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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. That's entirely server dependent. You can't even FIND those things on my server because it's near dead. The only way to buy them is to get them from the cartel market outright because no one is selling them for any amount on the gtn.
  2. I would love it but they have shown that they can be lazy most of the time. I really think it's up to whomever creates them. Even Cathar are basically just the exact same human faces with some shadowing (that doesn't always look right) to make it seem like they're more feline. It's sad because our cathar characters look nothing like the in-game npc cathar because they couldn't be bothered to do new facial stuff for them so NPCs got the unique face that looks like a cathar and players are stuck with humans with fur. I would hate for Nauts to suffer the same fate.
  3. Dear Santa, -Please have them keep the double XP event for as long as the GAME TIMER says it still has. -Please start working on same sex romances with vanilla companions. You don't even need new voicing, just take out the gender specific lines and viola. -Please Allow us to have a weapon outfit slot so we can use whatever weapon we want for stats and still have the looks of our cool cartel market weapons. -Please re-release old packs so that some of the older desirable items will become available again. -Please fix minor bugs and glitches that have gone unfixed. I understand the resources needed for larger ones but several small bugs would take very little work and perhaps endear you more to the player base that seems to hate you. -Please fix the horrible clipping with hair/armours. I mean c'mon...quality control please. -Allow cathar to use more hair options. Every race with a normal human head should have the same hair options.
  4. I was on a 7day during the Shae Visla thing and it looks like I'll be getting her. However I subbed less than a week after the 7 days ended so who knows.
  5. If they go by user-polls Nautolan would be next. However given that they can't recycle the same faces they have for everyone else I won't hold my breath. T_T
  6. I thought Cam Clarke voiced Revan. It's amazing that he wouldn't come back, that guy is like the biggest VO whore in the business, he'll literally work with anyone and voice anything (which is good because he's got a great range.) As for RLC (Rachael leigh cook) She's usually more of an actress than a VO except in recent years. She's alright but I never really liked her acting for Jaesa all that much. I think they could bring someone on who can do a decent enough version of it that they wouldn't even have to re-record the old lines. As long as they let us choose which comes back (or just get back whichever we had to begin with) I'm all for it. I don't like Dark Jaesa but I like light version. I'm a LS player though. most of my characters, even on imp side, go light side or greyish. I just want them to bring all the LI's back. It makes no sense that you'd have this epic space romance with someone and then they'd just vanish from your life.
  7. Well balls. Definitely spending time with all my under 65's today then. They're a little overleveled but I want them SUPER overleveled because I suck so badly at combat.
  8. Wait, the super xp boost is ending tomorrow? Dang...I was really enjoying that.
  9. The devs don't set the prices, users do. Dependent on the servers prices are all over the place. Hell on my server I'm lucky to find anything listed at all!
  10. Beware ye reasonable voice, here there be monsters. This is the forums where everyone thinks Bioware lies through their teeth and doesn't care about anything. Trying to be reasonable or suggest otherwise will get you a lot of hate.
  11. Yes please. The map is already really useful since you can move while using it and it goes transparent and all that jazz but waypoints would just make it so efficient!
  12. If you read the links for the new xpack you'll see that it states definitively that the celebration counts towards the achievement. ^_^
  13. http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/elegant-clothing/ http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/elegant-dress/ http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/genteel-dress/ The first one is exact, just need a dye module for the colour.
  14. You probably jacked up the price to unreasonable extremes. My server is mostly dead so the gtn doesn't see much traffic to begin with but when I sell things I don't sell for more than the pref credit cap. This makes the item obtainable for ANYONE who wants to give me their credits.
  15. We're on the Bastion which is a mostly dead server. I'm a story player so that doesn't bother me and if I want to do FPS or anything I can ask my guildies and they're just absolutely lovely. I've never tanked in any game before and I'd never done an OP and I ran one with them and the whole group was just fabulously kind about it. My guild boss has guides to every op online for you to read and he was great about letting me know what to do and keeping the group back before every stage so he could instruct me politely. We ended up getting through with no problems. Really it was far more pleasant that I'd ever expected something like that to be.
  16. I'm lucky enough to be in an amazing guild that allows me to learn on the job. They don't pressure me to do anything but if I want to try something (I'm a story player and I suck at combat. I DON'T do pvp and rarely do any sort of group/multiplayer thing) they're kind enough to walk me through it and work with me. Not everyone has that. I hate that people get so upset over a GAME. If someone on your team isn't good oh well, it's a game. Teach them to be better. I understand if it's a hard-mode flashpoint or a veteran something or whatever but in a normal situation there's no excuse for being mad at someone just because they can't do things as well as you might be able to. If the only way to get better is to practice and they're trying to do just that kicking them does nothing.
  17. You do realize my post was satire right? I don't want unskippable conversations because I know people would quit. While I don't skip conversations because I actually care about the story I know others do. I may think people who aren't into story are playing the wrong game but I'm not about to drive them away or take enjoyment from them. Whether I think you should be playing this game or not you deserve the right to enjoy it.
  18. I love my Party Jawa so much, he's so cute. However I'm not fond of the idea of re-releasing items that others earned exclusively. I've missed many exclusives (Nico, the droids, so many companions I didn't even know existed) but that's okay because I didn't earn them.
  19. Grab FRAPS. Screenshots with SWTOR are finicky at best. You can use Fraps and then if the quality is lacking put it into GIMP and do any kind of edits you might want to lighting and colour balance and stuff.
  20. OHHH yeah that's awesome. I would totally support something like that 100%. Then when they brought characters back they could reference the letters written.
  21. To add anything that doesn't fit the generic character creation standards would take a lot. Refitting all armours for one, redoing all cutscenes with the new body type, resetting textures for various situations and adjusting shadows and light points. To be considered for character creation a race must have the following: Able to fit into one of the pre-determined bodyshapes in customization. A humanoid or semi humanoid face so that they can re-use all of the basic faces and animations. Able to speak common (Yes, this is necessary. No one wants to listen to their character repeat the same 3 lines in generic "this is what an alien sounds like" speech for every cutscene. It's annoying enough with NPCs do it.) This might change a bit if they decide to go with popular vote and put Nautolans in next (please?) since they have such different faces from humans but it probably won't.
  22. I would love this if only for the sweet sweet tears of the raiders and pvp'ers who don't care about the story. (Seriously, if you don't care about the story why the heck are you playing a Bioware game? Go back to WoW or whatever pit of slash and hack you came from.)
  23. Not everyone wants to pay for that crap. Although they could get GIMP which is a free alternative that is comparable.
  24. I'd rather just have letters until they get the VA's back. One of the things that makes this so much better than most MMOS is the full voice acting and the good quality of it. If a game is silent from the beginning or with partial acting that's one thing but to suddenly do it would be jarring. A silent protagonist is one thing (although I prefer voiced) but to have our companions suddenly lose their voices? No thanks.
  25. I'll wear my same gear and improve it as I get new mods from drops.
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