cutscenes. It's ridiculous.
  20. I think every chair in game should be made interactable like that. It's just dumb to have to position myself perfectly and then use a sit command which might still look odd.
  21. Or gigantic pauldrons that wouldn't fit through a doorway and would put an eye out.
  22. I liked her. She felt like the kind of character as a sith that we seldom get (lana excluded) Finally a Sith character that isn't just some dumb kid's angsty idea of what evil looks like. I swear all the dark characters in the Star Wars lore are extremely 2 dimensional. They kind of overdo it on the whole "Red and black is evil, blue and white is good" thing and the whole "Every character in the imperial side is EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIILLLLLL AND WANTS TO KILL PUPPIES." thing.
  23. Yes please. Especially on a dead server like mine having solo content is wonderful. Plus I suck so I never want to bring a team down. I'd rather solo everything.
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