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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. Doesn't the canon share a cooldown with a regular snowball?
  2. Command crates, alliance crates annnd...I dunno where I got my other one actually.
  3. If your thread provides actual feedback it will stay in the general forum. (They really need a feedback forum though.) General discussion about the game itself can stay in this forum as well including talks about features and all that jazz. Just ranting raving and "the end is nigh" - ing will be moved as it offers no reasonable discussion or feedback. It's basically just 'Look at me!" fodder. Quitting posts are also moved because again, they aren't a discussion, no one cares. In general put discussion points in your topics, questions to the readers and all that jazz and you should be fine.
  4. You have to do the class story. Which is actually the point of the game so it's a good thing anyway.
  5. I don't think it was nerfed. Maybe you just have bad luck? If you're hitting the gift droids you have a higher chance of getting parcels. I almost never get them from players or NPCs but gift droids I get one every couple throws. I wasn't here last year but were they really dropping that well back then?
  6. Just a warning that you should probably delete the part about your 6 year old. Aside from the fact that this game has content inappropriate for a child that age it's also against the TOS for anyone under 13 to be playing. They can (and will) suspend your account and deactivate his if they read this (which they probably won't.).
  7. I was more annoyed by some of the cutscene animations. Some of them when characters are walking up stairs or something..yeesh. They weren't this bad in vanilla...maybe another throwback to KOTOR? <That part was a joke.
  8. I understand that, and they have a vendor now to buy what they need. I don't use greens, I will use blues occasionally but I prefer not to. In general I follow my guild boss' guide to gearing and have mapped them out on paper to make sure every piece is the right stats. It's not 242's or whatever the highest is but it's better than I ever would have been able to do before. I would like it to be made even more convenient for others but frankly I don't think it would be fair if they could just march up to a vendor and immediately grab the top tier stuff right when an xpac drops. There's no working for it that way at all.
  9. I was taking turns with a stranger today and did pretty well. I was pleased.
  10. At least the male has some personality. Female JK makes even the snarky/silly responses (that sound good with the male voice) sound like she's on freaking sleeping pills or something. She has NO personality whatsoever. I kinda felt like Kristen Stewart is voicing my character.
  11. You're right, let me amend my statement. Between the crates and crafting I'm fully geared. Only one set piece but I dont' give a crap about set bonuses. I am geared in 230's completely on three toons and that is more than sufficient for my needs. Previously I was running in all 190 gear because it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to get anything better when I don't do Ops more than once a week. Why? My guild runs them once a week. I'm on a dead server and most people who do ops would immediately kick someone geared in 190's. You need good gear to do ops to get good gear. How is that a fair system? Now at least I have a shot.
  12. ^This. I'm sorry but I find gearing easier than before. I want them to keep the command system and just add something for people who want it otherwise. They did that. They made gearing easier for people who want immediate rewards. I got gear maybe twice from ops and usually it was something I couldn't even use. Competing with 8 people (who I would rather the gear go to since they need it more than I do and are more active in endgame content) is a lot worse than being guaranteed something that I could use to buy gear. With CXP I can do the content I want to do and get shots at gear. I don't know if I'm just lucky or people are lying through their teeth because as of today I've gotten less than 20 crates but I've fully geared 3 toons with them and only ever gotten like 3 greens in that entire time. The new system isn't perfect. Greens need to be removed completely and there needs to be a guaranteed set piece every 10 crates or something. CXP should be legacy wide also. However with the vendors returning and the new changes it's more fair than ever. It seems to be like people just want to buy top tier gear immediately without bothering to work for it because they somehow think that grinding in an MMO is bad when really that's ALL most MMOs are.
  13. If they added another armour slot that was like "under armour" and was tattoos or something that would be cool It would have to be armour though, not a character customization due to how the game handles things like that. They also need to update the hair...good goshness some of the newer ones are ugly and poorly done. EA owns maxis too, why not let them share resources since ts4 uses non-alpha hair just like Swtor does. It'd be great to have some of those styles.
