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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. I would love that so much. I HATE that hoods make characters look bald and ruin the time I put into customization.
  2. I wish dyes weren't RNG tbh. I hate spending actual money on a dye pack to get something stupid like bubblegum pink and blue or something ugly. If I were allowed to pick I'd be much happier.
  3. So far I've found daily consoles on Nar Shadaa, Alderaan, and Tatooine. They might be on other planets as well. If not I hope they add them! It's very convenient!
  4. I don't think this would be right. I stopped subscribing for a very long time and missed a lot of content but that's okay. I didn't earn that content. For me or anyone who didn't earn it to have access would be a slap in the face to those who were here for it. To me it seems like it would be the same as BW granting every user the founder title I love so much from being one of the first players (I was a beta tester and I pre-ordered). It would suck if someone who just started playing tomorrow were given those things. If they re-release it into the cartel market it just furthers the idea (that they're honestly already pushing) that those who pay can get anything they want. It makes the game "Pay to enjoy" basically.
  5. I didn't know that. I'm 100% against game piracy so I buy all of my games legally. Since g2a and GOG are owned by the same people I didn't realize that they were such a bad deal for those who should be profiting. I buy a lot of my games on G2A and GOG because frankly I'm a parent and I can't afford to drop 60 bucks for my gaming hobby very often. From now on I'll just buy less and get them from steam/origin/gamestop/whatever instead. Although, how is G2A worse than buying a game used for a console if I may ask?
  6. I've always had great success with G2A so I'm not concerned about the safety of buying with them. Rather I don't want to break the game's terms of service. I know we're not allowed to buy credits of course but I'm not certain about game time or cartel coins. The guy at my local gamestop told me G2A was where he got all his game time but just because someone says that doesn't mean it's not against the rules.
  7. Hello! I'm a returning founder and I have several old characters that I no longer wish to play. Unfortunately these characters have cartel market items that are bound to them. This got me thinking. I understand why items are bound but especially for cartel market items it would be nice if we could pay credits to switch them to bound to legacy. I know I can unlock them in my collections but it would cost 5 dollars per armor set to do so. Considering I already paid for those sets that's a bit much. I don't want them to be unbound but rather I'd like a system to allow me to send these things to other characters in my legacy or put them in legacy storage. I feel this would be a very fair way to help users who have bound items that they simply cannot use whether they be from the cartel market or even from opening DvL packs (I have lots of those things that I can't use also and they cannot be sold in the GTN. This means I can either store them indefinitely or sell them to a vendor for a tenth of their worth even when I've never used them.)
  8. Okay, so G2a (if you haven't heard of it, it's awesome!) has a deal for 2400 cartel coins for 12 bucks. They also have a good deal on a 60 day game time code. I know that buying games on g2a is perfectly legal and all that but I've never done any sort of MMO stuff from there. So I'm wondering if it's legal/okay to get cartel coins and game time from there rather than from the official site.
  9. Check out Insane Force. It's the guild I'm in on imperial side. Great group of people, low pressure, tons of benefits.
  10. So many humblebrags in this thread. Yeah that's a lot. I have never topped 2m. Can't really play the market on a dead server and I don't really do pvp or anything. I always have enough for what I need though so I'm happy in my poverty.
  11. Title says it all. My imp characters are in a great guild (Insane Force. If you're imperial check them out!) and I love the perks and comraderie in having a guild. I know the Bastion is mostly dead and the republic side is even more so but I'm hoping there's a guild around anyway that could use me. I mostly solo but I'm always willing to help out with Flash points and heroics. I suck but my Sentinal should be at lvl 65 by the end of the week so there's that. I would prefer a guild with no harsh requirements because I have a very busy real life outside of gaming. I game to relax, not to feel like I'm doing a job. Anyway, if you want an extra warm body in your guild hit me up. Found a great one, thanks!
