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Everything posted by Neshira

  1. That would be awesome but in the meantime here's a cool guide: http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/taking-screenshots/
  2. I love them as long as they aren't bound. I stock them in my legacy bank for new toons. However I'd rather they just drop as quest rewards or be for purchase so that people who don't like or need them aren't constantly getting them out of crates with no use. If you're on the Bastion I'm always willin' to buy them from you though!
  3. It seems like something he'd say with a sort of glower.
  4. Thank you! <3 I'm fond of her and her cute little bald head. Ah man, I didn't even THINK of using Decoration mode!! Thanks! Yeah, I figured that was kinda cute, like he's looking over at the camera like "What is this? Why are you making me do this? This doesn't feel necessary to the mission..."
  5. I could NOT get him to stand still, he is like in hate with my character or something because she'd come near and he'd be like "Nyooo!" and run away. T_T Anyway, here's the best I could do with the snazzy alliance flag for...reasons. http://imgur.com/a/1EMDZ
  6. The brown cloth is pretty much canon jedi garb though. Those who are into the films and all that recognize it.
  7. Yes please! It's sad that the Cathar NPCs (introduced before Cathar were playable) are so much more interesting looking than our own characters. Ours are just the same human faces with a fur texture shoved over them and pointy ears. I want to see real feline looking Cathar! I tried to make mine look as feline as possible and even kept her bald (since all the hairstyles look eugh on her) to try and emulate canon cathar...it's still sucky.
  8. Sure man, as long as they're an addition and not a replacement. I'm all for more character customization.
  9. I'd love this. I use my blademaster sabers or my heirloom sabers a lot but sometimes with mods they aren't as powerful as weapons I get from quests and all that jazz.
  10. DANG IT. I spent all my CC yesterday to unlock stuff. Oh wellz, no use crying over it.
  11. If you need help you should go to the proper forum. Include a DXDiag and the name of the server. Otherwise there's really nothing anyone can do.
  12. Probably because they were emotionally invested in those companions. Some people actually play this game as an RPG not just a grindfest and like their companions and story.
  13. Unlocks for everything. Character creation and collections.
  14. I plan on it. It's an interesting edition to the storyline for sure. I actually might try a DS jedi if he were to become available. Even if not I think they did a good job on his character. All the companions on Jedi Knight are interesting (well except Rusk but I haven't had him long enough to talk more than once or twice.)
  15. Usually it's 2-5 people per planet pub side and maybe 7-12 imp side. The GTN is dead which is to be expected. I wouldn't mind it more populated but I've seen my husband play on Harbinger, too much hullabaloo there for me.
  16. I JUST got him for the first time and he's really interesting. I'm all for this.
  17. The Bastion. I love my guilds, I love my toons, and I like that it's not hugely crowded. I don't have to deal with annoying idiots jumping around me or posting constant garbage in gen chat. No hundreds of blue names to distract me when I'm trying to play .
  18. Maybe for your but on the servers I frequent there are so few people that the prices of everything are sky high. I can't even find a green or blue chest piece that I want just for the looks that isn't more than 100k. Spending the entirety of your credits on one item shouldn't be a normal experience. If they raise the cap to a million it won't hurt anyone and it will help people enjoy the game more. You can still earn a million credits in one day easily enough, it's not like we're suddenly allowing the "peasants" free reign. I don't know why subs seem to think they're better than everyone else but they aren't. Those who are preferred or f2p deserve to enjoy this game every bit as much as we do. If BW doesn't feel the same then they just need to ditch those and become purely subscription based.
  19. Actually I play BDO frequently and I think their model is superiour. Some of the things you need in SWTOR that cannot be purchased for that amount of credits ISN'T cosmetic. Speeders, armour with decent stats, etc. The cap needs to be raised to accommodate in-game inflation. BDO's stuff is just cosmetic and you can earn their currency easily enough. I've never spent money there and yet I have been able to buy some armour sets that I enjoy and created a look I like.
  20. I would hate that. Too many other players around me to really enjoy the game. If they did instanced ones that shared an economy and allowed you to pick a less populated "version" maybe.
  21. This really is a super neat idea. <3
  22. That would be nice. More than that I'd like to see some quality of life improvements with landscapes. Too many oddly square rocks out there. And clothing. No more blurry clothing that is trying to look 3d but is clearly badly painted instead without even proper bumpmapping.
  23. Only if they get rid of or substantially raise the cap for non subs. It's already ridiculous that most items cost more than the cap, hell having a cap on credits is the second most ridiculous thing they've done to the preferred and f2p crowd (first being not allowing them to post here in the forums because that's just fudging cruel.) That cap needs to be raised or lifted altogether. I'm fine with subs and f2p earning less and all that jazz. I think there should be limitations but only enough to entice them to subscribe, not so much that they'd rather just stop playing. Especially preferred status who were subscribers. If they were subbing and they aren't any longer there's a reason for it. Most of the time the reason is that they cannot afford at the moment to continue paying. They clearly still enjoy the game and want to play it. Sure they should be limited but driving them away completely is just bad business. In that way the cap is extremely detrimental as it stands. 350k, that can be earned in 1 night's decent FP/conquest run with some guildies. Say you're on a dead or deadish server (The bastion is where I'm at and it's like a ghost town pub side) That 350k creds isn't even enough to buy one decent piece of armour in the gtn or a couple dye modules let alone anything useful that ISN'T just for looks. It should be raised to a million. If they do that then yes an account-wide or legacy wide wallet would rock.
  24. What so you can go bully lower level players? No thanks. If they did the third instance I wouldn't care. I still think it's a stupid idea and that level sync is good but at least that way you guys get your way without anyone else suffering. If they were to release it for cc or release it altogether? Screw that. Just an excuse for ******es to go gank weaker players because they don't have the stones to play against people their own level.
  25. And no more huge illogical "I can't fit through doorways" pauldrons for a while please?
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