  14. Companion gifts, emotes, decorations, character unlocks, crafting mats, schematics?
  15. The event is completely free. I don't know where you're getting the idea that it costs money. There are optional festive cartel coin options in the market but the event itself is free. Go to the fleet, talk to the guy that looks like Santa by the GTN. Buy the snowballs for ONLY 1000 CREDITS no cartel coins, CREDITS. Literally less than you can get from selling trash from your inventory. Throw snowballs at other players to get parcels. Use the parcels to buy goodies. It's not that complicated. This year it is bugged in that you can only throw at other players. Previous years you were able to throw snowballs at NPCs for parcels also. On the capital worlds there are droids literally EVERYWHERE that say "life day gift droid". Again they're bugged but it's being fixed on Tuesday. You can throw snowballs at them to get parcels or special stronghold decor (that incidentally sells well in the GTN, especially around summer time according to my guild leader) I don't know where you got the idea that this is a paywall event. It's an in-game event. Nothing you can buy in the cartel market (this year) affects the event at all. Last year you could buy a cannon that had half the cooldown of the regular snowballs but this year there is no such item. So stop being such a scrooge and go participate. It's literally the simplest holiday event I've ever seen in an MMO and you can get free things from it. If you're not going to participate stop pretending it's complicated and trying to bring everyone else down.
  16. This is pretty much my exact experience. I do have a wonderful guild that I occasionally do ops with and stuff but we're on a dead server so it's not always possible. Cxp allows me to gear in ways I was never able to by doing the content I want.
  17. I like it. Previously I was unable to gear my character let alone alts. I don't do PVP, I don't do Operations more than once a week or so and all that jazz. The Ops were RNG in themselves but everyone has conveniently forgotten that. On the very rare occasions something dropped that I could actually use I still had to roll for it and I either chose greed because the other players were wanting it more or I lost the roll. I'm mostly a solo story player. If I wanted to do more ops with my guild I was SOL because I wasn't geared properly. You had to DO ops to get the gear to do ops. It was ridiculous. I've been lucky with the RNG and been able to gear three different characters in gear that's more than sufficient for my needs. It's also made crafting actually useful and relevant. My only complaint is that there's no way for others who are unhappy to get gear without relying on the RNG. I don't believe anyone should be able to gear in the highest stuff within a week. That's just entitlement plain and simple and it goes against the very nature of gaming to get the newest shiniest stuff immediately after a new expansion. Either a vendor who sells the gear behind a cxp rank gate, legacy wide cxp, or a guarantee of set gear (even though the set bonuses are stupid and pretty much useless) every new command rank or something needs to be available. All three together would be best.
  18. Any news on a fix? Please extend the event to make up for the days that 90% of the playerbase was unable to participate at all. Those of us on dead servers cannot even hope to get parcels since we seldom see another living player.
  19. This might be a stupid question but it's happened to me - Did you accidentally untick the box for the run ability? If it's not filled it then it's not working. Sometimes conversations or cutscenes cause it to untick on its own as well.
  20. Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying. I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck. Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so. Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic. OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that. Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP. Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz. Fix some dang glitches. Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon) Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.
  21. VOSSSSSSS Seriously. I love the architecture, designs, clothing...pretty much everything about Voss. If it weren't for the height difference I'd love to play as voss too. I'd snap up the Voss stronghold immediately.
  22. I love the non force user storylines for the class stories. I doubt I'll take any of them past SOR though. It just only makes sense as a force user.
  23. Oh stop being a scrooge and get into the holiday spirit. It's just a silly little event that lasts a month. After that it's a whole year before it comes back. Try enjoying it a little!
  24. Exactly, and this year you can't do that. I don't have a cannon nor do I have the 30 million creds required to purchase one on the GTN. If they'd re-release the cannon I'd just buy a few to give out or sell on the cheap for people but it looks like they're not releasing it this year.
  25. Probably for the same reason that most "dark vs. light" deals get more darkside fans. People think it's cool and edgy to be dark and evil.
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