  12. My husband looks and sounds a lot like Bruce Campbell, yup! That's what made me attracted to him in the first place!
  13. It's kind of... I dunno..ironic maybe? To accuse Bioware of all companies of being so conservative. They broke ground as one of the first AAA games to have same sex romances. They have canon transgender characters and many canon LGBTQ+ characters. If you're going to accuse it's better to specify the SWTOR team than claim that of Bioware as a whole. They used to swear they'd make romances bisexual and that there "wasn't time" before launch but I see that never happened. If you're playing a female character you're pretty much stuck in MOST of the class storylines. For example? My Jedi Sentinal just hit level 55 and still hasn't even MET the female romance option Doc (who incidentally looks so much like my husband IRL that it's scary). In most games I heavily prefer to play a lesbian character but Swtor doesn't seem to have the option until one of the expansions. It just seems like the handling of companions in general has been pretty clumsy. Your idea, while much more resource intensive is definitely the best outcome that they could do. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.
  14. I agree with this 100%. My cathar is bald because the hairstyles all look bad on her tbh.
  15. More variety for everything would be nice. I'd cry if they did a real character creator. There are so many MMO's now that have a true character creator instead of just a "pick your face" variant. I mean look at BDO in which you can go so far as to change your character's finger lengths if that floats your goat.
  16. - Malavai Quinn: - Nadia Grell: - Ashara: - Tharan Cedrax: - Zenith: - Doc: - Lord Scourge: - Corso: Returned to his hometown and married two of his cousins after converting to space Mormonism. Currently has 19 children and is considering doing a reality television series. Deeply regrets all past ties to the smuggler and that unwholesome lifestyle. - Akaavi:
  17. This is exactly what happened to me. I was in the beta, I pre ordered before launch, I subbed for a year...and then I had a family and had more important things to pay for than a video game subscription. I let myself go to preferred status and after about a week of seeing the limitations imposed I quit. I only came back because someone bunged me a referral link and I wanted to see what was new. Now that I can afford to I'm considering re subscribing. I'm a solo player and I play for the story so my dead server (the bastion, 6 people on a planet at peak times) doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that other players who aren't solo players are being forced out. Without them this game will die and I don't want that. This includes making sure that only subs can use the multiplayer content. I love SWTOR because it's an RPG first and an MMO second but they need to step things up for everyone or this game is going to just poof. Everything I hate about PVP games and PVP players has been addressed. They aren't going to go gank weaker players anymore and prevent people from having fun. Now it's time to give them something to do instead so that they'll stay.
  18. C'mon dude, don't shoot the messenger. I'm sure he's not the one who makes these kinds of decisions. He's just the guy who has to post it for us. Treating the people who keep us informed badly just leads to them not informing us at all. Not to mention this is something easy to fix, a quick patch. Fixing game bugs takes a lot more time and effort. If you've ever been involved in game development you should know that. Everything is a domino effect and for a game as complex as Swtor it's even worse. So yeah, they fix the quick stuff that effects their bottom line because first and foremost they are a business. Secondly, if you're upset that the item is being taken away don't be. Most games would have banned you for taking advantage of a bug. It's called utilizing an exploit and it allowed you to steal an item you weren't entitled to. Taking the item back and refunding creds is the fairest way to deal with it. Honestly I would have just given users who intentionally exploited the bug a warning or ban.
  19. Honestly for me, as a solo player, the lack of people isn't a problem until it comes down to the market. With 8 players on a planet at peak times the market is full of so little supply that everything is super expensive.
  20. My recommendation personally is that if you want to play SWTOR just forget that there's any F2p at all and treat it as a game with only a sub model. F2p and Preferred status are both garbage and they're why I left for years. I was no longer able to subscribe but I thought preferred would be alright. It wasn't then and It's only gotten worse. It's not that the game wasn't good, it's still a great game (in my opinion) but when you can hardly play because you're so crippled there's really no point.
  21. I dunno, maybe I wasn't playing ESO right, I haven't touched it for a long time so maybe I should revisit it with fresh eyes. It's a shame to hear about the expansions in SWTOR, I'll have to play them for myself but I definitely believe you. When I can I'll give ESO another shot. So long as they don't make a Fallout MMO I'll be happy with Bethesda. I'm used to their "Release broken games and let the modders finish them" business model and I'm a modder so it doesn't bother me much. I like FO4 quite a lot and I see it as bethesda truly attempting to merge the freedom of earlier titles with the story and characters they've been missing. Not perfect by any means but enjoyable. As for KOA, I found the story to be much more forefront than skyrim though the combat and stuff was similar (to the point where I described it to my husband as "baby's first skyrim" because of the pretty colours and simplistic designs) I loved the different feel of the story though. Maybe it's my Salvatore fan talking but I appreciated KoA in a way that I hadn't appreciated a game in a while when I played it. I haven't played pillars of eternity but it's on my Steam wishlist for when I can. I've heard great things. Currently I'm playing Enderal (The total Skyrim conversion mod) and it's very good although the story is ripped almost directly from Mass Effect 3 however much they try to deny it. They at least made it their own in a unique setting with some more psychological aspects to the story. They took risks that a big gaming company that's counting on profit can't necessarily take and it paid off for them. If you haven't played it I can't recommend it enough. The previous installation was a large Oblivion mod and I've not played that one but I heard it's even better. Another one I didn't even think of was Divinity: Original Sin. That's one that can be played both ways either fully story focused or with the story completely in the background. It's a great game and again if you haven't played it I definitely recommend, especially since the sequel is currently in early access on Steam. While I know that Bioware can have their moments (and since they're owned by EA those moments come a lot more often) I still think they craft amazing stories. On the subject of the Witcher series...eh...I read the books but I hate the games. Again this is just my opinion but I see them as nerd power fantasy fodder. Let some loser feel like they're the most virile and powerful man in the world, make sure women are nothing but objects and throw in some unnecessarily explicit sex scenes. I hate those games...so so much. I played them and I tried to get into them but I just couldn't. In your opinion what could SWTOR do to improve upon the story at this point? Is there a way bring it back up to being the premiere MMO for those who prefer a story experience?
  22. Your opinion is very valid, though I don't share it. Variety is the spice of life after all. However I would have to disagree very strongly that Wow has any semblance of a deep story. Cliche'd and completely ripped off of every fantasy trope ever known? Sure. Flat characters with no interest or connectivity? Absolutely. Story and Blizzard go hand and hand about as well as peanut butter and fire ants. I've only been playing WoW for a couple of years now but my husband has played since the beta launch and played warcraft long before WoW was a thing. Even he agrees (as huge of a warcraft fan as he is) that the story is pretty much background. It's a raiding game first, an MMO second, and an RPG third...or maybe fourth after dating service with so many sillies hooking up there. While the newer iterations of SWTOR may not be your cup of tea (I can't really comment on that since I've not finished them yet. I just returned after a long hiatus.) I would definitely say that bioware could whip up a story in five minutes better than most game companies could in a year. As for the other series mentioned I've heard uncharted is good. Again I've not played it much because to me it plays like I'm controlling someone else's character, not my own. There's no freedom, no direction. My particular play style almost revolves around the ability to at the very least choose the gender of my character. I cannot connect to a male character the way I do to a female. This is not how everyone plays of course! I need some sort of freedom and games like Skyrim, Oblivion, Dark souls, dragon's dogma, etc. give me TOO much freedom to the point where the story feels like they tacked it on as an afterthought. ESO felt like that as well which is why I've not played in a hot second. Most MMOs feel that way to me and when I'm in the mood to slash without thinking that's what I go for. Even Black Desert with it's interesting take on the genre and super customization and all that only kept me interested for like a month. When I want something more meaningful I turn on my Bioware games or even KoA (I know, I know but it's actually quite a solid game with good writing by a fantasy great) Old school games from Baldur's gate all the way up to Inquisition. Now that I'm subbed again (at least for the next 3 days) Swtor also fills that need for me. This is all just my own personal opinion of course. No two gamers are the same and It's wonderful that you have games you enjoy as well! I however personally can't imagine any other company managing to release a narrative rich experience like that. As for Final Fantasy...I just hate the entire series. It is DEFINITELY a biased hate but I've also never seen any indication that they are capable of more than anime trope drivel and pretty graphics and annoying flat characters. I'll take the subpar graphics and emotional depth of classics like NWN any day.
  23. I'm worried that they won't pick Nautolan because they aren't "human" looking enough. I feel like they think players will only play with something that can serve as eye candy.
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